Versions Compared


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Returns the XBRL file and optional the Excel visualization file of a created or processed filing, based on the ProcessingID or Filing Version ID.


xbrlFileProcessingIdNo*GUIDThe GUID returned by the ProcessFiling method.
filingVersionNo*intThe filing version ID returned by the ProcessFiling method.
includeExcelVisualizationNobooleanIf not only the XBRL file should be returned, but also its Excel visualization, it must be set to true.


FilenamestringThe filename of the XBRL ZIP file.
ZippedFilebase64 bytesThe ZIP file containing the XBRL file.
ExcelVisualizationbase64 bytesThe XLSX Excel file.

Method ExcecuteQueriesAndGenerateXbrl

Runs a set of Queries defined in the Data Source Queries and generates the XBRL file accordingly.


entityXbrlIdentifierYesstringThe entities context identifier (e.g. LEI).
reportingDueDateYesDateTimeThe reporting date.
taxonomyEntryPointYesstringThe taxonomy entry point that must exist in the Taxonomy Management.
isoCurrencyCodeYesstringThe default monetary currency, e.g. EUR.
keepLastFilingVersionDataYesbooleanIf true, the last filing version will be updated instead of creating a new XBRL file.
queryVariablesYesDictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>>Two nested dictionaries, having all required query variables per query.

Sample request

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="http://amana.xbrl.service/version/1003" xmlns:arr="">
            <!--Queries to execute, Key = Query ID:-->
                  <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
                  <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


QueryImportProcessingIdGUIDThe ID of the job executing the queries.
XbrlFileProcessingIdGUIDA unique GUID identifying the XBRL processing job after successful query execution.