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GloBE Income Indicators collects all necessary information to accurately calculate the GloBE Income of CEs and jurisdictions.

An example:


The bars disappear or reappear if you also click on GloBE Income or on GloBE Income or Excess Profits.

Adjusted Covered Taxes Indicators

A graph has been created to visualize different jurisdictions and sub-groups within the MNE (multinational enterprise) group. The graph shows key indicators related to the adjusted covered taxes, including the adjusted covered taxes themselves, the covered taxes recorded in OCI (Other Comprehensive Income), deferred taxes and other effects. The 'other effects' category includes deferred tax expense arising from either a GloBE loss carry forward or an excess negative tax expense amount. Users can interact with the graph by toggling the visibility of each indicator through the legend, allowing for more detailed analysis of the data.

An example:


The bars disappear or reappear if you also click on Current Taxes, Covered Taxes recorded in OCI or Deferred Tax or other Effects or Adjusted Covered Taxes.

ETR Indicators

In this case, a graph has been created to visualise different jurisdictions and sub-groups within the MNE (multinational enterprise) group. The graph shows key indicators related to the effective tax rate (ETR) and the top-up tax percentage. Users can interact with the graph by toggling the visibility of each indicator through the legend, facilitating a more comprehensive analysis of the data.

An example:


The bars disappear or reappear if you also click on ETR or Top-Up Tax Percentage.