To create a new query, click on the button "Create new query". Then enter the required information in the "Data" tab: - Select the reporting requirement
- Name of the query
- Personal query: if checked, the query is only visible to the current user
- Currency in which the query is to be executed.
- Select entities
- Select due dates
Then click on the "Queries" tab to capture the data points for the query. The data points can be entered manually or imported from an Excel file.
It is possible to use a template for the import, in which the data points can be entered. The Excel file can then be uploaded again using the "Select file" button.
To enter the data points manually or individually using the formula wizard, click on the "Add cell" button next to the cell editor. In the new window, you can select the taxonomy, table, column, row and Z-axis in a similar way to the formula entry for key performance indicators. If you want to add all cells, click on "Add whole table". Otherwise, select one or more cells and click on "Add Selection". After clicking on one of the buttons, the selected cell appears in the preview field below the drop-down lists. This allows you to add any number of cells to the preview. Click the "Save" button to save the selected cells in the cell field.