Filings can be selected for forwarding to different regulators in the menu "Filings → Filing Transfer". AMANA provides various interfaces to the regulators on request (e.g. Bundesbank Extranet). In the view "Filing Transfer" you can tick the desired filings, select the export interface from the drop-down list below and click on the button "Forward Filings".
The next step is to specify the interface parameters, in this case for the "EIOPA XML Export".
After forwarding, the responses from the recipients are displayed and saved. The "Transferred Filings" button takes you to the filings already forwarded and the filings whose forwarding has failed. You can view the forwarding details by clicking on the "View" icon next to the desired filing.
In this view you can download the file or update the forwarding status, if it is not yet final.
If the interface requires credentials, you can enter them in a follow up dialog.
After clicking "Update" the forwarding status is refreshed and eventually a new status is displayed in the overview.