Release Notes Version 24
Dominic Goldkuhle
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Required Transfer Client version: 25.1.1
Required Portal version: 24.3.1
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-9274 | Master Data | Period export | Situation: Solution: |
Required Transfer Client version: 25.1.1
Required Portal version: 24.3.1
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-8977 | Company | TRR | Situation: Solution: | |
GTC-8978 | Company | Current Taxes | Situation: Solution: | - |
GTC-8511 | Period transfer | Period export | Situation: Solution: | - |
GTC-8327 | Template | Import | Situation: Solution: | - |
GTC-8406 | Changelog | User and Roles | Situation: Solution: The download is available on the start page when the application is running in the portal suite. In standalone mode, the download can be found in the role/user dialogue. Users can only download the respective change log if they have the corresponding authorisation. | - |
GTC-8908 | Security | Period export | Situation: When a period export is done with anonymisation, the holding quotas of units (master data) and unit partners (basis data) is included in the export file. But when the checkbox "Delete values" is activated, the holding quotas are set to 0. Furthermore, the label "Werte löschen"/"Delete values" is misleading, as the values are not physically deleted but existing values are set to zero. If an attacker knows the original alphabetical order of units (unitIds), the relation between anonymised unitIds and their origins is deducible. Solution: The label of the checkbox is modified to "Reset values" with description "Amount values in the calculation are reset to 0.00 if necessary". When a period export is done with anonymisation and the checkbox "Reset values" is activated, existing BigDecimal values are set to zero, but holding quotas of units (master data) and unit partners (basis data) are not changed. The assignment of anonymised unitIds is done by random. | - |
GTC-8716 | Deferred Taxes | TRR | Situation: Solution: | 1301100 |
Required Transfer Client version: 25.1.1
Required Portal version: 24.3.1
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-8411 | - | - | Situation: If the IncomeTaxes is deployed in the root directory of the application server, the session cookie has been created multiple times. This can lead to inconsistent behaviour of the system, e.g. the user is suddenly logged out. The behaviour can occur from version 24.4.1. Solution: It has been ensured that only one session cookie is ever created, regardless of the deployment path. | - |
GTC-8203 | Period transfer | Toolbox | Situation: Toolbox data, including the toolbox definition (structure of the toolbox dialogue), is regarded in full as transaction data. If a period export is only carried out with master data, no toolbox definitions are exported. As a result, no changes are made to the toolbox definitions during the period import. Solution: The structure of the toolbox belongs to the master data and is always included in the export. It is therefore always transferred to the target period. | - |
GTC-6522 | Company | TRR | Situation: When a deferred tax expense (entered as a positive value) is added in the Others dialogue, specifically under "Unrecognised deferred tax asset (without loss carry forward) P&L," it results in a negative amount in the TRR line "Value adjustments / corrections of value adjustments" (pos09a_a). The proposed value for the field in the Others dialogue also has a false sign. Solution: When the amount is transferred into the TRR dialogue the sign of the value has not been reversed. The sign of the proposed value for the field in the Others dialogue is reversed. | 1301097 |
GTC-8328 | - | - | Situation: Currently, Income Taxes does not offer the dialogues in French language. Solution: Income Taxes supports the French language in the display in the standalone version as well as in the portal environment (from portal version 24.3.1). | - |
Required Transfer Client version: 24.0.4
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-8411 | - | - | Situation: If the IncomeTaxes is deployed in the root directory of the application server, the session cookie has been created multiple times. This can lead to inconsistent behaviour of the system, e.g. the user is suddenly logged out. Solution: It has been ensured that only one session cookie is ever created, regardless of the deployment path. | - |
GTC-8341 | Master Data | Companies | Situation: When a deferred tax expense (entered as a positive value) is added in the Others dialogue, specifically under "Unrecognised deferred tax asset (without loss carry forward) P&L," it results in a negative amount in the TRR line "Value adjustments / corrections of value adjustments" (pos09a_a). The proposed value for the field in the Others dialogue also has a false sign. Solution: When the amount is transferred into the TRR dialogue the sign of the value has not been reversed. The sign of the proposed value for the field in the Others dialogue is reversed. | - |
GTC-8205 | Planning | Transaction data copy | Situation: | - |
GTC-8400 | Roles | Changelog | Situation: When roles and role assignments are changed in the portal, the change log in the Income Taxes module shows a technical ID as the person who made the change. Solution: The change log now displays the name of the user logged into the portal who made the change. | - |
Required Transfer Client version: 24.0.4
