

For Pillar 2 calculations the country master data contains the important information about the

  • ISO-Code, which is used for the general jurisdictional blending of values, and the

  • currency exchange rates, which are used to recalculate the local values to one single currency for the global information return.

Video: Master Data - Countries

02 - Master Data - Countries.mkv
Tutorial - Master Data - Countries


For each country, the ISO-Codes must be maintained in the country master data area. This is crucial for all Pillar 2 calculations, since the ISO-codes state the basis for the country data collection (e.g. jurisdictional elections) and also they are the basis for the clustering of the Blending of the calculations. If no further information is given, the blending for the C1 – Safe Harbor Check, C3 – De Minimis Check and C4 – Jurisdictional Blending is performed by aggregating information with the same ISO-Codes. To separate sub-groups, there is also the possibility to introduce company specific Reporting Dimensions, that are further explained in the sections “Reporting Dimensions” and “Administration”.

Currency Exchange Rates

For the Pillar 2 calculation, company data from all over the world is collected, so the data input is done in the specific currency. Nevertheless, calculations must be performed in one single currency. Therefore, the Currency Exchange Rates of the Master Data area “Countries” is used, and users must maintain the rates to guarantee correct results.

If necessary, it is possible to maintain a specific currency exchange rate for each (or some) Constituent entity in the Unit master data. This currency exchange rate will than be used for the Pillar 2 calculations instead to the country currency exchange rate.


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