Image Added Expected behavior: The error message should be more verbose and draw attention to the fact that an .xml file should be used. | #117252 |
Report: Document history does not show the different data sources Error description: The report "History" concerning the information "... via ..." on the spreadsheet Document History is not correct. The same (the first) data source is always displayed, although others were used. Expected behavior: The report should show all data sources.
| #89839 |
Structure management: Newly added chapter is not selected Error description: If a new chapter is created and the structure administration is called up, a dialogue appears. The dialogue asks whether the new chapter should be included in the structure. This question can be answered with "Yes" or "No". However, if "Yes" is selected and then saved, the message appears that no changes have been made. After closing the dialogue, it is obvious that the chapter has not been included. If the structure administration is called up again, the question about the newly added chapter appears again. Only by manually selecting the chapter is it saved in the structure. Expected behavior: Saving should be done directly by confirming the dialogue.
| #117746 |
Word/table templates: If a Word tag is placed over a paragraph including a table, the template is broken Error description: Text tag placed over body text and table -> warning message appears and the table is broken in terms of layout, although the template fits. Expected behavior: The tag goes around the table and the layout remains.
| #116944 |
Word: Text values - preset unit in second language always % Error description: Although the table has been checked in € million (€ / € thousand / € billion)), the default setting when opening the "Insert floating text number" dialogue in the second language is always %. The error seems to be in the prefixes - if no prefix is assigned in the floating text number settings, it works. Expected behavior: Since Excel is checked in million, million should also be displayed here as the default selection (it works in the default language).
| #116844 |
XBRL: If a sum is used twice in a table, all summands are included in each sum Error description: The same total is used twice in a table (e.g. "Profit after tax (net profit)") and this is made up of different items in each case, e.g. items 1-3 and items 4-5. Everything is fine in the mapping. However, when generating an XHTML file, the totals are thrown together so that now both totals add up positions 1-5. Expected behavior: The sums remain the same.
| #112934 |
XBRL: if parentheticals in the table are tagged with dimensions, SmartNotes incorrectly shows Dimensionally Invalid message Error description: Each cell has the message "Dimensionally invalid". When you open the report in the XBRL tagger, there is no such message. This is because in SN the parentheticals are still tagged, which may have different dimensions. Since all tags within a table are validated, Tagger in SN throws the message "Invalid dimensions". In the standalone tagger, the parentheticals are under text tagging (not in the table), so this message does not appear at all. Expected behavior: SN should behave like the tagger.
| #116479 |