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-7864 | Import | LCF | Situation: Solution: | - |
Required Transfer Client version: 24.0.4
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-7633 | Company | Tax liabilities | Situation: In dialogue "Tax liabilities" the rows for "Tax reserves for tax audit risks" are only visible for specific configurations. Customers want to use these rows in a standard configuration as well. Solution: The rows "Tax reserves for tax audit risks income taxes" and "Tax reserves for tax audit risks other taxes" are always visible in dialogue "Tax liabilities". | - |
GTC-8029 | Company | OBD | Situation: The transaction data copy for OBD does not work. Solution: The transaction data copy can be executed for OBD. | - |
Required Transfer Client version: 24.0.4
Required Portal version: 24.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-7333 | Master data | Period export | Situation: With ticket GTC-4213, a pseudonymisation function was added to the period transfer. The feedback revealed that some properties are not yet sufficiently pseudonymised. Solution: Additional master data fields were added to the pseudonymisation. | - |
GTC-7301 | Questionnaire | Questionnaire | As part of the long-term goal of standardising Income Taxes as far as possible, the end of support for further customer-specific functions (VOKUS report, editable help in the questionnaire) is hereby announced. If one of these functions is activated in your system, an appropriate warning message will be displayed and detailed information can also be found in the log files. | - |
GTC-7407 | - | - | New function: The user cannot work with the application when no number format is stored in the database. Outlook: In one of the upcoming versions of Income Taxes, the endpoints will also be available for the GTC Suite. Authorisations will be checked via the user's access token. | - |
GTC-7796 | Others | - | Situation: The application runs into an error, when it is configured and called as a root application. Solution: The application can be started with the Tomcat root link. | - |
GTC-5634 | Reporting | Tax Reports | Situation: The export with standard reports "Mass Export GTC-IDs, all" (REPORT_EXPORT_ALL_GTC_IDS) and "Mass Export GTC-IDs, mapped" (REPORT_EXPORT_GTC_IDS) displays all values of companies in the local company currency. On the customer's side these reports are often used for group-wide evaluations (e.g., in Power BI). But reporting across multiple companies are not possible, if they use different local currencies. Solution: The standard reports "Mass Export GTC-IDs, all" and "Mass Export GTC-IDs, mapped" can be executed with "Scope" and "FX code" selections. All company values are then converted into the corresponding target currency. | - |
Required Transfer Client version: 24.0.4
Required Portal version: 24.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch | |
GTC-4146 | Export | - | New function: In addition to the standard report, it is now possible to address REST endpoints for the export of technical IDs and associated values. These endpoints are currently available when the module is operated in standalone mode. 1. all values of all companies in a period (/api/periods/{period-id}/positions/) The required authorisations can be found in the documentation in the User Guide. Outlook: In one of the upcoming versions of Income Taxes, the endpoints will also be available for the GTC Suite. Authorisations will be checked via the user's access token. | - | |
GTC-5370 | Masterdata | Countries | Situation: In the overview of countries in the master data, the currency conversion rates are displayed with only 4 decimal places, although they can be entered with 10 decimal places. Solution: The display has been corrected. | - | |
GTC-4099 | Masterdata | Users | Situation: In an optional configuration, it is also possible to specify a period when assigning roles to users. This means that this role (and the associated authorisations) is only valid for the specified periods. The end of support for this function was announced in autumn 2021. Solution: This function is no longer supported in the GTC Suite and is therefore no longer available in Income Taxes. | - | |
GTC-5357 | Company | Import | Situation: Additional company codes that are specified in the company master data or in a company-specific interface are not taken into account in an import of the type ‘SAP RfC (flexible)’. Solution: Additional company codes are included in the flexible RfC import. | - | |
GTC-1620 | Company | TRR | Situation: A reclassification column is displayed in the TRR dialogue (optional function). In the event that the reclassifications entered do not add up to 0.00, this is indicated to the user with a warning triangle in the validation line. Solution: In order to communicate the difference more clearly during validation, an additional warning message is now displayed to the user. As this is a warning and not an error, it is possible to finalise the processing of the TRR despite existing reclassification differences. | - | |
GTC-3898 | Masterdata | Roles | Situation: When creating and updating roles, access rights are available that do not make sense in relation to the current configuration. As a result, users sometimes generate roles that do not work correctly. Solution: Only the authorisation objects that are relevant for the current configuration are available. | - | |
