Known issues

Known issues

Open known issues in the yearly version 23.00.xx

If the field "Occurs from version" is not maintained, it can be assumed that the error exists in the GTC for a long time and has only been noticed now.

If no "CB" (calculation basis) is entered, the error correction could be carried out without BRG and therefore takes effect in the new GTC version without changing the period master data.

ModuleDialoguePeriod TypeDescriptionTicket NumberOccurs from VersionFixed as of Version CB / PatchWorkaround
ReportingOwn Reports

After running your own report, column fixations in formulas ($) have disappeared.

This makes it more difficult to adjust the reports later.



22.07 and later

not possible at present

Instead of only fixing columns in the formulas, it is necessary to work with exact cell specifications.


"$B:$C" => "$B1:$C1000000"