The Taxonomy Caching Processor provides faster access to taxonomies that are referenced by a remote Uri by keeping them cached in the memory after they are opened for the first time. It is highly recommended to use this feature for servers or in constantly running applications. By default, cached taxonomies removed from the memory after 2 days or when the memory usage of the system reaches 95%. The TaxonomyCachingProcessor provides a ReadXbrltaxonomy function just like the XbrlProcessor. The following example shows how to open a taxonomy with the TaxonomyCachingProcessor. When the same taxonomy is read at a later point, it will be loaded directly from the cache in the memory.
Loading of XBRL
Taxonomies and Reports
The Processor class is responsible for loading XBRL documents, like XBRL taxonomies or XBRL instance files. The default constructor will try to read the XBRL settings file from the default settings location “%APPDATA%/Roaming/AMANAconsulting/SmartXBRLSettings.xml”: