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 24.1.0 (2024-05-xx)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 


To close all milestones (" finished"), the user must save the dialogues in the correct order and close the milestones one after the other. If the "Deferred taxes" milestone is set to "Completed", the "Reconciliation" milestone always remains in the "In progress" status, even if the status is plausible in theory. The milestone status only changes to "plausible" after the TRR dialogue has been saved. Only then is it possible to close the dialogue.


If the "Deferred taxes" milestone is closed, the TRR dialogue is recalculated directly in the background. The "Reconciliation" milestone is automatically set to the "plausible" status according to the validation calculated from it or remains in the "in progress" status.



Direct imports (import from database table TIMPORTBS) were only available in combination with the standard mapping (direction: "Import").


Direct imports (import from database table TIMPORTBS) can also be used in combination with the mapping engine (direction: "Import (enhanced)"). A corresponding is maintained in dialogue "Import mapping".

AMP-7002Master DataPeriodsThe maximum size for uploaded files can be configured with the FILEUPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES flag. The default value is set to 50MB.-
AMP-4941InterfacesImport Suite


Dialogue "Import Suite" (reading data from Tax Balance) cannot be used in combination with the mapping engine.


In dialog "Import Suite" (reading data from Tax Balance) an interface structure of the mapping engine with source "Direct import" can be used.

AMP-5740Master DataRoles


Role changes and assignments done in the portal might be out of sync with the data stored in the Income Taxes database (eg because of a network error). Note that the only possible error concerns deletions of roles and role assignments.


Roles and role assignments are synchronised with the portal during startup of the Income Taxes Tomcat and during user login.



In some dialogues the confirmation popup for deleting an entry (eg: § 8b KStG) does not display any details about the selected item.


The confirmation popup for deleting an entry shows significant details about the selected item.

AMP-6995Master DataRolesRole allocations weren't able to be transfered to IncomeTaxes if a role, that isn't known to IncomeTaxes, was part of the allocations to be saved. (F.e. if that role has no accessrights of IncomeTaxes)
The contexts selectboxes for IncomeTaxes in Portal - Role allocation (Companies, Reporting Dimensions and Countries) have been restored to be multiselectboxes.
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