Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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2. Place the driver in the directory "<Tomcat-Root>/lib".



Configuration of the database connection in the Income Taxes


  1. Download the suitable connector for your system from this offical SAP-Support-Site.
  2. Delete any old sapjco{*}.jar from this directory: "<Tomcat-root>/webapps/<gtc-root>/WEB-INF/lib".
  3. Paste the new sapjco{*}.jar in this directory:  "<Tomcat-root>/lib". If an old sapjco{*}.jar exists in this folder replace it with the new one.
  4. Delete the old sapjco{*}.dll from the system. It can be in different locations, but in most cases it is in the system32 folder from Windows.
  5. Paste the new sapjco{*}.dll in this directory: "<Tomcat-root>/bin"

If you get any problems with this please contact our hotline.

1.9) Update Kerberos SSO configuration (optional)

If single sign-on with Kerberos has been implemented in your installation, you must implement adjustments.

With Java 17, weak Kerberos authentication is no longer officially supported. In this chapter we provide detailed information on the configuration.

Kerberos-SSO when using Java 17

1.10) Configuration of the database connection in the Income Taxes module

Central in Tomcat (JNDI)

If you are already using the JNDI configuration, you can skip this step.

The previous standard deployment of the Income Taxes module provided that the database connection was customized for each Income Taxes delivery in the repository file matching the database. This process is now simplified to the extent that the standard deployment is configured with the JNDI datasource "gtcdatasource". For this purpose, the customer must expand the context.xml file in the Tomcat/conf directory once per Tomcat by defining the JNDI datasource there within the context tag. Using the JNDI configuration has the advantage that the database connection no longer has to be adapted within the Income Taxes deployment.


title"Resource" entry in Oracle



Central in Tomcat (JNDI)

If you are already using the JNDI configuration, you can skip this step.

The previous standard deployment of the Income Taxes module provided that the database connection was customized for each Income Taxes delivery in the repository file matching the database. This process is now simplified to the extent that the standard deployment is configured with the JNDI datasource "gtcdatasource". For this purpose, the customer must expand the context.xml file in the Tomcat/conf directory once per Tomcat by defining the JNDI datasource there within the context tag. Using the JNDI configuration has the advantage that the database connection no longer has to be adapted within the Income Taxes deployment.

<Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" name="jdbc/gtcdatasource" username="root" password="test"          type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521/gtc"
maxTotal="200" maxIdle="10" maxWaitMillis="20000" timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="10000" testWhileIdle="true" removeAbandonedOnBorrow="true" />

When using the Microsoft SQL server, information on the encryption (encrypt) and the trustworthiness (trustServerCertificate) of the server certificate must be provided:

Code Block
title"Resource" entry in MSSQL
<Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="" name="jdbc/gtcdatasource" username="root" password="test" 
        type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:sqlserver://hostname:1433;DatabaseName=...;encrypt=...;trustServerCertificate=..." 
        maxTotal="20200" maxIdle maxIdle="10" maxWaitMillis maxWaitMillis="-1" name="jdbc/gtcdatasource" username="root" password="test" 
        type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:oracle://hostname:3306/gtc" 

When using the Microsoft SQL server, information on the encryption (encrypt) and the trustworthiness (trustServerCertificate) of the server certificate must be provided:

Code Block
title"Resource" entry in MSSQL
<Resource	auth="Container" driverClassName=""     
            maxTotal="20" maxIdle="10" maxWaitMillis="-1" name="jdbc/gtcdatasource" username="root" password="test" 
			type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:sqlserver://hostname:1433;DatabaseName=...;encrypt=...;trustServerCertificate=..." 

In the case of the Microsoft SQL server, AMANA also recommends an installation with Integrated Security, in which no username and password details need to be stored in the context.xml. Instead, the account under which the Tomcat service is run is used for the database connection.

Within the Income Taxes deployment

Instead of a JNDI datasource, the database connection can be configured as before in the repository file matching the database.

Please note that in this case both the file "repository_mssql.xml", "repository_mysql.xml" or "repository_oracle.xml" and the file "repository.xml" must be adapted in each deployment. Read the section "Update Deployment" for details.

1.11) Registering the module on the portal (optional)

The following configuration must only be carried out if ...

  1. you operate the application in the GTC Suite (in the table TSYSTEM the entry "USE_SSO" is set to the value "12") and
  2. you have been using a version older than 22.16.04.