GTC-4146 | Export | - | New function: In addition to the standard report, it is now possible to address REST endpoints for the export of technical IDs and associated values. These endpoints are currently available when the module is operated in standalone mode. 1. all values of all companies in a period (/api/periods/{period-id}/positions/) The required authorisations can be found in the documentation in the User Guide. Outlook: In one of the upcoming versions of Income Taxes, the endpoints will also be available for the GTC Suite. Authorisations will be checked via the user's access token. | - | |
GTC-5199 | Interfaces | Export | Situation: If an export interface is configured using a report template, the name of the spreadsheet is required for the CSV, PDF and XLSX file formats so that the export can be performed for this spreadsheet. If ‘File path’ is selected as the target, the ‘Excel sheet name’ field is not displayed and therefore cannot be maintained. This means that the export cannot be triggered. The behaviour occurs since version 24.2.1. Solution: The ‘Excel sheet name’ field is displayed for the ‘Download’ and ‘File path’ destinations in the interface configuration. | - | |
GTC-4307 | Interface | Mapping | Situation: The provided features are being standardised. Special functions that are only used by very few customers were communicated as no longer available some time ago. Affected customers received a corresponding warning message within the application indicating this fact. Until now, an old version of the mapping was still available. Solution: The old version of the mapping is no longer supported. | - | |
GTC-3573 | Company | Snapshots | Situation: No information about the BRG and used TQ version is displayed in the snapshots. Solution: When creating a snapshot, the highest active and relevant BRG in the period and the used TQ version should be saved and listed as 2 new columns on the overview page. | - | |
GTC-3985 | Company | Snapshots | Situation: The "Save" action can take several minutes in the snapshots. A display is not available. Solution: Introduction of a progress bar for the save action to indicate to the user that the application is performing an action. | - | |
GTC-3697 | - | - | Situation: CbCR-specific information needs to be added to the UNIT Master Data (isAMAExx information). Solution: The tab of the Pillar 2 Unit Master Data has been relabeled to 'International Tax'. There are three new fields: TIN01, TIN02, and AMAC00. TIN01 is an input field, TIN02 is a select box, and AMAC00 is also a checkbox. | - | |
GTC-4314 | B/S comparison | Export | Situation: The Excel export of B/S comparison does not show difference values. Furthermore the Excel file can only be opened after confirmation of a warning concerning repairs of the file. Solution: All exports of B/S comparison show the correct values. The Excel export file can be opened without warning. | - | |
GTC-4323 | Company | Snapshots | Situation: The data of the dialogue “Ausländische Zwischengesellschaften” and of "§8b KStG" entries in snapshots may not be exported correctly. Solution: The export contains the specified data correctly and completely. | - | |
GTC-4325 | Pillar2 | Import | Situation: An Import (Cockpit > Import > Income Tax) is not possible if there is no milestone status (P2 main milestone) set. Solution: Milestone status is now always set. | - | |
GTC-698 | Pillar2 | - | BEPSSettings now period dependent. Fixed minor error in repository-beps.xml | - | |
GTC-4184 | Pillar 2 | - | The success message after the import is now clearer. | - | |
GTC-4471 | Pillar 2 | - | Situation: There was an error when opening the Pillar 2 tab in the company edit view. The tab had to be clicked multiple times for the content to be displayed. Solution: An error with opening the Pillar 2 tab in the company edit view has been fixed. | - | |
GTC-4299 | (Sub-) Group | Valuation allowance gross | Situation: The dialogue “Valuation allowance gross” under “(Sub-) Group” is no longer required. Solution: The dialogue “Valuation allowance gross” under “(Sub-) Group” and all calculations linked to it are removed. | - | |
GTC-5398 | Company | Basis data | Situation: The tax rates are displayed incompletely in the ‘Basis data’ dialogue. For example, the value for the Local tax/State tax rate is not listed. Solution: The display of the tax rates in the Basis data dialogue has been corrected. | - | |
GTC-4213 | Security | Periods | Situation: In certain cases, customer problems cannot be reproduced by AMANA. For data protection reasons, it is sometimes not an option to fully export period data, which makes problem solving more difficult. Solution: An anonymisation function is now available when exporting periods. This option is only used in exceptional cases and must be activated through a configuration in the system. | - | |
GTC-4147 | - | - | Situation: The module Income Taxes offers REST interfaces which can be accessed from external Systems. To call these interfaces, a API Key is needed which currently is not displayed in the tool itself. Solution: In the 'My settings' dialogue, users can click the 'Show API Key' button to access their key. A popup will appear with a button to automatically copy the API key to the clipboard. This key remains available for 15 minutes after it refreshes. To ensure the key can be used for the full duration, it refreshes each time the dialog is opened. | - | |
GTC-5405 | Master data | Position mapping | Situation: In the Master data dialogue 'Position mapping' the checkbox "Extend default mapping?" is not displayed in the list of the existing mappings. Solution: The checkbox entries for the field "Extend default mapping?" are displayed correctly. | - | |
