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Comment: added Anchoring section


Type & NameDescription
ILInkbaseLink linkThe link to which an arc should be added.
Element fromElementThe arc's from element.
Element toElementThe arc's to element.
string arcRole

The type of relationship between the from and to element.

The value is an URI of an arcrole defined in the taxonomy. Use the constants defined in the class AMANA.XBRL.Engine.XbrlArcRoleConstants to use common arc roles defined by XBRL specifications.

decimal? order = null

The arc's order attribute which defines the order in which to elements with the same from element should be displayed/evaluated.

If there are multiple arcs with the same from element in a link, the children of the different arcs are ordered by the order. If the arc has no order, the default value 1 is assumed.

decimal weight = 1

The weight attribute must appear on calculation arcs. Calculation arcs defines which to elements sums up to a certain from element. The weight attribute defines a multiplicator which must be applied before adding it's value to the total sum (usually 1 or -1).

The XBRL specification defines constraints on valid values for the weight attribute based on the balance attribute of the from and the to element:

  • If the balance attribute of both elements is the same, the weight must not be negative.
  • If the balance attribute of both elements differ, the weight must not be positive.

If the arc is not a calculation arc, this parameter will be ignored.

bool closed = false

The closed attribute only appears on definition arcs. It can appear on arcs with the all arc role and arcs with the not all arc role for defining hypercubes:

  • If set to true, a fact's context must not contain any other dimensions beside the dimensions which are part of the hypercube to report a value for this hypercube.
  • If set to false, a fact's context can contain also other dimensions beide the dimensions which are part of the hypercube.

If the arc is not a definition arc, the value will be ignored.

string contextElement = null

The context element attribute only appears on definition arcs. It appears on arcs with the all arc role and arcs with the not all arc role for defining hypercubes. It defines which container of the context dimension information should be stored for reporting a value for this hypercube. The only valid values are "segment" and "scenario". For definition arcs which have neither all nor not all arc role, nothing should be passed.

If the arc is not a definition arc at all, the value will be ignored.

string preferredLabelRole = nullDefines the URI of the element's label which should be used when displaying the item in the relationship defined by the arc. The class AMANA.XBRL.Engine.XbrlBaseConstants defines URIs of common label roles.


For ESEF it is necessary to create anchors for extension elements. Anchors are references to elements defined in the ESEF taxonomy. There are two types of anchors: widers and narrowers. Wider anchors are used to link the extension element to an taxonomy element having the closest wider accouting meaning/scope. Narrower anchors are used to link extension elements to taxonomy elements having narrower accounting meaning/scope.

In the taxonomy extension those anchors are represented by arcs with a special arcrole. Those arcs can be added using the metod AddAnchoredDefinitionArc defined in the TaxonomyExtensionBuilder class. This method takes the following arguments:

Type & NameDescription
DefinitionLink linkThe link in which the anchor (arc) will be added.
Element anchorFrom

The arc's from element:

  • For wider anchors, this is the element already existing in the taxonomy.
  • For narrower anchors, this is the extension element.
Element anchorTo

The arc's to element:

  • For wider anchors, this is the extension element.
  • For narrower anchors, this is the element already existing in the taxonomy.
decimal orderThe arc's order attribute. If there are multiple arcs with the same from element, the order attribute defines the order in which the to elements should be displayed when using XBRL software.
string widerNarrowerCustomRoleUri = nullThe arc's arc role URI. If no value is provided, the value "" will be used as arc role URI, which is the arc role URI which should be used for anchoring arcs according to the ESEF reporting requirements.

Using TableModels to generate Tables from the Table Linkbase
