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title | Version 1.0.15 - 19.03.2021 |
| Bugfixes: - Solved issue, that some reports can't be open because of a plus + sign in the filename.
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title | Version 1.0.14 - 15.03.2021 |
| Bugfixes: - Fixed issue, that some reports can't be opened because of error in linkbase document validation.
- Fixed issue that Table Views can't be parsed if different taxonomies are linked in XBRL instance documents.
- Fixed issue that report packages with taxonomy entry point URLs with capital letters did not open correctly.
- Fixed issue that report packages with more then one dot in the filename did not open properly.
- Fixed issue that report validation in special cases did not end during detection of hidden facts (never ending loading).
- Changed severity of ESMA Guidiance 2.5.1 from Error to Warning.
- Fixed issue with EMA Guidiance 3.4.4 validation returning false-positive in some special cases.
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title | Version 1.0.13 - 03.03.2021 |
| Improvements: - Added option to disable CDN iXBRL viewer download for offline environments.
Bugfixes: - Fixed issue that in some cases XML errors in linkbase documents have not been detected.
- Fixed issue that in some special cases Inline XBRL continuation errors are not detected.
- Changed ESEF Guidance 2.2.3 severity to Warning instead of Error.
- Fixed issue with ESMA RTS Annex II 1 & RTS_Annex IV 7 validation, that in some special cases not all root elements are detected.
- Fixed issues that calculation errors are not properly detected in special cases.
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title | Version 1.0.12 - 16.02.2021 |
| Bugfixes: - Fixed issue where SH256 hash was not correctly calculated
- Fixed issue where the labels in the excel report were in the wrong language
- Fixed issue where not all anchors where found
- Fixed issue where the anchor type where not set correctly in the UI
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title | Version 1.0.11 - 02.02.2021 |
| Bugfixes: - Fixed issue that comparison taxonomy ALL entry point is not loaded by default.
- Fixed issue that ZIP report packages can't be opened with special characters like whitespaces in the filename.
- Fixed issue with facts that have INF decimals in decimal check.
- Fixed issue that some data type objects are falsely reported as XML schema errors.
- Fixed issue that non-Report Package reports can't be opened any longer.
- Fixed issue that reports with endless cycles in the linkbases causing the application to crash.
- Fixed issue that XHTML Validator can't be used when the license is limited to the Auditor.
- Changed severity of XHTML validation errors for iXBRL XML tags to "warning", when using the XHTML validator from the Tools menu.
- Fixed scale check list item for non-monetary facts.
- Fixed issue in ESEF Reporting Manual 3.4.6 rule is not validating correctly in some cases.
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title | Version 1.0.10 - 20.01.2021 |
| Improvements: - Implementation of new ESMA Conformance Suite from December 2020, removed some rules.
- Added new XHTML 1.1 validator for non-XBRL reports (Tools menu).
- Added support and validation check for new Report Packages 1.0 PWD specification.
- Added option to add facts to the checklist from the Table View.
- Better detection of the new ESEF taxonomy 2020.
- Added option to switch between rounded and exact values in Presentation linkbase (similar to Table View).
- Improved check of Decimals, now it is detecting differences between rounded and exact values, which usually means that wrong decimal attribute has been set.
- Improved the Excel report, added new columns "Unit" and "Decimals" to the Presentation, added calculations as Excel formulas including Delta column.
- Improved Table View of the Statement of Changes in equity by moving the "Restrospective Axis" to the rows instead of columns.
Bugfixes: - Fixed issue that comments are overwritten.
- Fixed issue that values of the first line item in the calculation linkbase were missing in the Excel report.
- Fixed issue that some reports could not be loaded due to special XHTML content.
- Fixed issue that ESEF Guidiance 3.1.1 did sometimes not detect the linkbases.
- Fixed issue that number of non-audited facts was not calculated properly for dimensional tables.
- Fixed the new link to GLEIF.org search.
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title | Version 1.0.9 - 04.12.2020 |
| Improvements: - Implemented menu to load any taxonomy.
Bugfixes: - Fixed missing anchors in XHTML view.
- Fixed issue that context menu has been duplicated in Table View.
- Changed order of period columns in the Presentation.
- Fixed issue of missing check list item comments in the Excel report.
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title | Version 1.0.8 - 29.11.2020 |
| Improvements: - Added possibility to load reports with filename extension HTML instead of XHTML.
Bugfixes: - Fixed issue that some reports could not be loaded.