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  1. Select Administration Modules from the main navigation and click Create
  2. Select Module name Tax Balance
  3. Set Root URL to <your-taxbalance-url>
  4. Set Login URL to <your-taxbalance-url>
  5. Set Api URL to <your-taxbalance-url>/api
  6. Select Id token JWS algorithm RS265
  7. Click Save and remember the Client ID and Secret for later configuration steps

Tax Balance configuration


  1. Set "Authentication" > "OAuth" > "AuthorizationEndpoint" to <your-portal-url>/login
  2. Set "Authentication" > "OAuth" > "ClientId" to the Client ID from the previous registration process
  3. Set "Authentication" > "OAuth" > "ClientSecret" to the Secret from the previous registration process
  4. Set "Authentication" > "OAuth" > "TokenEndpoint" to <your-portal-url>/portal/api/auth/token
  5. Set "Authentication" > "JwtBearer" > "Authority" to <your-portal-url>
  6. Set "Authentication" > "JwtBearer" > "ClaimsIssuer" to <your-portal-url>
  7. Set "ConnectionsStrings" > "SmartTaxBalanceDatabase" to a valid connection string
    e.g. Server=<your-database-server>;Database=taxbalance;Trusted_Connection=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Encrypt=True
    , TrustServerCertificate and Encrypt must meet the requirements of the SQL Server. Be aware that setting Trusted_Connection  to True will enforce Integrated Security to True. Therefore, it is not possible to use User Id and Password in this case. See SQL Server Database for more details.
  8. Set "CORS" > "Origins" to ["<your-portal-url>", "<your-taxbalance-url>"] 
  9. Set "GlobalTaxCenterSuite" > ""

Edit the wwwroot\assets\config\config.json file in the physical directory of the Tax Balance Server application:
