Pillar 2 Known Issues

Pillar 2 Known Issues

GTC / P2 Version


GTC / P2 Version


GTC 23.05.02

Pillar 2 2.1.0

Percentage Values automatic Recast recalculated with Currency Exchange Rates in Calculation.

Issue is fixed

Possible Workaround:

The Recast calculated in the Dialogue “Deferred Taxes” DT-4 can be transferred to the manual recast and the DT-4.7 activated. Therefore, the automatically calculated value is used in the calculation and aggregated for the jurisdictional blending. Please contact AMANA for the mapping.

GTC 23.05

Pillar 2 2.1.0

Inclusion ratio is calculated with Exchange Rates despite it is a percentage value.

Issue is fixed

Possible Workaround:

  • Since the Inclusion ratio is the last step in the calculation, the top-up tax amount without consideration of the inclusion ratio can be calculated correctly. The Inclusion ratio can then be considered in the excel download to calculate the top-up tax amount per CE with consideration of the inclusion ratio.


The Inclusion ratio is a percentage value and shouldn’t be recalculated with exchange rates.

GTC 23.02

Pillar 2 2.0.5

Currency Exchange Rates for the Value “Carrying value of relevant Eligible Tangible Assets located in the jurisdiction at the beginning of the reporting year” of the Substance based Income Exclusion.

Issue is fixed with GTC 23.05


Possible Workaround:

  • Insert countries and respective ultimo currency in the default period

  • Do not select a previous period snapshot to calculate a snapshot


The Assets at the Beginning of the period are calculated with the prior Ultimo currency exchange rate. The Bug leads to the fact, that the system doesn’t find the previous period. By default, the currency exchange rate of the default period (“---”) is used to calculate the value in the respective currency. It therefore is possible, to enter the currency exchange rates in the default period to calculate the “Carrying value of relevant Eligible Tangible Assets located in the jurisdiction at the beginning of the reporting year”.

GTC 23.02

Pillar 2 2.0.5

Recast Amount is zero, if not all percentage values of DT-4.2, DT-4.4 or DT-4.5 unequal 0.

Issue is fixed with GTC 23.05


  • Insert any other value but zero in DT-4.2, DT-4.4 and DT-4.6, so the function will calculate the recast amount. If the value of the amount to be recastet (DT-4.1, DT-4.3, DT-4.5) is zero, the function is valid and the result will be zero also if DT-4.2, DT-4.4 and DT-4.6 are not zero.


At the moment the formula of the recast doesn’t work if either DT-4.2, DT-4.4 or DT-4.5 are equal to zero. If zero, the value in DT-4.1 or respectively DT-4.3, DT-4.5 are divided by zero and the whole function is not valid.

GTC 23.02

Pillar 2 2.0.5

Authorizations lead to a wrong surface in the dialogue GloBE Income. This concerns just clients, who use authorizations and role concepts for their Pillar 2 Data Collection. For superuser the dialogues work.

Issue is fixed with GTC 23.05


  • As superuser, the dialogue has the right surface.

  • With a short SQL-Statement the problem can be fixed easily. (via Script)


Technical Issue regarding authorizations.

GTC 23.05.02

If the Safe Harbour Election is made, some of these jurisdictions are not part of the Calculations C2-C5.

Issue is fixed

Workaround: Deselect the Safe Harbour Election.

GTC 23.05

Pillar 2 2.1.0

If the Reporting Dimension-Types are changed in the dialog “Administration” after a snapshot was created, the Calculation doesn’t show the Reporting Dimensions of the Snapshot (e.g. Safe-Harbour-Check or Jurisdictional Blending) correctly.

This issue just concerns how the snapshot is displayed, not the calculation itself. That means, if the Reporting Dimension-Types are switched back, the results are shown correctly.

Reporting Dimension-Types are changed rarely; therefore, the issue doesn’t concern many of our clients.

Issue will latest be fixed with GTC 24.04.

GTC 23.02

Pillar 2 2.1.0

If a snapshot is created in a different currency but Euro the exchange rate calculation to this currency doesn’t work for the line 3.5a of the Safe Harbour Calculation and the line CO-2.1 of the CE-Calculation as well as the Jurisdictional Blending.

This problem does not concern snapshots that are created in Euro!

GTC 24.01

The “Abbrechen”/”Cancel” Function for the Import from Income Tax freezes the whole dialogue. (Pillar 2 // Cockpit // Import // Income Tax)

Workaround: End the session and log in the GTC again.

Issue will latest be fixed with GTC 24.04.

GTC 24.01

If the GloBE Loss Election is elected, the values in DT-4.3 and DT-4.5 for the Recast are not automatically set to zero.

Workaround: Activate checkbox in DT-4.7 and make sure the manual recast amount is 0.

Issue will latest be fixed with GTC 24.04.

All Versions

Necessary country master data:

  • Foreign exchange rates cannot be 0

  • All country names need to be maintained in english

  • Country names need to be unique

  • ISO codes need to be maintained


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