GTC-5400 | Company | Basis data | Situation: Under some circumstances, the "Basis data" dialogue shows too many fields/properties for companies that do not work with German tax law. Solution: The display has been corrected. | - | |
GTC-4242 | Import | TRR | Situation: It is possible to import into non-editable fields. In addition, it is not possible to import into both the "IFRS adjustment" and "Reclassification" fields of the same line. Solution: It is now possible to import into two fields of the same row. In addition, the system displays an error message when importing into a non-editable or non-visible field. | - | |
GTC-5536 | Logging | - | Situation: Incorrect Tomcat start parameters are the cause of some problems. However, when a customer contacts support, these have to be requested and entered manually, which means that the actual parameters may differ from the transmitted ones. Solution: The start parameters are now automatically transferred to the ‘system.log’ files so that we can provide faster support in the event of a problem and obtain more accurate information. | - | - |
GTC-5362 | Menu | Reporting Engine | Situation: In a period with deactivated tax calculation (eg: pure TaxQuestionnaire, CbCR, Pillar 2 periods) the dialogue "Reporting Engine" is not displayed in the menu tree. Solution: The ‘Reporting Engine’ dialogue is visible in periods with deactivated tax calculation, as long as the user has the necessary permissions. | - | - |
GTC-4297 | (Sub-) Group | Report DT (LCF) | Situation: The provided features are being standardised. Special functions that are only used by very few customers were communicated as no longer available some time ago. Affected customers received a corresponding warning message within the application indicating this fact. Previously, an additional function was offered in the ‘Report VV’ dialogue using the customising flags NOTES_ROW_CALCULATION and similar. Solution: The additional functions that could be activated with the NOTES_ROW_CALCULATION and similar flags have been completely removed. It is no longer possible to display or use these functions. | - | - |
GTC-5400 | Company | Basis data | Situation: Under some circumstances, the "Basis data" dialogue shows too many fields/properties for companies that do not work with German tax law. Solution: The display has been corrected. | - | - |
GTC-4303 | Masterdata | Periods | Situation: The provided features are being standardised. Special functions that are only used by very few customers were communicated as no longer available some time ago. Affected customers received a corresponding warning message within the application indicating this fact. Previously, the customising flag SHOW_PERIODOPTION_FORECAST enabled the configuration of periods as forecast or half-year periods. Solution: Forecast and half-year periods are no longer supported. Existing forecast and half-year periods are closed and archived. | - | - |
GTC-4306 | Interfaces | - | Situation: The provided features are being standardised. Special functions that are only used by very few customers were communicated as no longer available some time ago. Affected customers received a corresponding warning message within the application indicating this fact. Until now, an old version of the import configuration was still available. Solution: The old version of the import configuration is no longer supported. | - | - |
GTC-4309 | - | - | Situation: The provided features are being standardised. Special functions that are only used by very few customers were communicated as no longer available some time ago. Affected customers received a corresponding warning message within the application indicating this fact. The ENABLE_DEPRECATED_XML_UPLOADS flag was previously used to activate the uploading of XML files in special system configurations. Solution: The uploading of XML files is no longer supported. | - | - |
GTC-4305 | Company | Validation | Situation: The provided features are being standardised. Special functions that are only used by very few customers were communicated as no longer available some time ago. Affected customers received a corresponding warning message within the application indicating this fact. Until now, an old version of the validation (version 2) was still available. Solution: Validation variant 2 is no longer supported. Variant 4 can be set up as an alternative. | - | - |
GTC-4322 | Interface | Import Suite | Only relevant when using the Income Taxes module in the GTC Suite environment: Situation: When importing values from SmartTaxBalance, values are also saved as comments. The new interface to the ‘Tax Balance’ module does not support this function. Solution: The import is carried out via the ‘Import Suite’ dialogue. | - | - |
GTC-5604 | (Sub-)Group | Import | Situation: The enhanced import for (sub-) groups does not work correctly for foreign companies. When saving, an error message appears. Solution: All imports work correctly for foreign companies. This behaviour has occurred since version 24.3.1. | - | - |
GTC-5651 | Performance | Companies | Situation: The overview dialogue "Companies" takes a long time to load if there are a large number of companies. Solution: | - | - |
Required Transfer Client version:
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-1718 | Master data | - | Data cleaning has been added when modifying master data.
