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New reporting dimensions can be created in this area. These data sets are then available for the creation of dimensions in the Master Data dialogue _Reporting Dimension_ \[cp. *Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.{*}\]. Therefore, reporting dimensions must be created before the creation of dimensions. A later change is possible. It has to be taken into account that this setting is not period-specific. !worddav188fa156fdeddf63a5254cb4d084128e.png|height=128,width=646! _Figure 22: Create reporting dimensions in the "Administration" dialogue_ To delete a data set, select one of the available IDs and overwrite all the languages with a blank name. After overwriting the last existing name, the record is deleted. |
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{*}{_}Broadcast message to users on Home page_* |
Settings that influence the functioning of the GlobalTaxCenter are managed in the Master Data dialogue _Administration{_}. The _Broadcast message to users on Home page_ area has two main functions: it can be used to edit the welcome text on the Home page and activate individual GTC functions. !worddav6959b4a2d0a72f82b2b7c8e470b3ed86.png|height=150,width=646! _Figure 23: Enter the message to be shown on the Home page_ The information saved in this area can be created in several languages and then appears on the GTC Home page \[Dialogue _Home{_}\]. It can make sense for e.g. to inform the GTC user that they work in the GTC operating or GTC test system. !worddav215df090d9c4032a3e930e42da8a7682.png|height=231,width=408! _Figure 24: A welcome message on the Home page_ In addition, this dialogue can be used to manage the GTC functionalities, e.g. enable or disable. For this purpose, copy&paste a code created by AMANA \[so-called flag\] in the text field and then click on _Create{_}. The system settings are displayed in the _Other system configurations_ area: !worddavff3e0e8567cb111ce1d022f606166e60.png|height=137,width=408! _Figure 25: System settings_ |
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{*}{_}Revaluation surplus_* |
This area can be used to create new items and edit the existing revaluation surplus. These data sets are available in the Master Data dialogues _CoA Group_ and _CoA Company_ for creation of the balance sheet items not affecting net income \[cp. *Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.{*}/ 4.5.2 Create and manage company accounts\]. A later change is possible. It must be taken into account that this setting is not period-specific. !worddavb525d906109e7e103a3fa114a5e9751b.png|height=120,width=646! _Figure 26: Create revaluation surplus in the "Administration" dialogue_ The allocation of balance sheet items not affecting net income to different items \[e.g. AFS securities in accordance with IAS39 or pensions in accordance with IAS19\] enables the precise classification of deferred taxes on the balance sheet items. To delete a data set, select one of the available IDs and overwrite all the languages with a blank name. After overwriting the last existing name, the record is deleted. |