| current period | previous period | change |
Deferred taxes from balance sheet comparison - IFRS - HGB | A, short term | SUM_curr.per_ifrs.hgb_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_ifrs.hgb_dta.short | SUM_change_ifrs.hgb_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_ifrs.hgb_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_ifrs.hgb_dta.long | SUM_change_ifrs.hgb_dta.long |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_ifrs.hgb_dtl.short | SUM_prior.per_ifrs.hgb_dtl.short | SUM_change_ifrs.hgb_dtl.short |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_ifrs.hgb_dtl.long | SUM_prior.per_ifrs.hgb_dtl.long | SUM_change_ifrs.hgb_dtl.long |
| P&L | SUM_curr.per_ifrs.hgb_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_ifrs.hgb_prof.loss | SUM_change_ifrs.hgb_prof.loss |
| OCI | SUM_curr.per_ifrs.hgb_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_ifrs.hgb_comp.inc | SUM_change_ifrs.hgb_comp.inc |
Deferred taxes from balance sheet comparison - HGB - StB | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_hgb.stb_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_hgb.stb_dta.short | SUM_change_hgb.stb_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_hgb.stb_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_hgb.stb_dta.long | SUM_change_hgb.stb_dta.long |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_hgb.stb_dtl.short | SUM_prior.per_hgb.stb_dtl.short | SUM_change_hgb.stb_dtl.short |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_hgb.stb_dtl.long | SUM_prior.per_hgb.stb_dtl.long | SUM_change_hgb.stb_dtl.long |
| P&L | SUM_curr.per_hgb.stb_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_hgb.stb_prof.loss | SUM_change_hgb.stb_prof.loss |
| OCI | SUM_curr.per_hgb.stb_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_hgb.stb_comp.inc | SUM_change_hgb.stb_comp.inc |
Deferred taxes from balance sheet comparison - Supplementary balance sheet | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_ergbilanz_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_ergbilanz_dta.short | SUM_change_ergbilanz_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_ergbilanz_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_ergbilanz_dta.long | SUM_change_ergbilanz_dta.long |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_ergbilanz_dtl.short | SUM_prior.per_ergbilanz_dtl.short | SUM_change_ergbilanz_dtl.short |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_ergbilanz_dtl.long | SUM_prior.per_ergbilanz_dtl.long | SUM_change_ergbilanz_dtl.long |
| P&L | SUM_curr.per_ergbilanz_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_ergbilanz_prof.loss | SUM_change_ergbilanz_prof.loss |
| OCI | SUM_curr.per_ergbilanz_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_ergbilanz_comp.inc | SUM_change_ergbilanz_comp.inc |
Deferred taxes from balance sheet comparison - Additional Tax | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_additional_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_additional_dta.short | SUM_change_additional_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_additional_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_additional_dta.long | SUM_change_additional_dta.long |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_additional_dtl.short | SUM_prior.per_additional_dtl.short | SUM_change_additional_dtl.short |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_additional_dtl.long | SUM_prior.per_additional_dtl.long | SUM_change_additional_dtl.long |
| P&L | SUM_curr.per_additional_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_additional_prof.loss | SUM_change_additional_prof.loss |
| OCI | SUM_curr.per_additional_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_additional_comp.inc | SUM_change_additional_comp.inc |
Deferred taxes from balance sheet comparison - Other deferred taxes | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_others_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_others_dta.short | SUM_change_others_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_others_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_others_dta.long | SUM_change_others_dta.long |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_others_dtl.short | SUM_prior.per_others_dtl.short | SUM_change_others_dtl.short |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_others_dtl.long | SUM_prior.per_others_dtl.long | SUM_change_others_dtl.long |
| P&L | SUM_curr.per_others_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_others_prof.loss | SUM_change_others_prof.loss |
| OCI | SUM_curr.per_others_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_others_comp.inc | SUM_change_others_comp.inc |
Value adjustments on active deferred taxes (from data collection) | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_va_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_va_dta.short | SUM_change_va_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_va_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_va_dta.long | SUM_change_va_dta.long |
Sum of deferred taxes from temporary differences | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dta.short | SUM_change_subtotal_temp.diff_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dta.long | SUM_change_subtotal_temp.diff_dta.long |
| ALS, gesamt | SUM_curr.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dta | SUM_prior.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dta | SUM_change_subtotal_temp.diff_dta |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl.short | SUM_prior.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl.short | SUM_change_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl.short |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl.long | SUM_prior.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl.long | SUM_change_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl.long |
| PLS, gesamt | SUM_curr.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl | SUM_prior.per_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl | SUM_change_subtotal_temp.diff_dtl |
| P&L | SUM_curr.per_subtotal_temp.diff_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_subtotal_temp.diff_prof.loss | SUM_change_subtotal_temp.diff_prof.loss |
| OCI | SUM_curr.per_subtotal_temp.diff_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_subtotal_temp.diff_comp.inc | SUM_change_subtotal_temp.diff_comp.inc |
Active deferred taxes on losses carried forward corporate income tax | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.corp.tax_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.corp.tax_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.corp.tax_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.corp.tax_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.corp.tax_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.corp.tax_dta.long |
