Lucanet Rest API Wir haben die Integration von LucaNet und AMANA SmartNotes erweitert. Mit der erweiterten Integration ist jetzt eine Alternative zur BI-Integration verfügbar. Außerdem haben wir die Schnittstelle benutzerfreundlicher gestaltet:
Die Parameter der LucaNet-Daten können nun direkt angegeben werden, d. h. Sie können jetzt z. B. statt OIDs Elemente aus Dropdown-Listen wählen. |
Lucanet Rest API We have extended the integration of LucaNet and AMANA SmartNotes. With the extended integration, an alternative to BI integration is now available. We have also made the interface more user-friendly:
To use the new integration, you need to install the Lucanet Import Installer.msi file that you receive from AMANA and update SmartNotes to version or higher. |
This document describes the functionality of importing data from Lucanet Rest API into SmartNotes.
For details on the SmartNotes system architecture, see the "SmartNotes Technical Documentation".
The Lucanet Rest Api interface must be installed on your SmartNotes server. For more information and the installation file, please contact the SmartNotes technical hotline.
A new connector must be defined in the SmartNotes Import Administration that uses the "Lucanet Rest Api Import" as interface. If the entry "Lucanet Rest Api Import" is not present in the interfaces dropdown, please contact the SmartNotes technical hotline to provide the library.
Host: Host that will be used for API endpoints
Database: Database name in LucaNet
User: Your Lucanet Api username
Password: Your Lucanet Api password
Technical User: if checked the Password will be stored, otherwise not
Adjustment Level: Adjustment Level across which the data is to be requested.
Data Level: Data Level across which the data is to be requested.
First Month: The start date of the reporting period Yes Date, YYYYMM.
Ledger: the specific ledger (financial report).
Organization Elements: Organization Elements across which the data is to be requested.
Period Type: Periodicity of data requested.
Display Currency: Display Currency across which the data is to be requested.
DrillDownLevel: Define until which depth level the ledger should be expanded. '-1' means all levels and '0' the root.
First Month of Fiscal Year: The first month of the fiscal year.
Last Month: Last month of the reporting period.
Partners: Partners across which the data is to be requested.
Period Request Type: The following values are available:
STANDARD: Default value of the account on a given date (i.e. BALANCE on a balance account).
START: Returns the start value of the account on a given date.
TRANSACTION_FIGURES: Returns the change to the account on a given date.
BALANCE: Returns the balance of the account on a given date.
Transaction Currency Transaction Currency across which the data is to be requested.
Transaction Types: Transaction Types across which the data is to be requested.
Please refer to the normal SmartNotes user documentation or AMANA consulting for assistance with this step.
After the mapping definition has been done correctly, a non-empty position preview should be available. The import definition is then fully set up and an import can be performed.