| - |
GTC-5370 | Master data | Countries | Situation: In the overview of countries in the master data, the currency conversion rates are displayed with only 4 decimal places, although they can be entered with 10 decimal places. Solution: The display has been corrected. | - |
GTC-5357 | Company | Import | Situation: Additional company codes that are specified in the company master data or in a company-specific interface are not taken into account in an import of the type ‘SAP RfC (flexible)’. Additional company codes are included in the flexible RfC import. | - |
GTC-1602 | Master data | Foreign branches | Situation: Up to now, it has only been possible to maintain foreign branches in the basis data. This means that it is not possible to transfer branches in a period copy (without a transaction data copy). Solution: Foreign branches can now be maintained in the master data and also in the standard period. For this purpose, the table in the Basis data dialogue has been removed and implemented as a separate dialogue in the master data.
| - |
GTC-5199 | Interfaces | Export | Situation: If an export interface is configured using a report template, the name of the spreadsheet is required for the CSV, PDF and XLSX file formats so that the export can be performed for this spreadsheet. If ‘File path’ is selected as the target, the ‘Excel sheet name’ field is not displayed and therefore cannot be maintained. This means that the export cannot be triggered. The behaviour occurs since version 24.2.1. Solution: The ‘Excel sheet name’ field is displayed for the ‘Download’ and ‘File path’ destinations in the interface configuration. | - |
GTC-5362 | Menu | Reporting Engine | Situation: In a period with deactivated tax calculation (eg: pure TaxQuestionnaire, CbCR, Pillar 2 periods) the dialogue "Reporting Engine" is not displayed in the menu tree. Solution: The ‘Reporting Engine’ dialogue is visible in periods with deactivated tax calculation, as long as the user has the necessary permissions. | - |
GTC-5405 | Master data | Position mapping | Situation: In the Master data dialogue 'Position mapping' the checkbox "Extend default mapping?" is not displayed in the list of the existing mappings. Solution: The checkbox entries for the field "Extend default mapping?" are displayed correctly. | - |
GTC-5398 | Company | Basis data | Situation: The tax rates are displayed incompletely in the ‘Basis data’ dialogue. For example, the value for the Local tax/State tax rate is not listed. Solution: The display of the tax rates in the Basis data dialogue has been corrected. | - |
GTC-5400 | Company | Basis data | Situation: Under some circumstances, the "Basis data" dialogue shows too many fields/properties for companies that do not work with German tax law. Solution: The display has been corrected. | - |
Required Transfer Client version:
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-4471 | Pillar 2 | - | Situation: There was an error when opening the Pillar 2 tab in the company edit view. The tab had to be clicked multiple times for the content to be displayed. Solution: An error with opening the Pillar 2 tab in the company edit view has been fixed. | - |
GTC-4325 | Pillar2 | Import | Situation: An Import (Cockpit > Import > Income Tax) is not possible if there is no milestone status (P2 main milestone) set. Solution: Milestone status is now always set. | - |
GTC-5128 | Company | Anlage FB | Situation: Regardless of the chosen tax return year, the dialogue Anlage FB can no longer be saved for partners that are not maintained in master data area. Solution: The dialogue Anlage FB can be saved correctly. | - |
Required Transfer Client version:
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-4131 | Masterdata | Toolbox | Situation: In the toolbox, the row block with the 19.x rows and the rows 20.1.1 to 22.2 could not be displayed or hidden. Solution: The row block with the 19.x rows can now be activated as usual via a checkbox above row 19.1. | - |
GTC-4295 | Masterdata | Users | Situation: The user overview lists the assigned roles without information on reporting dimensions and countries. Solution: The assigned roles are displayed in complete form in the overview again. | - |
GTC-4244 | Mastedata | Countries | Situation: If the function "Automatically transfer proposed tax rates" is activated, the proposed values for the tax rates are displayed with only two decimal places, although the tax rates in the country master data can be maintained with four decimal places. Solution: Four decimal places are taken into account when the tax rates are transferred. | - |
GTC-4241 | Company | Toolbox | Situation: Solution: | 1301090 |
