Versions Compared


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Please note that in this case both the file "repository_mssql.xml", "repository_mysql.xml" or "repository_oracle.xml" and the file "repository.xml" must be adapted in each deployment. Read the section "Update Deployment" for details.

1.11) Registering the module on the portal (optional)

The following configuration must only be carried out if ...

  1. you operate the application in the GTC Suite (in the table TSYSTEM the entry "USE_SSO" is set to the value "12") and
  2. you have been using a version older than 22.16.04.

Up to now, the parameters for registration were maintained in the database in the table TPORTALCONNECTION. From now on, the registration of the module at the portal is carried out directly with Tomcat start parameters.

The following parameters are necessary in any case:

-Dincometaxes.url.base=<URL des Moduls>

-Dincometaxes.url.portal=<URL des Portals>

Optional to specify a different API address:

-Dincometaxes.url.api=<URL der API des Moduls>

Optional for static registration required (if the module and portal are installed on a Tomcat):

-Dincometaxes.clientId=<Zeichenfolge aus dem Portal - ClientId>

-Dincometaxes.clientSecret=<Zeichenfolge aus dem Portal - ClientSecret>


The URLs must always be specified with port, even if it is a standard port (e.g. 80 or 443).

2) Update deployment

titleAutomatic update

It is also possible to receive a Powershell script from AMANA to automatically update the Income Taxes module. The executing user must have administration authorisation.
