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Table of Contents


In the following Below you will find detailed instructions on how to proceed when updating the GlobalTaxCenter (GTC) software.


Please follow the order given below (first database and then deployment) when updating. A different order can lead to incorrect system behaviour after the update.


This update includes some substantial adjustments to the GTC configuration, which will simplify future updates. In addition, this GTC version now requires Java 17.

1) Preparations

1.1) Check system requirements


  • The DBMS used must not be older than 5 years. If you use MSSQL, you must use at least version 2017.
  • The Tomcat server must be running at least version 9.0.x (with Java 817).
titleAnnouncement: Java 17

With the second main release in 2022, we will switch the GTC this release we have changed the GTC from Java 8 to Java 17. The release is expected to be published in October. This means that Java on the application server will also need to be updated at the same time. Therefore, please make sure that your Tomcat 9 runs with Java 17. Instructions on how to install Java 17 can be found via this link.

Once the Java installation is done, you can proceed with the GTC update.

1.2) Stopping the web application server


If it is necessary to adapt contents in the package, the file must be unpacked with 7-zip beforehand. Alternatively, rename the file gtc.war to, then you can use Windows Explorer for this.



The GTC is working with a new SAPJCO version. Provided RFC connections are addressed with the GTC, you must perform the following steps when updating to GTC version 20.11.03 or newer:

  1. Download the suitable connector for your system from this offical SAP-Site.
  2. Delete any old sapjco{*}.jar from this directory: "<Tomcat-root>/webapps/<gtc-root>/WEB-INF/lib".
  3. Paste the new sapjco{*}.jar in this directory:  "<Tomcat-root>/lib". If an old sapjco{*}.jar exists in this folder replace it with the new one.
  4. Delete the old sapjco{*}.dll from the system. It can be in different locations, but in most cases it is in the system32 folder from Windows.
  5. Paste the new sapjco{*}.dll in this directory: "<Tomcat-root>/bin"


Switch Tomcat to Java 17

The document Upgrade from Java8 to Java17 describes how Java 17 is installed and made known to the Tomcat 9.

In addition, the following Java start parameters must be added to the Tomcat with the application "tomcat9w.exe" in the Tomcat/bin directory:


titleNo Tomcat 10

Please note that the Tomcat 10 (due to the minimum requirement of the Servlet 5.0 API) cannot be used.

1.7) Store database driver in Tomcat

For licensing reasons, AMANA is not allowed to deliver the JDBC drivers for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle in the GTC deployment.

Please download the driver that matches your database version and Java 17 according to the manufacturer's specifications from the manufacturer and store the driver in the Tomcat/lib directory.

1.8) Update SAPJCO (optional for systems with a RfC connection to SAP)

The GTC is working with a new SAPJCO version. Check with the department whether RfC interfaces are used in the GTC in your company. If this is the case, you must carry out the following steps.

  1. Download the suitable connector for your system from this offical SAP-Site.
  2. Delete any old sapjco{*}.jar from this directory: "<Tomcat-root>/webapps/<gtc-root>/WEB-INF/lib".
  3. Paste the new sapjco{*}.jar in this directory:  "<Tomcat-root>/lib". If an old sapjco{*}.jar exists in this folder replace it with the new one.
  4. Delete the old sapjco{*}.dll from the system. It can be in different locations, but in most cases it is in the system32 folder from Windows.
  5. Paste the new sapjco{*}.dll in this directory: "<Tomcat-root>/bin"

If you get any problems with this please contact our hotline.

1.9) Configuration of the database connection in the GTC

Central in Tomcat (JNDI)

titleOracle and JNDI

Do not use a JNDI connection if you have an Oracle database in use. We will inform you as soon as JNDI is also released for Oracle.

Configure the database connection as before within the GTC deployment (next chapter).

The previous standard deployment of the GTC provided that the database connection was customised for each GTC delivery in the repository file matching the database. This process is now simplified to the extent that the standard deployment is configured with the JNDI datasource "gtcdatasource". For this purpose, the customer must expand the context.xml file in the Tomcat/conf directory once per Tomcat by defining the JNDI datasource there within the context tag. Using the JNDI configuration has the advantage that the database connection no longer has to be adapted within the GTC deployment.

Code Block
<Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
        maxTotal="20" maxIdle="10" maxWaitMillis="-1" name="jdbc/gtcdatasource" username="root" password="test" 
        type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/gtc" />

When using the Microsoft SQL server, information on the encryption (encrypt) and the trustworthiness (trustServerCertificate) of the server certificate must be provided:

Code Block
<Resource	auth="Container" driverClassName="" 
			name="jdbc/gtcdatasource" type="javax.sql.DataSource" 
			username="..." password="..." ... />

In the case of the Microsoft SQL server, AMANA also recommends an installation with Integrated Security, in which no username and password details need to be stored in the context.xml. Instead, the account under which the Tomcat service is run is used for the database connection.

Within the GTC deployment

Instead of a JNDI datasource, the database connection can be configured as before in the repository file matching the database.

Please note that in this case both the file "repository_mssql.xml", "repository_mysql.xml" or "repository_oracle.xml" and the file "repository.xml" must be adapted in each deployment. Read the section "Update Deployment" for details.

2) Update deployment

titleAutomatic update

It is also possible to receive a Powershell script from AMANA to automatically update the GTC. The executing user must have administration authorisation.


By default you'll get a delivery package without databasescripts and activated automatic datebase update feature.

Optionally, you 'll have the chance possibility to update the database manually by manually executing scripts against the database. We can create and send the scripts to you if needed. Please see Section 3.2scripts. We will provide you with the scripts on request. We need the version number of the already installed GTC for this. This is described in more detail in section 3.2.

3.1) Automatic update of the database

Please make sure to have a current database backup at hand, so it can be restored if needed 8see section 1.4).

Update of database doesn't need additional tasks. Upon start of application server (see section 4), the database is updated automatically by application.
