Required Transfer Client version: Required Portal version: Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-8411 | - | - | Situation: If the IncomeTaxes is deployed in the root directory of the application server, the session cookie has been created multiple times. This can lead to inconsistent behaviour of the system, e.g. the user is suddenly logged out. The behaviour can occur from version 24.4.1. Solution: It has been ensured that only one session cookie is ever created, regardless of the deployment path. | - | GTC-8341 | Master Data | Companies 8203 | Period transfer | Toolbox | Situation: Toolbox data, including the toolbox definition (structure of the toolbox dialogue), is regarded in full as transaction data. If a period export is only carried out with master data, no toolbox definitions are exported. As a result, no changes are made to the toolbox definitions during the period import. Solution: The structure of the toolbox belongs to the master data and is always included in the export. It is therefore always transferred to the target period. For all companies included in the export, the toolbox data is taken from the export file (definition and content). If the ‘Apply toolbox’ checkbox is activated, the toolbox values of all companies that are not included in the export are reset to NIL and the structure of the toolbox is saved for the companies. | - | GTC-6522 | Company | TRR | Situation: When a deferred tax expense (entered as a positive value) is added in the Others dialogue, specifically under "Unrecognised deferred tax asset (without loss carry forward) P&L," it results in a negative amount in the TRR line "Value adjustments / corrections of value adjustments" (pos09a_a). The proposed value for the field in the Others dialogue also has a false sign. Solution: When the amount is transferred into the TRR dialogue the sign of the value has not been reversed. The sign of the proposed value for the field in the Others dialogue is reversed. | - | GTC-8205 | Planning | Transaction data copy | Situation: Execution of "Copy transaction data" in the status dialogue of single companies does not work for planning periods. AC Solution: "Copy transaction data" in the status dialogue can be executed for planning periods as well. | - | GTC-8400 | Roles | Changelog | Situation: When roles and role assignments are changed in the portal, the change log in the Income Taxes module shows a technical ID as the person who made the change. Solution: The change log now displays the name of the user logged into the portal who made the changethe field in the Others dialogue is reversed. | 1301097 | GTC-8328 | - | - | Situation: Currently, Income Taxes does not offer the dialogues in French language. Solution: Income Taxes supports the French language in the display in the standalone version as well as in the portal environment (from portal version 24.3.1). | - |