

A resubmission is used to enable cross-period task management of adjustments in the declaration, both from reconciliations and manual origin. Adjustments in VAT@GTC are made with a focus on creating a correct preliminary declaration, whereby subsequent entries in the underlying ERP system must be made in the following period. These values should not be included in the declaration again in the following period. With the resubmission, it can be defined in which period this value is offset during the import.

General information

Filtering the view

Via the drop-down function [due date period], the resubmissions can be filtered according to the due date. There are 3 possibilities:

  • [Previous periods]: All resubmissions from previous periods whose deadline has expired are displayed. These resubmissions must be processed in the current period before the import can take place.

  • [Current period and future periods]: All resubmissions whose deadline has not yet expired can be found here. These often originate from the current period and must be processed in the following period at the latest. If it is already known at this point when or whether this value was subsequently posted in SAP, this resubmission can already be processed.

  • By selecting [No time restriction], all open resubmissions can be displayed in an overview.

Good to know

If open resubmissions are displayed that are only due in future periods, they can still be moved forward one period by editing them as [not yet posted]. Therefore, it should always be noted in which period a resubmission is currently due before it is declared as [not yet posted].

Process recommendation

  1. Create a new period (prerequisite: old period completely closed and sent).

  2. Process all open resubmissions or tasks in the new period in the dialogue resubmissions.

  3. Import of SAP reports

  4. Adjustment of the declaration (e.g. if it is already known that individual documents are missing in the period)

  5. Carrying out the reconciliations and processing the findings

  6. Further plausibility check (e.g. through reports)

  7. Completion of the declaration (and possibly also a review of the declaration)

  8. Sending the declaration to the tax office

  9. Creation of a new period

Good to know

Resubmissions can be moved across the year boundary. Tasks in December can be transferred to the January period. The resubmission function is not available for manually entering companies.

Open Reconciliations tasks and reminders

There are basically two different types of resubmissions:

  • Open reconciliations, tasks and reminders:

  • Accounting tasks: In the case of accounting tasks, the declaration has always been adjusted, which means that it deviates from the previous system.

There are the three types of resubmissions grouped under the category [Open reconciliations, tasks and reminders]:

  • [Open reconciliations]: Reconciliations that have not been successfully carried out are listed here.

  • [Open tasks]: This includes resubmissions from the VAT-Audit area if a finding was discovered but could not be processed in SAP in the same period.

  • [Open reminders]: It is possible to create your own reminders.

All resubmissions collected under this category can and should be maintained and processed for reminder and tracking purposes. However, unprocessed tasks from this area do not prevent the declaration from being processed.


The table collecting the open reconciliations, tasks and reminders is composed of the following columns:






The clear identification of the resubmission


The currently set deadline for the resubmission. If this deadline is exceeded, the resubmission appears under the due period [Previous periods] and should be processed as soon as possible.

Created in period

In this column it can be checked in which period the resubmission was created.

Resubmission type

The type of resubmission is displayed here. The categories are:

  • Reconciliation

  • Task

  • Reminder


The description shows, for example, from which reconciliation or from which area the open task originated.


The processing advice indicates whether the corresponding resubmission can be postponed.


In der Spalte Aktion können verschiedene Aktionen ausgeführt werden. Unter anderem kann die Wiedervorlage hier verschoben werden. Im Fall von offenen Abstimmungen kann zum Ursprung der offenen Abstimmung in den Abstimmungsdialog der betroffenen Periode gewechselt werden.

Open reconciliations

All reconciliations marked with the status [erroneous] appear in the table [Open reconciliations, tasks and reminders].

If the reconciliations in the master data are set to [not mandatory], it is possible to set how often the reconciliation differences can be postponed in the dialogue [Companies: Reporting parameters]. 

It is possible to postpone individual reconciliations to the next period. If an open reconciliation is moved to the next period, it appears in the resubmission dialogue of the following period under [Current period and future periods]. Only if there is no processing in the previous month do open reconciliations appear under [Previous periods]. 

If the number of selected maximum postponements is reached, this is marked in the resubmission dialogue with [Completion cannot be shifted again] and must be processed in the period in which the error occurred. Since the declarations in the previous periods have usually already been sent, this means that the reconciliations in the normal process can only be corrected by means of a correction.

If the user has the appropriate rights, he or she can edit all open tasks in the [All Tasks] dialogue - also from the previous months - via the [Edit Function]. In doing so, open tasks from previous months can also be set to the status [finished]. Tasks already set to [finished] can conversely be reset to the status [open] via this function. 

Open tasks

Open tasks originate from findings in the VAT-Audit area. If these could not be processed before the SAP period is closed, a resubmission is created in the VAT area of the VAT@GTC so that the person processing the declaration knows that adjustments may have to be made in the declaration. 

If the set deadline has expired but the resubmission is still open, this resubmission is displayed as information in the [VAT] dialogues [Status], [Import] and [Declaration].

Open reminders

The user has the option of creating manual reminders in VAT@GTC. These can be reminders for company restructuring or changes to master data in the underlying ERP system. The procedure is as follows: Via [All tasks], a new page is opened on which a manual resubmission can be created. 

In the detailed view of the resubmission, a comment, an SAP posting document number (extremely rare, as all changes with posting documents result in posting-relevant changes) and a deadline can be added. The processing status initially remains open. After the resubmission has been created, it appears in the company's resubmission dialogue. 

If the set deadline has expired but the resubmission is still open, this resubmission is displayed as information in the [VAT] dialogues [Status], [Import] and [Declaration].

Good to know

The parameter stored in the master data regarding the shift by a certain amount of periods also applies to manual resubmissions.

Accounting tasks


After importing the VAT figures from the ERP system, changes often have to be made. Reasons for this can be, for example:

  • Manual adjustments to the figures in the form after import (e.g. due to known, unrecorded postings that belong to the current reporting period).

  • Adjustments due to incorrect reconciliations directly in the reconciliation dialogue.

  • Automatic adjustments resulting from rounding differences in reconciliation 1 up to a set limit.

All these adjustments result in tasks for ongoing business operations, for which a resubmission is created in VAT@GTC. In the [Resubmission] dialogue, the tasks are grouped and a decision is made on how to proceed.


The overview of the accounting-relevant resubmissions takes place in tabular form. The following columns are filled in for each resubmission:






The clear identification of the resubmission


The currently set deadline for the resubmission. If this deadline is exceeded in the current period, the resubmission appears under the due date period [previous periods] and must be processed before the declaration can be created in this period.

Erstellt in Periode

In this column it can be checked in which period the resubmission was created.


The Company Code in which the adjustment underlying this resubmission was made.


The type of manual adjustment and thus the origin of the resubmission is reflected here. The following origins are possible:

  • AB1: A manual change to the Tax base or tax from reconciliation 1.

  • AUTO_AB1: An automatic adjustment of the Tax base or tax up to a limit. These are usually rounding differences.

  • AB2-AB8: A manual change from reconciliation 2-8.

  • MAN: A manual change entered directly in the declaration itself.

Tax code

The tax code affected by the resubmission.

Tax code form

The tax code type of the tax code

Adjustment type

Depending on the origin of the resubmission, there are different types of adjustment. These include:

  • Base: The base is entered in this column if a change in the declaration affects only or also the base. Thus, even in the case of manual adjustments that affect both the assessment basis and the tax are marked with assessment basis.

  • Tax: For changes in reconciliation 1 that adjust the tax, tax is the type of adjustment.

  • Not relevant: Here, either RFUMSV10 or RFBILA has been adjusted. Resubmissions of this type are usually not posted subsequently in SAP.


The amount at which the tax base was adjusted.


The amount at which the tax was adjusted.


The account on which the adjustment was run, if any.

Posted in period

The resubmission is processed in this field. More on this in the following chapter [Processing].

SAP document-no.

The SAP document that references the posting of the resubmission can be entered here. This makes it possible to check afterwards whether the document was posted correctly and whether the resubmission was taken into account in the correct period.


This column shows the pre-written comment of the resubmission. In addition, there is the possibility to change the comment.


The challenge in processing accounting tasks is that the adjustments in VAT@GTC are recorded in the form of the current period and subsequent postings in SAP usually take place in the following period, as the current period is already closed.

There are basically three ways to process a resubmission in VAT@GTC. The processing of a resubmission is possible in the column "Posted in period".

The comfort functions in the function bar can also be used to edit the resubmissions. By using the buttons [Post to current period], [Not yet posted] and [No posting necessary], the column [Posted in period] can be set to the corresponding entry for all resubmissions. However, this function should be used with caution.

Regardless of which method is used to set the [Posted In Period] field, the processing of the resubmissions must be confirmed with the [Save] button.

Resubmissions from automatic adjustments in reconciliation 1 

In reconciliation 1, there is the option of automatically adjusting rounding differences up to a certain value. These adjustments also result in resubmissions that have to be processed. This usually results in a number of resubmissions whose total value is generally very small. These rounding differences are not usually posted in SAP. Therefore, the processing variant [not to be posted] should usually be selected here. However, this would mean that they would all have to be processed individually. Therefore, there is the possibility to set the resubmissions from the Auto_AB1 adjustments directly to [noposting necessary].

All tasks

The [All Tasks] function can be found in the upper part of the [Resubmission] dialogue. It contains all tasks of the selected company - completed and closed - over all months in which the company is available in the VAT@GTC.

Depending on the user rights, s/he can use the following functions of this dialogue. The [Magnifying glass] provides a detailed view of the individual task. If the user has the corresponding rights, the status of the task can be changed via the [Edit function]. This is important, for example, if a book-relevant change was accidentally set to [No posting necessary]. It can be recategorised by reopening the task. 

Missing tax codes during import

If a resubmission was posted to the current period, it is offset against the import value for the tax code used when importing RFUMSV00. If this tax code no longer exists in the current period, the resubmission cannot be offset. When you try to import, the following warning is displayed:

In this case, the corresponding tax code should be restored so that the resubmission can be posted. In the following period, the tax code can be archived again.

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