Active deferred taxes on losses carried forward trade tax | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.local.tax_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.local.tax_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.local.tax_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.local.tax_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.local.tax_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.local.tax_dta.long |
Active deferred taxes on losses carried forward Zinsschranke | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.zins_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.zins_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.zins_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.zins_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.zins_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.zins_dta.long |
Active deferred taxes on losses carried forward capital gains | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.cap.gains_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.cap.gains_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.cap.gains_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.cap.gains_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.cap.gains_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.cap.gains_dta.long |
Active deferred taxes on losses carried forward tax credits | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.tax.cred_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.tax.cred_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.tax.cred_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.tax.cred_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.tax.cred_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.tax.cred_dta.long |
Active deferred taxes on losses carried forward §15a EStG | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.other.lcf1_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.other.lcf1_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.other.lcf1_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.other.lcf1_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.other.lcf1_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.other.lcf1_dta.long |
Active deferred taxes on losses carried forward other tax advantages | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.other.lcf2_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.other.lcf2_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.other.lcf2_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.other.lcf2_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.other.lcf2_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.other.lcf2_dta.long |
Write-downs on active deferred taxes (from StVV) | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.va.lcf_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.va.lcf_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.va.lcf_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.va.lcf_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.va.lcf_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.va.lcf_dta.long |
Sum of active deferred taxes on losses carried forward | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.sum_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_lcf.sum_dta.short | SUM_change_lcf.sum_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_lcf.sum_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_lcf.sum_dta.long | SUM_change_lcf.sum_dta.long |
Other deferred taxes | ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_other_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_other_dta.short | SUM_change_other_dta.short |
| ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_other_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_other_dta.long | SUM_change_other_dta.long |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_other_dtl.short | SUM_prior.per_other_dtl.short | SUM_change_other_dtl.short |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_other_dtl.long | SUM_prior.per_other_dtl.long | SUM_change_other_dtl.long |
| thereof P&L | SUM_curr.per_other_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_other_prof.loss | SUM_change_other_prof.loss |
| thereof OCI | SUM_curr.per_other_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_other_comp.inc | SUM_change_other_comp.inc |
Write-downs on other deferred taxes | Write-down short term | SUM_curr.per_temp.diff_wb.short | SUM_prior.per_temp.diff_wb.short | SUM_change_temp.diff_wb.short |
| Write-down long term | SUM_curr.per_temp.diff_wb.long | SUM_prior.per_temp.diff_wb.long | SUM_change_temp.diff_wb.long |
| Write-down | SUM_curr.per_temp.diff_wb | SUM_prior.per_temp.diff_wb | SUM_change_temp.diff_wb |
| Write-down thereof P&L | SUM_curr.per_temp.diff_wb_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_temp.diff_wb_prof.loss | SUM_change_temp.diff_wb_prof.loss |
| Wertberichtigung Adjustments thereof OCI | SUM_curr.per_temp.diff_wb_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_temp.diff_wb_comp.inc | SUM_change_temp.diff_wb_comp.inc |
Sub total | ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_total_dta.short | SUM_prior.per_total_dta.short | SUM_change_total_dta.short |
| ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_total_dta.long | SUM_prior.per_total_dta.long | SUM_change_total_dta.long |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_total_dtl.short | SUM_prior.per_total_dtl.short | SUM_change_total_dtl.short |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_total_dtl.long | SUM_prior.per_total_dtl.long | SUM_change_total_dtl.long |
Total | ALS, long term | SUM_curr.per_dta.long |
| ALS, short term | SUM_curr.per_dta.short |
| PLS, short term | SUM_curr.per_dtl.long |
| PLS, long term | SUM_curr.per_dtl.short |
| thereof P&L | SUM_curr.per_prof.loss | SUM_prior.per_prof.loss | SUM_change_prof.loss |
| thereof OCI | SUM_curr.per_comp.inc | SUM_prior.per_comp.inc | SUM_change_comp.inc |
The different headings do not refer to the following topics. |
Additions and decreases | Active deferred taxes short term | SUM_curr.per_addDis_dta.short |
| Active deferred taxes long term | SUM_curr.per_addDis_dta.long |
| passiv deferred taxes short term | SUM_curr.per_addDis_dtl.short |
| passiv deferred taxes long term | SUM_curr.per_addDis_dtl.long |
| thereof P&L | SUM_curr.per_addDis_prof.loss |
| thereof OCI | SUM_curr.per_addDis_comp.inc |
Adjustments previous Period | Active deferred taxes short term | SUM_curr.per_adjustPrior_dta.short |
| Active deferred taxes long term | SUM_curr.per_adjustPrior_dta.long |
| passiv deferred taxes short term | SUM_curr.per_adjustPrior_dtl.short |
| passiv deferred taxes long term | SUM_curr.per_adjustPrior_dtl.long |
| thereof P&L | SUM_curr.per_adjustPrior_prof.loss |
| thereof OCI | SUM_curr.per_adjustPrior_comp.inc |