User Guide

User Guide

This user guide describes the functions and processes in the GlobalTaxCenter [GTC]. GTC is the most extensive part of the AMANA tax portal, which also includes a tax accounting module / E-Bilanz [SmartTaxBalance; STB] and a VAT module [VAT@GTC]. These modules are connected to the GTC via direct interfaces. Their functionality is documented separately and not included in this manual.

The GTC is a standardized web application that is primarily used for calculation of deferred and current taxes. In order to work with the GTC the user simply needs a web browser [e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer].

The structure of this manual is based on the menu navigation in the GTC that usually consists of the following main dialogues:

The functions described in this manual are based on the standard GTC configuration. Some functions and dialogues have been developed by AMANA according to customers’ specifications. Therefore, some screenshots and descriptions in this manual can differ from your GTC version.

Technical requirements that result from the complexity of accounting standards and tax laws are not included into this manual. If you have any technical questions, either company-specific or initiated by the legislator, our expert contact persons in AMANA will be pleased to help you.

Link to user documentation (German)

To get to the German user manual use this link.

We would be very grateful for your hints and suggestions for the further improvement of this manual. Please send your ideas to info@amana.de with the subject ‘GTC Manual’.

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