Wiki Markup |
A user-configurable evaluation of deferred taxes is possible in the _Differences_ dialogue \[report\]. The report is based on the _B/S Comparison_ dialogue \[main dialogue _Company{_}\] and can be viewed as an Excel file. In addition to deferred taxes the corresponding gross differences are displayed here.
*Parameters to be set*
The report is based on the selected parameters. Individual settings can be made in the dialogue header; they are described further. Having configured the parameters, click on the _Show_ button \[ !worddav67b3ab1b94ed046438e341d0c776e83a.png|height=15,width=97! \].
_Fig. 162: Parameters for report 'Differences'_
Parameter |
Description |
Applies to period |
The period must be specified; defines the period under consideration |
Company |
The company must be specified. Depending on the selected 'Structure' parameter, e.g. a tax group or a subgroup is evaluated here. |
Balance type |
Balance type defines the level of the considered balance sheet differences. It can be determined whether, for e.g. IFRS – Tax balance or Local GAAP – Tax Balance should be included in the analysis. |
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CoA Company |
By selecting an account position the number of considered differences can be limited [optionally] by another parameter. |
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Show as from |
In this entry field you can [optionally] set a limit for the displayed differences. In this case, account positions that have their balance sheet differences under the defined limit are not shown in the report. |
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Country | You can [optionally] select a country here. The content of the dropdown list is determined by 'Countries' dialogue of the period selected above. |
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Reporting Dimension |
You can [optionally] select a reporting dimension here. The content of the dropdown list is determined by the 'Reporting Dimension' dialogue of the period selected above. |
Period to compare |
The dropdown list 'Period to compare' contains all periods created in the GTC. This entry is optional. |
Structure |
There are five display options. This parameter is relevant only for those companies for which the user is authorised. |
Wiki Markup |
_Table 18: Parameter for report 'Differences'_
Other parameters \[{_}Show unit sum_ / _Details{_}\] allow additional limitations of the generated report. |