Release Notes 22.16.XX (R3/2022)
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Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
133802 | Usability | Others | Situation: If the language is changed in the Income Taxes module within the "My Data" dialogue, the Income Taxes dialogues and reports are still displayed in the language that was previously set. Solution: After changes in the portal dialogue "My data", the Income Taxes-side cache is updated, which causes the Income Taxes dialogues and reports to be executed in the currently selected language. | - |
143884 | Deferred Taxes | Export | Situation: If an export based on an Own Report is executed several times, the report is only calculated once for each company. The same result is then used for subsequent calls of the export. As a result, any validation value is not re-evaluated. Solution: The report is recalculated for each export. | - |
138038 | Usability | Others | The GTC is operated as the "Income Taxes" module in the GTC Suite environment: The URLs for registering with the portal will henceforth be governed by the Tomcat startup parameters: Always necessary: Optional to specify a different API address: Optional for static registration required: | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch | |
138692 | Deferred Taxes | Summary | Situation: If "Netting (types of taxes without maturity)" is selected for "Netting of deferred taxes" in an company, the "Summary" dialogue ignores the values for tax credits and other LCF segments in the calculation of totals. Only corporate tax and local tax are taken into account. Solution: The "Summary" dialogue contains additional rows for the other LCF segments (besides corporate and local tax). The additional rows are taken into account in the calculation of totals. | 1301051 | |
136330 | Schnittstellen | Import | Situation: Über den Massenimport können Werte für mehrere Gesellschaften, die unter der ausgewählten Gesellschaft hängen, auf einmal importiert werden. Dabei werden jedoch nur die konsolidierten Gesellschaften berücksichtigt. Lösung: In der Definition der Schnittstelle für den Massenimport kann das Importverhalten nun ausgesteuert werden. | - | - |
142570 | Interfaces | Units | Situation: As soon as a data export is executed for different companies, it can happen that the memory of the system overflows, which can lead to failures when generating the export. Solution: During a data export, the data that is no longer needed is removed from the memory, thus reducing failures due to lack of memory. | - | |
142144 | Master Data | Units | Situation: A mapping with the balance sheet type "Questionnaire " cannot be assigned to the company. Solution: The mapping is saved correctly so that the subsequent import can be carried out. | - | |
142627 | Reports | Own Reports | Situation: Custom reports that pull data from a standard report are not being created properly in Excel. Solution: The own reports should be displayed correctly in Excel. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
138692 | Company - Current Taxes | Tax groups | Situation: The "Tax groups" dialogue is called up for a foreign tax group parent. A large number of NullPointer messages are then written in the log file. As a result, the log file fills up very quickly and becomes confusing. Solution: The error handling has been improved at this point so that the log files are not filled up with unnecessary messages. | - |
106459 | Interfaces | Mapping | Situation: More than one mapping can be stored for an interface structure for enhanced import ("mapping engine") for a specific period. The import, however, will only take one of these mappings into account. Solution: For a specific period and interface structure only one mapping can be stored. The user is shown a corresponding notification. | - |
103530 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: If a direct import with a number format was created and then executed, the specified number format was not taken into account during the import. Values with a trailing minus sign were not correctly interpreted. Solution: When creating a direct import, the specified number format is taken into account during import. Values with a trailing minus sign are correctly interpreted. | - |
137162 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: From GTC Version 21.07.13 or 22.09.03 onwards it may happen that an error that occurs during an SAP import is written to the log file, but not shown on the GUI. Solution: Each error that occurs during an SAP import ist written to the log file and shown on the GUI. | - |
137054 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: A bulk import is to be executed for a period and a part of the companies. With ticket #130874, the import in the (sub-)group was changed in such a way that an import was only possible if no other user was active in the period. This procedure turned out to be impracticable. Solution: A conflict among users only exists if they process companies within the same subgroup. Triggering an import in the (sub-)group area is possible at any time, in case of conflict via the button "Import anyway". If an import has been triggered, the dialogues of all subgroup companies are locked for the duration of the import. Here, too, it is possible to bypass the lock via the "Edit anyway" button. | - |
136542 | Interfaces | Export | Situation: The values of the detailed presentation of the OCI facts in the result sheet are calculated and not saved in an item. Thus, they cannot be imported or exported. Solution: These values now have their own positions in the GTC and can thus be imported and exported via reports, REST services as well as in the Tax Questionnaire. | - |
136582 | Interfaces - Robotic | Import | Situation: During bulk import with activated robotics automation, it is possible to specify via the interface structure that the tax rates in the "Loss carry forward" dialogue are to be taken over directly. Solution: Even if the extended mapping is used, the tax rates are taken over successfully, if this has been activated in the robotics. | - |
136351 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: Under certain conditions it may occur that the import of the "(Sub-) Group" area has an error which in the GUI is diplayed as an endlessly looping progress bar. This can happen, if in the interface structure the field "Local GAAP correction to tax balance sheet values" is empty, checkboxes "open milestones" and "close milestones" are activated, checkbox "reset milestones" is deactivated and the milestone "Current taxes" of an imported unit is closed. Solution: The error is properly handled and shown in the GUI. | - |
139215 | Reports | Tax Reports | Situation: With flag SHOW_OBD = 1 the dialogue "OBD" and the report "Tax Investment Book Value" are visible. If values in foreign currency (e.g. USD) are entered in this dialogue for a foreign company and the report is executed in group currency (e.g. EUR) for the group parent, incorrect values are shown: The exchange rate conversion is done twice. Solution: The report contains correct values: The exchange rate conversion is done only once. | - |
137021 | Interfaces | Interfaces | Situation: If an invalid PATH_FILESERVER is configured, the (Sub-) Group import will not be carried out. However, no error message is displayed at the GUI. Solution: If the (Sub-) Group import cannot be carried out due to an error, the error message is shown at the GUI. | - |
136096 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: The time at which the GTC terminates the connection is set in the code. Solution: In the there is now a new value "REST_TIMEOUT", which can be used to set the time until timeout. The default value is 60 seconds. | - |
136507 | Milestones | Status | Situation: After a period copy including transaction data and milestones it may occur that the milestone "Current taxes" of the tax payer of a group cannot be closed. Solution: A period copy including transaction data and milestone status copies all data which are relevant for milestones (especially the timestamps for the tax group member and the tax group payer). | - |
132454 | Interfaces | Export | Situation: The execution of "Own Reports" may require a lot of main memory. If more than one user calls up "Own Reports" at the same time, these reports are therefore not processed in parallel, but always one after the other. If "Own reports" are used in the "Data export" dialogue, however, the calls are made in parallel. This can lead to too much memory being used and the execution of the reports and thus the data exports being aborted. Solution: A queue is also used in the "Data export" dialogue. | - |
135836 | Reports | Tax Reports | Situation: Reports can be marked as favourites in the overview table. Sorting by favourite reports is not possible. Solution: In the table header, a sorting option is also offered for the Favourites column. | - |
136206 | Security | Others | Situation: For the library "commons-beanutils", which is integrated via the Struts framework, a security vulnerability is known for the version used so far. Solution: GTC includes the most current version 1.9.4 of commons-beanutils which does not have any security issues. | - |
137689 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: Via the "Import" dialogue in the "(Sub-)Group" area, it is also allowed to import into the "Data Transfer" dialogue if the milestones for current and deferred taxes are already closed. This is generally allowed because this dialogue is not included in calculations within the GTC application. Solution: In each company, only values that are assigned to it according the UNITID are stored. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
134882 | Usability / Performance | - | Situation: An ATC proxy is configured that does not require user authentication. When maintaining a connection configuration without user name and password, an error message is displayed. Solution: Username and password are now passed to the proxy even if they are empty. The connection can be established successfully. | - |