Taxonomy package name: Displays the taxonomy package name (generated automatically). It includes the reporting entity name and reporting period end date selected in Default Settings.
Taxonomy package description: A brief description of the taxonomy package.
Taxonomy package version: Reporting period end date selected in the Default Settings.
Publisher: Displays the reporting entity name provided in the Default Settings tab.
Publisher URL: Displays the reporting entity URL provided in the Default Settings tab.
Publisher Country: The country, depending on the selected report language. Please use two uppercase letters, like DE, EN, FR.
Publication Date: Taxonomy creation date or the report publication date.
Use LEI code for file name: in some countries LEI should be used for the ESEF package name instead of a company name.
The "Advanced Properties" dialog opens the configuration of parameters in the external Json files. This dialog should be used only for support cases, where the user needs specific parameters for their document.