GTC-4314 | B/S comparison | Export | Situation: The Excel export of B/S comparison does not show difference values. Furthermore the Excel file can only be opened after confirmation of a warning concerning repairs of the file. Solution: All exports of B/S comparison show the correct values. The Excel export file can be opened without warning. | - |
GTC-4323 | Company | Snapshots | Situation: The data of the dialogue “Ausländische Zwischengesellschaften” and of "§8b KStG" entries in snapshots may not be exported correctly. Solution: The export contains the specified data correctly and completely. | - |
GTC-4184 | Pillar 2 | - | The success message after the import is now clearer. | - |
Required Transfer Client version:
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-4205 | - | - | Update to Spring-Framework Version "5.3.37" | - |
Required Transfer Client version:
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-4022 | - | - | Situation: The automatic migration of users, roles and role assignments from Income Taxes to the portal does not work. The error message refers to an error in the target module during ID mapping. The automatic migration works and supports an error-free transfer of users, roles and role assignments from Income Taxes to the portal. | - |
Required Transfer Client version:
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-505 | Company | Toolbox | Situation: All lines from 20.1 to 22.2 are fixed (displayed always). This extends the dialogue unnecessarily. In most cases, only a few lines from this block are required. Solution: | - |
GTC-3752 | Company | TB Transfer | Situation: Solution: | - |
GTC-3770 | - | - | Only relevant when using the Income Taxes module in the GTC Suite environment: Situation: If a user is restored in the portal, this event is not correctly sent to the Income Taxes module. The user is still archived and cannot log in to Income Taxes. Solution: The user is restored in both Income Taxes and the portal. To correct the behaviour, please archive the user a second time and restore them again. | - |
GTC-3775 | Company | Toolbox | Situation: Solution: | 1301086 |
GTC-3803 | - | - | Situation: Solution: | - |
GTC-3820 | - | - | Situation: Solution: | - |
GTC-3821 | - | - | Update to Spring-Fraamework Version "5.3.36" | - |
GTC-3871 | Pillar 2 | Status MonitoringStatus Monitoring | Situation: inconsistent behaviour when increasing milestones for certain units Solution: all milestones should be able to be incremented regardless of the character string. | - |
GTC-3885 | - | - | Only relevant when using the Income Taxes module in the GTC Suite environment: Situation: The customer still uses SmartTaxBalance but Income Taxes is connected to the Portal already. In this case the Import tab for SmartTaxBalance is hided. Solution: The tab for the import of SmartTaxBalance is displayed again, until support of SmartTaxBalance is discontinued. | - |
GTC-4022 | - | - | Situation: The automatic migration of users, roles and role assignments from Income Taxes to the portal does not work. The error message refers to an error in the target module during ID mapping. The behaviour occurs since version 23.05.00. Solution: The automatic migration works and supports an error-free transfer of users, roles and role assignments from Income Taxes to the portal. | - |
Required Transfer Client version:
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
GTC-422 | Reporting | Others | In the Reports area, the entry "Own reports" has been renamed to"Reporting engine". | - |
GTC-736 | Others | - | The Excel export has been adapted. Additional information such as company and period are now also displayed. The PDF export has been adapted so that no representations are cut off and the dialogue is always represented completely | - |
GTC-3658 | Master Data | Periods | Situation: For technical reasons, the drop-down list of periods for the "Calculation bases" field is no longer displayed. The calculation basis must now be entered directly. Solution: The latest available calculation base is displayed as proposed value. When creating new periods, the latest calculation base is always used. If a period is copied, this also applies to the "Calculation base" field. | - |
GTC-3654 | Company | Status | Situation: The pop-up for copying transaction data could not be accessed. Solution: The authorisation check has been corrected so that it can be opened again. | - |
GTC-3683 | Authorisation | - | Situation: In some dialogues, the authorisation checks do not work correctly. The following dialogues were affected by this in certain constellations and have now been corrected: 1) 8b Subjects - Import | - |
GTC-3686 | Company | Basis data | Situation: The prior-year values for tax rates are no longer displayed in the basis data. Solution: The issue has been corrected. | - |