Up to now, the parameters for registration were maintained in the database in the table TPORTALCONNECTION. From now on, the registration of the module at the portal is carried out directly with Tomcat start parameters.

The following parameters are necessary in any case:

-Dincometaxes.url.base=<URL des Moduls>

-Dincometaxes.url.portal=<URL des Portals>

Optional to specify a different API address:

-Dincometaxes.url.api=<URL der API des Moduls>

Optional for static registration required (if the module and portal are installed on a Tomcat):

-Dincometaxes.clientId=<Zeichenfolge aus dem Portal - ClientId>

-Dincometaxes.clientSecret=<Zeichenfolge aus dem Portal - ClientSecret>



20000" timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="10000" testWhileIdle="true" removeAbandonedOnBorrow="true"

In the case of the Microsoft SQL server, AMANA also recommends an installation with Integrated Security, in which no username and password details need to be stored in the context.xml. Instead, the account under which the Tomcat service is run is used for the database connection.

Within the Income Taxes deployment

Instead of a JNDI datasource, the database connection can be configured as before in the repository file matching the database.

Please note that in this case both the file "repository_mssql.xml", "repository_mysql.xml" or "repository_oracle.xml" and the file "repository.xml" must be adapted in each deployment. Read the section "Update Deployment" for details.

1.9) Path to Windows (optional)

If the Tomcat installation directory is not located on the drive of the Windows installation, the path to the Windows installation must be specified explicitly. To do this, the following entry is added to the Tomcat start parameters with the correct path:

-Dgtc.runtime.system32=<path to the system32 directory>

1.10) Update SAPJCO (optional, for systems with a RfC connection to SAP)

The Income Taxes is working with a new SAPJCO version. Check with the department whether RfC interfaces are used in the Income Taxes in your company. If this is the case, you must carry out the following steps.

  1. Download the suitable connector for your system from this offical SAP-Support-Site.
  2. Delete any old sapjco{*}.jar from this directory: "<Tomcat-root>/webapps/<gtc-root>/WEB-INF/lib".
  3. Paste the new sapjco{*}.jar in this directory:  "<Tomcat-root>/lib". If an old sapjco{*}.jar exists in this folder replace it with the new one.
  4. Delete the old sapjco{*}.dll from the system. It can be in different locations, but in most cases it is in the system32 folder from Windows.
  5. Paste the new sapjco{*}.dll in this directory: "<Tomcat-root>/bin"

If you get any problems with this please contact our hotline.

1.11) Update Kerberos SSO configuration (optional)

If single sign-on with Kerberos has been implemented in your installation, you must implement adjustments.

With Java 17, weak Kerberos authentication is no longer officially supported. In this chapter we provide detailed information on the configuration.

Kerberos-SSO when using Java 17

1.12) Registering the module on the portal (optional)

The following configuration must only be carried out if ...

  1. you operate the application in the GTC Suite (in the table TSYSTEM the entry "USE_SSO" is set to the value "12") and
  2. you have been using a version older than 22.16.04.

Up to now, the parameters for registration were maintained in the database in the table TPORTALCONNECTION. From now on, the registration of the module at the portal is carried out directly with Tomcat start parameters.

The following parameters are necessary in any case:

-Dincometaxes.url.base=<URL des Moduls>

-Dincometaxes.url.portal=<URL des Portals>

Optional to specify a different API address:

-Dincometaxes.url.api=<URL der API des Moduls>

Optional for static registration required (if the module and portal are installed on a Tomcat):

-Dincometaxes.clientId=<Zeichenfolge aus dem Portal - ClientId>

-Dincometaxes.clientSecret=<Zeichenfolge aus dem Portal - ClientSecret>


The URLs must always be specified with port, even if it is a standard port (e.g. 80 or 443).

1.13) Registering the service module "Tax Data Hub" (optional)

The following configuration must only be carried out if ...

  1. you operate the application in the GTC Suite (in the table TSYSTEM the entry "USE_SSO" is set to the value "12") and
  2. you want to access the service module "Tax Data Hub".

Create an API key for the "Tax Data Hub" service module and insert it as a start parameter in Tomcat. How to proceed is explained in the linked section.

2) Update deployment

titleAutomatic update

It is also possible to receive a Powershell script from AMANA to automatically update the Income Taxes module. The executing user must have administration authorisation.
