If a special prepayment period is selected in the [Status] dialogue of the [VAT] area, the view and basic dialogue functions differ from those of the VAT periods.
To send a special prepayment it is important to indicate the tax number of the company in the [Company] dialogue.
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When creating a special prepayment period, it is necessary to select a copy period regarding the master data. This does not apply to the existing companies Ideally, this should be the closed December - VA period. The stored companies are not copied from this period. The VAT@GTC automatically checks the entire year, which companies have passed, and considers them for the special prepayment period (especially important, if companies belonged to the VAT group for a period of less than a year). |
As with a monthly/quarterly VAT return period, the status reflects the steps from the creation of the VAT return to its submission to the tax office. These steps are explained in more detail in the following chapters.
This dialogue shows the special prepayment form. It is especially important to select the corresponding company. To offset the special prepayment amount (e.g. with a refund amount from a previous month) or if the refund amount has been assigned, a 1 has to be entered in field 29 of the VAT@GTC form.
If a taxpayer wants to make further statements or deviating statements from those in the tax return, or if any further facts have to be clarified, a 1 has to be entered in field 23 of the VAT@GTC form. Moreover, these additional explanations have to be stated on a separate form. Please fill out the free description field in the VAT@GTC.
If a error message appears in the dialogue, the current special prepayment form is not yet available. It will be provided with an annual update by AMANA.
The user has two options to create a special prepayment, these are shown below.
Manual filling of the special prepayment
The amount can be entered manually in line 24 of the VAT@GTC form. This can be done, for example, if the previous year has not yet been created in the VAT@GTC.
A manual entry requires a meaningful comment. If the entry is confirmed by the [Plus sign
], the amount to be paid to the tax office will be calculated automatically. Please mind selecting the shortest reporting period in the form. If [Quarter] is selected, the VAT@GTC sets the amount to be paid to 0. - €, regardless of the total.Automatic calculation by the VAT@GTC
The form can be filled automatically by clicking the [Import SVZ values] button. The following will happen in the background:
- If the company is a quarterly payer, the payment is automatically 0. - €
- If the total of the tax payable/refunds results in a refund, the payment is 0. - €
- If the company did not hold the full 12 months, the system increases the existing amounts to the sum for the entire year and divides it by 11 for a monthly payer
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Only preliminary declaration values from closed or sent declarations are transferred to the SVZ period. If a preliminary declaration has not yet been completed, there is a corresponding warning message after the transfer that this data has not been transferred. If the SPP period is a productive period, all data is also transferred from productive periods. If the SPP period is a test period, only data from any existing test periods is imported. |
Overview special prepayment
This overview dialogue provides an overview of the status of the special prepayment form for the selected period. If the selected company is a representative VAT group member, the members of the VAT group will also be shown in the overview.
If the special prepayment is still in progress, the [Yellow] milestone is displayed. To close the milestone, click on the [Milestone] and the status changes to [Green].
If the milestone is already closed and marked green, click on this milestone to open the special prepayment again .
If the VAT return has already been sent to the tax office, it cannot be changed anymore. Though, a corrected VAT return can be created and sent to the tax office. The milestone than contains a number [ ], which indicates the number of corrected VAT returns.
Send special prepayment
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When the monthly VAT return for December in the following year is created, the value of the special prepayment is automatically transferred to the special prepayment field. To do this, the special advance payment period must be a productive period and the return must be closed. |
Send declaration
This dialogue allows the user to send the VAT return to the tax office. It functions in the similar way as the [Send VAT return] dialogue. Thus, it enables the user to either print out the VAT return or send it directly to the tax office. In case of electronical filing, there is a possibility to send the special prepayment in advance in a test case.
The report [SVZ-Overview] is displayed in the [Report] dialogue, when a special prepayment period is selected in the [VAT] dialogue.