GTC-3423 | Reporting | Tax Reports | Situation: Solution: | - |
GTC-3658 | Master Data | Periods | Situation: Solution: |
Required Transfer Client version:
Required Portal version: 23.02.01
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
AMP-7932 | Portal | - | Situation: In newly installed environments, the behaviour occurs that it is not possible to switch from the Income Taxes module to the Portal module. The same behaviour occurs when a newly created user works with the system. Solution: The connection between the Portal and Income Taxes modules works properly in both directions. | - |
AMP-6556 | Company | Milestone | Situation: To close all milestones (" finished"), the user must save the dialogues in the correct order and close the milestones one after the other. If the "Deferred taxes" milestone is set to "Completed", the "Reconciliation" milestone always remains in the "In progress" status, even if the status is plausible in theory. The milestone status only changes to "plausible" after the TRR dialogue has been saved. Only then is it possible to close the dialogue. Solution: If the "Deferred taxes" milestone is closed, the TRR dialogue is recalculated directly in the background. The "Reconciliation" milestone is automatically set to the "plausible" status according to the validation calculated from it or remains in the "in progress" status. | - |
AMP-5753 | Import | Import Suite | Situation: The "Import Suite" dialogue enables the import of values from module Tax Balance. The import process can currently be started on this page. However, the user must then call up the dialogue manually to update the page. If the import takes longer, this process may have to be repeated several times until the Tax Balance processing is complete. Only then the import result is displayed and can be saved by the user. Solution: After starting the import, the page refreshes automatically. As long as the import is running, a corresponding message appears. As soon as the import is finished, the import log is displayed. The page can also be exited during the import. | - |
AMP-6111 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: Direct imports (import from database table TIMPORTBS) were only available in combination with the standard mapping (direction: "Import"). Solution: Direct imports (import from database table TIMPORTBS) can also be used in combination with the mapping engine (direction: "Import (enhanced)"). A corresponding is maintained in dialogue "Import mapping". | - |
AMP-7002 | Master Data | Periods | The maximum size for uploaded files can be configured with the FILEUPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES flag. The default value is set to 50MB. | - |
AMP-4941 | Interfaces | Import Suite | Situation: Dialogue "Import Suite" (reading data from Tax Balance) cannot be used in combination with the mapping engine. Solution: In dialog "Import Suite" (reading data from Tax Balance) an interface structure of the mapping engine with source "Direct import" can be used. | - |
AMP-5740 | Master Data | Roles | Situation: Role changes and assignments done in the portal might be out of sync with the data stored in the Income Taxes database (eg because of a network error). Note that the only possible error concerns deletions of roles and role assignments. Solution: Roles and role assignments are synchronised with the portal during startup of the Income Taxes Tomcat and during user login. | - |
AMP-4943 | Others | Popups | Situation: In some dialogues the confirmation popup for deleting an entry (eg: § 8b KStG) does not display any details about the selected item. Solution: The confirmation popup for deleting an entry shows significant details about the selected item. | - |
AMP-6995 | Master Data | Roles | Role allocations weren't able to be transfered to IncomeTaxes if a role, that isn't known to IncomeTaxes, was part of the allocations to be saved. (F.e. if that role has no accessrights of IncomeTaxes) The contexts selectboxes for IncomeTaxes in Portal - Role allocation (Companies, Reporting Dimensions and Countries) have been restored to be multiselectboxes. | - |
GTC-639 | Import | Mapping | Situation: If an internal row (Typ '---' in mapping, "alias") is processed, the column number is not correctly displayed when an error occurs during evaluation or validation of a mapping field (eg: because of a syntax error). Solution: The column number is correctly specified in an error message. | - |
GTC-1447 | Aktivierung | - | Situation: What is wrong: Solution: The implementation now additionally determines the MAC address with "/sbin/ip -a address". | - |