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This section describes the technical requirements for launching the GlobalTaxCenter (GTC) software, including all of its modules. Full instructions on how to install it are provided in the /wiki/spaces/GTCE23/pages/13926454 / update instructions.

System architecture

The GTC application Income Taxes is a web-based application.  It It serves the group tax department as a tax portal and offers the possibility to automate process steps by connecting to other systems, thus reducing manual activities.


If a fail-safe operation is required, the business logic layer (business layer) can be operated in a load balancer, the availability of individual server applications [Health Check] can be monitored and if necessary a database cluster can be used. The implementation of a Single-Sign-On mechanism (SSO) is also possible on the application server. More detailed configuration information is not included in this document and can be provided separately.

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Connection to the other systems is provided via the client or must be triggered by the client.

A data import, e.g. import of IFRS values from the accounting or consolidation system, can be carried out either via the client by uploading an XLSX/CSV file or via the server, i.e. through a direct connection between the server and the accounting or consolidation system.

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The electronic tax return is sent to the tax authority via a separate transfer client, which can be installed in a demilitarized zone of the computer centre (access to the Internet is required).


AMANA does not provide support for older software versions that are no longer maintained by the manufacturer. This may concern the operating system, web browser, DBMS and WAS, among other things.Examples for not supported software versions are Windows XP, Internet Explorer 8 and, since January 2016, Internet Explorer 10.


  • Microsoft SQL server 2017 / 2018 / 2019 and Oracle 19c (19.3) or 21c. AMANA recommends using Microsoft SQL servers. This is particularly useful if you also use, or are planning to use, other AMANA products, e.g. Tax Balance.2019. Since 2023 Oracle isn't supported for new installations any more.
  • Current multiple-core server processor/system (at least 2 GHz clock speed), for processor-intensive reports at least 2 cores, for larger installations (from approx. 100 companies) preferably 4 cores (also for VMs)
  • At least 8 GB RAM for the server. For larger installations (from approx. 100 companies) preferably 16 GB RAM for the database server
  • The database must be UTF-8 coded
  • Authorization to "CREATE", "INSERT“, "UPDATE“, "DELETE“ and "ALTER“ on the database, for Oracle: CONNECT + RESSOURCE authorization
  • The required database memory depends to a large degree on company size and user behaviour. In the latter case, it is particularly relevant how often file attachments or documents (Excel, csv, ...) are stored (sometimes these files are stored in an external folder). As a rough guide, we recommend approx. 500 MB memory per 10 companies and period.
  • A regular backup of the database schemas is strongly recommended.


We recommend that the database server and web application server are installed on different hardware / servers. Virtual servers are supported (e.g. via VMWare, VirtualBox, etc.).

  • Java version: since GTC version 22.09.00: JDK 17 JDK 17 (AMANA is testing the GTC with application with Oracle's JDK 17 and Eclipse Temurin 17 from the Adoptium Working Group).
  • up to GTC version 22.00.xx: JDK 8 (Advice on supported JDKs)
  • JDBC driver for the database used
  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.xx (Tomcat 10.xx is not allowed to be used under any circumstances!)

Please also note the additional information on Tomcat versions.

  • Current multiple-core server processor/system (at least 2 GHz clock speed), for processor-intensive reports at least 2 cores, for larger installations (from approx. 100 companies) preferably 4 cores (also for VMs).
  • At least 4 GB RAM for each installation of Tomcat, for larger installations (from approx. 100 companies) preferably 8 GB RAM working memory (assigned to each Tomcat). We strongly advise to have additional 4 GB memory for the underlying operating system.
  • At least 1 GB hard disk capacity for the GTC application, plus 1 GB for the application server and the Java installation
  • 10 GB for the additional folder for storing temporary files
  • If file attachments are not stored in the database but in an external folder, the required memory space increases by approx. 500 MB per 10 companies and period.


  • Current Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Edge Chromium
  • JavaScript for the GTC must be allowed in the browser for the application
If the execution of individual functions with a particular browser is very slow or impossible, please try it with a different browser. Due to the large number of browsers currently on the market, it is impossible for AMANA to take the specific characteristics of each one into consideration. However, please feel free to contact the GlobalTaxCenter Hotline with any issues you encounter. We will do our best to work out a fix.


The electronic tax return is automatically transmitted from the GTC application to the TC and then to the tax authority after a first-time configuration in the GTC user the user interface.

The Transfer Client web service is opened via an encrypted connection and a proxy from the company network into the DMZ. This course of action can be customized to comply with the company’s own security standards, although it may entail additional effort.


The system requirements for the Transfer Client are listed in detail here.


The Elster Rich Client [ERiC] is a closed C library, provided by the tax authority. AMANA has no part in or control over its development or range of functions. The tax authority raises the minimum requirements once a year in April. For this reason, it is absolutely imperative that your GlobalTaxCenter and Transfer Client are updated before April every year if you intend to submit an electronic tax return in or after April.

The ERiC API allows the use of a proxy when accompanied by appropriate parameters [host, port, user name, password, authentication method]. However, the ERiC API does not support theuse of a proxy auto-config file.
