The workflow in the GTC main dialogue Company is based on a milestone concept. Thus individual activities, for example, calculation of current and deferred taxes, are systematised. In addition, this concept ensures a review process [the four-eye principle]. Milestones are created per company and per period. There is a possibility to view statuses for all group companies based on milestones in the main dialogue [Sub-] Group.
By default, there are three milestones or activity areas available [Current Taxes, Deferred Taxes, and Tax Rate Reconciliation]. The number of milestones can be customised [e.g. add a milestone Review]. The figure below contains additional milestones Others and Questionnaire.
Fig. 59: Milestones in the 'Status' dialogue
The status of the milestones on the figure is not started. Thus, individual dialogues cannot be accessed. When trying to open one of the dialogues, the corresponding notification is shown:
Fig. 60: Access denied as long as milestone status is 'not started'
Milestones will always have this status if you work with a company for the first time in a period. The process in the GTC is started when clicking on the milestone; its status changes to in process. The following table contains possible states:
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="11f97f27-9fa7-4bec-9f9d-51a58ec4036b"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ |
not started |
!worddav57ec5fb366d7f6402115658a6cf58f96.png |
height=48,width=48! |
Initial status [e.g. when creating a new period]; dialogues cannot be opened or edited. When clicking on the milestone the status changes to in process. |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
in process |
Dialogues can be edited. In addition, this status means that the dialogues have not been saved yet or that validation errors have been found. |
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="80ae4844-1957-4965-bcef-1ade5efe8b59"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ |
data ok |
!worddavcb25183aa635843682c3bed78117e6fc.png |
height=48,width=48! |
Dialogues have been saved; validations do not contain errors [a possible validation error is, for example, not balanced account]. A further processing of dialogues is still possible. |
finished |
The status 'finished' is set after clicking on the milestone with the data ok status. This indicates that, e.g. work on deferred taxes is finished. In addition, this status means that the corresponding dialogues are closed for editing and can be viewed in the read mode only. |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
Checked |
The milestone checked is used to ensure the four-eye principle. The status is changed to checked when clicking on the milestone with the finished status. |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
Table 10: Milestones status
Next to every milestone you can see the name of the user who was the last to change the milestone status and the time of change. This information for all companies can be viewed in the main dialogue [Sub-] Group.