Currently the database command can be used to upgrade the database to the expected schema.
Usage: AMANA.SmartTaxBalance.Web.Api.exe database [<options>]
Where [<options>] is any of:
--upgrade Upgrades the database to the expected schema.
[Optional] Sets the database connection string to use.
If omitted, the value from the config file will be used
to perform operations on the database.
Or one of the common options:
--help Show detailed help for this command
--version Show version information
Upgrade database
This example performs the database upgrade to the expected schema. It uses the connection string from the configuration.
AMANA.SmartTaxBalance.Web.Api.exe database --upgrade
Upgrade database with connection string
This example performs the database upgrade to the expected schema with a custom connection string.
Example use cases for custom connection strings:
You can use a custom connection string with enhanced rights if your default connection string does not have sufficient rights to perform a database update.
AMANA.SmartTaxBalance.Web.Api.exe database --upgrade --connectionString="Server=(localdb)\MSSqlLocalDb;Database=taxbalance;User ID=sa;Password=sa;Trusted_Connection=True;TrustServerCertificate=True"
You can use a custom connection string with a larger connection timeout if you experience time out issues during a database update at the tax balance start up. The following example sets the command timeout to 300 seconds.
AMANA.SmartTaxBalance.Web.Api.exe database --upgrade --connectionString="Server=(localdb)\MSSqlLocalDb;Database=taxbalance;User ID=sa;Password=sa;Trusted_Connection=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Command Timeout=300"
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