German | ||||||||||||||||||
Excerpt | German | Die Berechtigung „Vorübergehendes Deaktivieren der Word Aktualisierung" schaltet die Aktualisierung von Word-Dokumenten beim Öffnen aus. Die Zahlen und Tabellen werden hierbei nicht aktualisiert. Diese Funktion wurde in älteren SmartNotes-Versionen gerne genutzt, wenn nur die Texte in Word angepasst wurden. Mit Einführung des neuen Parsers ist die Ladezeit aber so verkürzt worden, dass diese Funktion an Bedeutung verloren hat.
English | The authorisation "Temporarily disable Word updating" disables the updating of Word documents when they are opened. The figures and tables are not updated. This function was often used in older SmartNotes versions when only the texts in Word were adjusted. With the introduction of the new parser, however, the loading time has been shortened so much that this function has lost its importance. Name Icon Description Affected Dialogs | | Temporarily Disable Word Updating | Temporarily disable Word updating for the current Session | Tools-> Temporarily Disable Word Update
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English | |||||||||
The authorisation "Temporarily disable Word updating" disables the updating of Word documents when they are opened. The figures and tables are not updated. This function was often used in older SmartNotes versions when only the texts in Word were adjusted. With the introduction of the new parser, however, the loading time has been shortened so much that this function has lost its importance.