Installation and Update

Installation and Update

System Requirements and Download

The XBRL Tagger is a Windows Forms Desktop tool that is used on a local computer. It does not require any server or database.

  • Minimum 8 GB RAM

  • Until Version 1.8.10: Microsoft Windows 64-bit Version 10 or higher with .NET Framework 4.7.2

  • Version 1.9.0 and newer: Microsoft Windows 64-bit Version 10 or higher (.NET 8 is included in the installation file)

  • Optional: Internet connection for updates and license activation, see details below.

There are two installers available, The Click-Once installer can be used without administrative privileges and the software will be installed in the users AppData folder. The MSI installer is useful for software distribution and machine-wide installation and requires administrative privileges. The MSI installer does not support the inbuilt application updater. 

Please contact xbrl-support@amana.lucanet.com to get the download link.


Double click on the installer to start the installation. After the installation, the XBRL Tagger can be started via the Windows start menu ("AMANA XBRL Tagger").

Depending on the installer type, the default installation location is:

  • C:\Users\user.name\AppData\Local\AMANA (AMANA.XBRL.Tagger.exe)

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\AMANA XBRL Tagger Installer (Setup.msi)

    MSI-Installer no longer available

    As of version 1.9.0, the MSI installer for the XBRL Tagger is no longer available.

Logs are stored in the installation directory in the subfolder "logs".

It is necessary to have a valid serial number to perform a successful installation. Please contact xbrl-support@amana.lucanet.com if you need a license. 

The Tagger uses an offline taxonomy cache to store the files and enable a faster access to them. Since XBRL taxonomies comprise hundreds of files it would take too long to fetch all these files from the internet for every use. After the successful AMANA XBRL Tagger installation, an XBRLCache folder is automatically created on your hard drive.
This folder can be found under: %appdata%\AMANAconsulting (corresponds to e.g. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\AMANAconsulting). This folder contains all the necessary taxonomy elements. The offline cache is ready for use by the application. 

In order to convert a PDF document to XHTML and keep all formats, AMANA recommends to use a third-party XHTML converter, called pdfToHTMLEx. This converter is published under GPL v3 and free to use. However, it can't be distributed with the XBRL Tagger, therefore users are requested to install it themselves. AMANA forked the converter and published a version under the GPL v3 version here:


See more information about pdfToHTMLEx and how to download it in FAQ #320.

Furthermore, the Tagger needs to be allowed to execute the pdf2htmlEX.exe from that library and have write access to it, in order to convert PDF files.

Customize App-Directories

Some of the default folders used by the application can be customized. 


The offline taxonomy cache location can be changed by changing the following setting in Settings/XBRL Processor Settings:


The default location for the pdf-library is C:\Users\user.name\AppData\Roaming\AMANAconsulting\pdfToHTMLEx\0.14.8-win\. If, for security reasons, the location needs to be changed, it can be done in the AMANA.XBRL.Tagger.dll.config file of the Tagger, which can be found in the same location as the executable. In the appSettings section, the following two keys can be changed:

  • PdfLibraryUri: If you don't want to fetch the PDF converter from our github site, you can define a path to a custom location. This path has to end with download/0.14.8-win/pdfToHtmlEx.zip.

  • PdfLibraryLocalPath: The location of the library files. It is possible to select where the pdfToHTMLEx is located. This can be done in the tagger settings under PDF options. The Tagger needs full access to the selected folder. 


This setting needs to be updated every time a new version is installed. 

The current version of the library can always be found on Github: https://github.com/amanaconsulting/pdf2htmlEX/releases

License and Activation


Tagger Version 1.9: New Licenses and XBRL Identifiers (LEI codes) 

From version 1.9 onwards the license authentication has been changed for the Tagger. Furthermore, XbrlIdentifiers (e.g. LEI codes) have to be registered with the license. Because of this, every user needs to update their license.

This can be done via a new web interface (click here). You can use the same dialog to update the license to a new license and add new XbrlIdentifiers to your existing license. You only need to add the new XbrlIdentifiers, existing ones will be retained. If you need to find the LEI code for your company, you can use the official LEI register (click here).

In order to use the new or updated license, you need to reactivate the license with the license serial provided. If you already have a new license and only want to add additional XbrlIdentifiers, you need to reactivate with the same key.

Activate the Software License

To make full use of the Tagger a valid license is needed. Depending on the type of license, different steps are necessary.

  • Unverified (no internet check) or unlimited License File:

    Simply copy the license file to the AMANA AppData folder or C:\ProgramData\IPManager and start the application (%appdata%\AMANAconsulting).

