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The German form for the monthly VAT return or the annual VAT return [incl. appendix UR] is shown in the [VAT return Return dialogue], depending on the period the user selects. The VAT returns of individual companies are processed here. The VAT return structure of a VAT group is explained in the [VAT Group return] dialogue

Manual VAT return creation without tax code mapping

In the [Company] dialogue of the [Master data] main area it can be determined whether the company will import the data from the SAP reports or the data will be entered manually into the VAT return. If the manual input is selected, the tax base amounts and tax amounts can be entered directly into the VAT return form. If the manual creation is selected, the tax base amounts and VAT amounts can be entered in the VAT return manually. Click on [Save] to save the changes. If manual adjustments are required, the existing values in the form can be overwritten.


Manual VAT return creation with tax code mapping


The fields marked with a [plus sign] can be expanded. When expanded, the following columns appear:

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IdentifierThe identifier is a combination of the tax code, type of tax code and a consecutive number. If the consecutive number is [0], it means that the value is taken form the import file V00, as described in the comment box.
Company code [CC]Enter the company code the reporting value is assigned to. If the company has several company codes, the reporting values consist of the data of several company codes.
ValueThis is the amount of the tax base or the VAT amount, depending on whether the [Tax base field] or the [Amount of tax field] is considered. Negative amounts are marked by a preceding minus.
CommentsThe comment field contains information about the origin of the individual position that is the part of the reporting value. The comment for the automatic values is assigned by the system, e.g. if the first entry [consecutive number = “0”] is created by default with the text [Import Report V00].

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The reconciliationscan be carried out after the import. If the reconciliations are successful, the VAT return can be finalised.

Manual VAT return creation without tax code mapping

Since the entry of the VAT amounts into the form has been done manually, manual adjustments can be made simply by overwriting the already entered VAT amounts and confirming the entry with [Save].
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Manual VAT return creation with tax code mapping and Import

In order to make manual adjustments, first expand the position by clicking on the (plus sign)

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The edit mode is then activated, tax codes and tax code types can be selected now. The company code can only be selected freely if a company has several booking codes, otherwise a change is not possible. When entering the VAT amounts, please make sure to enter the increases in the value without signs and loss in value with a minus sign. The comment field, which must contain at least five characters, should be used to document the reason for the change. A detailed and accurate description (possibly also a reference to an internal company process number) is necessary so that the change can be traced by other users. Click on the [Create ] button, to save the manual changes.

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titleGood to know!

Some VAT fom rows can contain either the tax base or tax. This depends on the Settings made in the Master data for the automatic correction.


Basically, changes in the VAT@GTC are saved in a change history. Thus, it is not possible to delete the incorrect change, though you can create a counterpart. By clicking on the [Create offsetting entry Image Removedentry] button, a cancellation of the previously applied changes is made. By clicking [Create Image RemovedCreate] it can be confirmed and saved. If you apply manual changes, you can add a comment or an attachment [Create comment  Image Removedcomment]. The date, the time of the entry and the user who has made it are shown on mouseover on the Info symbol.


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The following message appears, after changes have been made. It is necessary to reload the dialogue to update the changes and see them in the VAT return. This can be done by clicking on the [VAT return] dialogue in the [VAT] main area.


Reason 1:  correct tax code but incorrect amount, tax base and tax are congruent.

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In accounting terms, this can occur due to a manual error entry in SAP. For example, an incoming invoice is invoiced in SAP, but with correct tax code. Thus, this booking is copied to reports [RFUMSV00] and [RFBILA00] and the error cannot be detected by the reconciliations. If this error is discovered within the context of random sampling, a manual adjustment must be made in the VAT return. Depending on your [Automatic correction] settings in the country dialogue, you can adjust just in base-field or tax-field. 

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Reason 2:  correct amount but incorrect tax code; tax base and tax are congruent.
In accounting terms, this can occur by selecting an incorrect tax code if a value was booked manually without a fixed account.  


To change the tax code a derecognition of the imported amount has to be made, since [Create offsetting entryImage Removed] is  is not available for imported values. It is important to select the same tax code in the dropdown list, as in the imported row (in this case T4), which is to be corrected. The amount with the opposite sign must be entered in the input field and then confirmed with [CreateImage Removed]

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If the entry has been made, it appears in the new row. Now the amount with the correct tax code can be entered again
