

General information

The log information is logged in the GTC with the framework Log4j2.

In addition to the logs, changes to the master data (changelog) are documented in a special database table. The information can be accessed within the application with the appropriate rights.

Logging Configuration

New feature

Logging to the console and in JSON format is available from version 22.00.02 and 22.03.00 onwards.

The output location and format can be configured via startup parameters of the Tomcat server. If no adjustments are made here, logging takes place by default in file format in the CATALINA_BASE/logs directory and follows the configuration in the log4j2.xml file.

Log directory

With the Tomcat parameter "-DLOGGER_PATH=..." another log directory can be configured.

Log format

In addition to the previous logging in files, logging can also be directed to the console. In addition to the previous format, logging can alternatively be done in JSON format. For this, the configuration file log4j2-param.xml must be used.

  • For this purpose, the Tomcat parameter "-Dlog4j2.configurationFile=log4j2-param.xml" must be set.
  • The selection of one of the four possible values CONSOLE_TEXT, CONSOLE_JSON, FILE_TEXT and FILE_JSON is done via the Tomcat parameter "-DLOGGER_TARGET=...".
  • The JSON format can be selected from the defaults EcsLayout.json (default), GcpLayout.json, GelfLayout.json, JsonLayout.json, LogstashJsonEventLayoutV1.json and StackTraceElementLayout.json. This happens via the Tomcat parameter "-DLOGGER_JSON_LAYOUT=...".

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