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{*}{_}Display options_*
In the Master Data dialogue _Company_ the users may select one of the three display options:
_Figure 1: Display options in the "Company" dialogue_
The companies are usually displayed in the tabular form when opening the dialogue:
_Figure 2: Display option "List"_
*Group structure*
This display option visualizes the master data based on the data in the _Tax payer of group_ column. Companies defined as _"\[sub-\] group{_}" are highlighted in colour. Brackets indicate those companies that are connected to the superior entity, but consolidated with another superior entity.
_Figure 3: Display option "Group structure"_
*Tax group structure*
This display option visualizes the master data based on the data in the _Current Tax Charge - group data{_}. A colour distinction is made between tax payer of group, intermediate parent of tax group and member of tax group. Companies that are not part of any group are grey-coloured. The green check mark indicates that the option "{_}Deferred taxes{_}" is activated for this company.
_Figure 4: Display option "Tax group structure"_