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zippedXbrlFileYesbase64 byte streamThe ZIP file containing one XBRL file with filename extension .xbrl, or an SEC Filing including the taxonomy extension files.
settings.CommentNostringA comment to the filing, will be displayed in the Filing Details.
settings.SenderIdYesstringThe XBRL context identifier used to map the XBRL file to an Entity.
settings FileNameYesstringThe original filename of the ZIP file.
settings UserIdNoYesstringThe technical user name.
settings.AdditionalSeetingsNoDictionary<string,string>An additional dictionary to pass configuration settings without changing the WSDL, see table below.
settings.ValidationOnlyYesbooleanIf true, the XBRL file will be validated, but no further processing will be performed.


The validation results are returned as a list of ValidationResult nodes. Those have the following properties:

IdstringThe ID of the validation rule from the XBRL taxonomy (if provided).
MessagestringThe error message, in case of XBRL Formula validation errors the message provided by the XBRL taxonomy.
SeverityenumThe severity (Error, Warning or Info) , in case of XBRL Formula validation errors the message provided by the XBRL taxonomy.
TypeenumThe validation result type (Other , Xbrl, Formula, FilingRules, FilingMapping, KeyPerformanceIndicators)
ErrorTypeenumA built-in error type for errors not related to the XBRL validation itself, rather to the mapping of the XBRL report in the system. Those built-in errors are:
None, ProcessingFailed, TemplateMatchFailed, DuplicateFiling, InvalidSubmission, Other, FilingRule, XbrlMessage, KpiValidationFailed.
ErrorSubTypeenumA built-in sub error type for errors not related to the XBRL validation itself, rather to the mapping of the XBRL report in the system. Those built-in sub-errors are: None, CouldNotLoadDocument, ProcessingError, MaximaumErrorCountExceeded, PostprocessingFailed, NoFilingsFound, ReportingRequirementDeactivated, TaxonomyNotFound, EntityNotFound, DueDateNotFound, DueDateDoesNotMatchRequirement, XbrlIdentifierMismatch, RequirementIdMismatch, DuplicateFiling, FilingContainsMultiplePeriods, FilingContainsMultipleXbrlIdentifiers, FilingContaintsMultipleTaxonomyEntryPoints, TaxonomyValidityInvalid, XmlFileNotSchemaValid, FilingContainsMultipleXmlFiles, NoPermission, KpiValidationThresholdExceeded, KpiValidationFailed

Code Block
titleSample ESEF Validation Result
	<a:Message>According to the Regulatory Technical Standards on European Single Electronic Format, the element "Address of entity's registered office" is part of the mandatory list of tags that must be applied if corresponding information is present in a report. Please make sure that you applied this tag in your report.</a:Message>