  • Serial Number:

    Open the "License" dialog (Info → License) and paste the provided serial number into the respective text box. Click “Activate” and confirm the following dialog. The field “Activation” should now state “Activated”.
    License files will be stored in the folder C:\ProgramData\IPManager.

If you want to activate a new license key, you need to delete the existing license first: 

Activate the Software License With File

Sometimes it is not possible to activate the license via serial number and internet. In those cases the user has to provide us with the Hardware Id as shown in the screenshot above. AMANA will then manually activate a license and send it to the user via Mail. The file can then be imported by clicking the "Add License File" button. This license does not have to be activated again! After adding the file just close the license window.

Internet Proxy Settings

When activating the Tagger, an internet connection to AMANA's license server at https://app.licensespot.com will be established to verify the license information. A proxy can be used for the contacting to the license server. To do so, click "Settings" on the menu bar at the top of the window and select "XBRL Processor Settings".

In the lower half of the window the proxy settings can be configured. The settings can be tested by clicking the "Test Connection" button. During testing the application tries to establish a connection to xbrl.org.

The settings are stored in a XML file which is stored at %appdata%\AmanaConsulting\SmartXBRLSettings.xml. The password will be stored encrypted.

Reactivate the License After LEI Code Update

In order to reactivate the license after having updated the LEI code go to Info → License, then perform the steps described below.

  1. Delete the current license file by clicking the Delete license button: 

2. The Serial Number will remain in the window; you can now just click the Activate serial button.

3. The license is activated again and the new LEI codes can be used.

Updating the Application

An Auto Updater automatically downloads the latest version of the AMANA XBRL Tagger. Please click on Check for updates in the Info menu to open the update dialog. For auto-updates, an internet connection to https://downloads.amana-consulting.de has to be established. If no direct internet connection is possible, a proxy server can be configured as described in the section above.

If the integrated update functionality is not working or the XBRL Tagger needs to be removed from the computer, uninstall the XBRL Tagger from the Apps & Features menu in the Windows settings. If required, install the latest version again.

The status of the application will be displayed in a separate dialogue. If a new version is available, click on "Update". Please restart the application to run the new version.

Open Source Licenses

The Tagger uses some open source software components. A list of all components including their licenses can be found in the installation directory in the LICENSE text file.


We do recommend to use the .exe-Installer. It doesn't need any administrator permissions and it enables the automatic updates within the Tagger.

If you still want to package the application, be aware that updates have to be done manually. 

The Tagger has parts in different locations which are important for it to work:

  • The application itself

  • The settings files

  • The XBRL cache

  • The PDF library

  • The license file

The default location for everything except the application and the license file is %appdata%/AMANAconsulting

The application itself:

  • The default location is %localappdata%/AMANA

  • The Tagger is a x64-only application!

  • It is a portable application, meaning you can copy the contents to any location on your system where the access permissions allow it. The main executable is the AMANA.XBRL.Tagger.exe.

  • The AMANA.XBRL.Tagger.AI.Host.exe needs to be running to get the applications AI features working. Assign access permissions if necessary.

The settings files:

  • Tagger.settings

  • SmartXBRLSettings.xml

Both files are created automatically at the first start of the application if they don’t exist. The files have to be saved in the abovementioned default folder, this can't be changed for the Tagger.

The XBRL cache:

This folder contains the taxonomy files needed for the application to work. It is usually created and updated during the start of the application. The default location is the subfolder XBRLCache in the abovementioned default location. The location for this can be changed in the SmartXBRLSettings.xml file:

The PDF library:

Should you wish to use the PDF component of the Tagger, an externally hosted library is needed. The Tagger will automatically download the library if it is needed. It is also possible to deploy the contents of the library with the application.

  • The library can be downloaded from github: https://github.com/amanaconsulting/pdf2htmlEX/releases/download/0.14.7-win/pdfToHtmlEx.zip

  • The default folder is %appdata%/AMANAconsulting/pdfToHTMLEx/0.14.7-win

  • Make sure the contents of the zip file are extracted to a folder named 0.14.7-win within the configured folder.

  • The Tagger will load the pdfToHTMLEx.exe during the loading and conversion of PDF files. Make sure to assign the correct access permissions!

This location can be changed by adding an application key to the AMANA.XBRL.Tagger.exe.config file of the application:

The license file:

The Tagger will automatically create a license file when activating the application through the UI. The default location for this file is C:\ProgramData\IPManager.

It is also possible to create and distribute a license file beforehand. If you want to place it in a different location, you can also use the configured location for the XBRLCache.

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