After logging into the GTC for the first time, the user is prompted to change the initial password [the same applies after resetting the password].
The user account will be locked after several times [default value: three times] wrong password entry or if the last login was more than 120 days ago. The values can be changed individually for each company by adjusting the configuration accordingly. If the user account has expired, a new initial password must be assigned to the affected user.
Logout from the system can be done manually or automatically. For manual logout, a corresponding link is available in the upper right corner of the GTC.
Please use this function instead of closing your web browser when you finish working with the GTC. This will save system resources and possibly release companies that have been locked due to your work for other users.
The person who calls up the same data set [dialog] as the second [or third etc.] will receive a corresponding warning. This warning contains the name of the user who is currently processing the same data. If the contact data of the GTC user concerned is stored in the GTC master data, it will also be displayed [Phone and E-Mail].
The dialogs can be opened in read mode [without editing rights] despite the warning. If the Edit anyway button is clicked, it is possible to edit the data. The person who first edited the data will receive a warning message together with the Save anyway button when trying to save the data. As soon as one of the persons involved has actually saved the data, this possibility is blocked for the other users. In this case the other users have to call the dialog again to make their own adjustments based on the changed data.
The individual GTC main areas are subdivided into further subdialogs [see figure below for an example of the Reporting main dialog].
The contents and use of the individual dialogs are explained in this manual. Further main areas are shown when additional GTC modules [e.g. the Tax Questionnaire module] are used in addition to the standard GTC application.
The following is an overview of the general site structure of the GTC:
The menu structure for navigating through the different dialogs is located on the left side. The menu can be shown or hidden by clicking on the list symbol [1].
In the info message [6], a user with system administration rights can enter a message to be displayed to each user.
In the GTC there are different overviews, which often have a very similar structure. In the master data area there is a changelog evaluation in many dialogs under [8]. With the appropriate authorization this report can be called up. Under [9] the Excel and print view including the new PDF view are summarized.
- Arrow up: ascending sorting
- Arrow down: descending order
To limit the displayed data sets, the "Filter" function can be used. To do so, click on the filter symbol in the heading of the respective column. An input field opens, in which the restricting search term is entered and confirmed with the "Enter" key.
- Copied transaction data from other periods are highlighted in blue in the target period.
- Values that were loaded into the GTC from an external system or via a file upload are highlighted in green.
To create a printout, a print view can be selected in the individual dialogs of the GTC [
]. The current page is displayed in a new tab of the web browser in print-optimized reading mode. The standard print functionality of the web browser can then be used. The data displayed corresponds to the current status stored in the database. If changes have been made in the meantime without saving, they will not be displayed.For printouts you can also use the Excel view [
].This option is implemented in all dialogs of the GTC. The respective data set is displayed in Excel [at least Excel version 2000 required] and can then be edited freely.
In the single company area, there is also the option to print the entire database of the selected company. Afterwards, the dialogs to be printed can be freely arranged.
Records entered in the master data area [e.g. countries or companies] cannot be permanently deleted. There is only the possibility of archiving [visual deletion]. The data records can be viewed by changing the display from active to archived. The option to change the display is located in the upper right corner of the respective master data dialog.
By default, the active records are displayed. If required, individual data [e.g. archived companies] can be restored in the archive view by clicking the [] button.