AMANA testet das GTC mit dem OracleJDK 8 und dem AdoptOpenJDK 8.
Eclipse Temurin JDK: https://
“AdoptOpenJDK is a community of Java user group members, Java developers and vendors who are advocates of OpenJDK, the open source project which forms the basis of the Java programming language and platform.““Java™ is the world's leading programming language and platform.
The Adoptium Working Group promotes and supports high-quality, TCK certified
runtimes and associated technology for use across the Java™ ecosystem.
Eclipse Temurin is the name of the OpenJDK distribution from Adoptium.“
Eclipse Temurin is the successor of AdoptOpenJDK.
Platinum sponsor (amongst others): IBM
Two JVM versions: HotSpot (Oracle) and OpenJ9 (IBM, Eclipse)
Amazon Corretto: https://aws.amazon.com/de/corretto/