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Please use the System requirements document to check whether your infrastructure is up to date. If this is not the case, please update the infrastructure before you start with the Tax Data Hub installation.


Installation of database

The steps for setting up are kept general at this point in order to do justice to the different configurations of the database systems.

  1. Create a new database schema on the database server.

  2. Create a database user with permission to "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "ALTER", "CREATE" on this database.

    1. In SQL Server, the user needs the database roles db_datareader, db_datawriter and a role for executing stored procedures, e.g.: db_executor:

      Code Block
      CREATE ROLE db_executor
      GRANT EXECUTE TO db_executor
  3. Make sure that the application server can connect to the database with this user.

  4. Please ensure that a current JDBC driver package, suitable for your DBMS and the Java version used, is in the lib directory of the Tomcat.

  5. The database schema is automatically created and updated when the application is started.

  6. Make sure that the user who imports the DB scripts has all rights on the


  1. this database.


Installation of the Web Application Server

As a rule, the module is set up on the same Tomcat on which the module Portal is installed. In this case, a Tomcat already exists. You can skip the steps "Installing the JDK" and " Installation of the Tomcat 9".

In the following, we assume an installation on a Windows operating system. An installation on a Unix-like system differs mainly in the paths.

Installation of the JDK

Install a suitable JDK 17 and create the system variable "JAVA_HOME", which points to the installation directory.

Installation of the "Tomcat 9"

Install Apache Tomcat 9 in a directory of your choice. We recommend installing Tomcat to a drive other than "C:", in the further process the directory "D:\Server\Tomcat" is assumed.

We recommend installing the entries for the start menu to simplify the configuration.

The ports used by the Tomcat can be adapted according to your requirements.

Configuration of the "Tomcat 9"



  1. After installation, run the application "->Startmenu->Tomcat->"configure tomcat" and perform the following steps:

    1. Tab "General": Set the start of the service to automatic.

    2. Tab "Java": Enter "512" in the field "Initial Memory Pool".

    3. Tab "Java": In the field "Maximum Memory Pool" enter approximately half of the available physical memory. For example, 2048 for 4096 MB RAM. For 32-bit systems, please bear in mind the limitation of the working memory to approx. 3.5 GB. The memory settings made here affect the performance and runability of the application. They may need to be adjusted over time as usage increases.

Connection to the database



When using a Microsoft SQL Server database driver with version greater than 10.x.x without encryption, the parameter “url” of the tag “resource” must be extended by “;encrypt=false (in this example url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=taxdatahub;encrypt=false")”


Windows authentication

(Optional for Microsoft SQL Server)

From the JDBC driver package, the appropriate “*.dll”-file must also be copied from the folder “auth” into the directory “System32” of the system.
Example path: .\sqljdbc_8.2.2.0_deu\sqljdbc_8.2\deu\auth\x64\mssql-jdbc_auth-8.2.2.x64.dll

  1. The Windows user must be entered in Tomcat

    1. The user needs permissions on the server of the Tomcat to run the Tomcat service as well as write permissions in the Tomcat folder for logs.

    2. The user needs permissions on the database server.

    3. The user needs the above-mentioned permissions on the database schema.


    1. Image Added

  1. The connections in the context.xml must correspond to this example:

Code Block
<Resource name="jdbc/taxdatahubdatasource" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
                        maxTotal="100" maxIdle="30" maxWaitMillis="10000

Connection to SAP (optional for systems with an RfC connection)


The registration of the module on the portal is carried out directly with Tomcat start java option parameters. The following parameters are necessary in any case:
