Interface configuration

Interface configuration

Master data import

This interface describes the structure of the template which is used to import companies into the VAT@GTC. This is usually only done at the beginning of the project. In the upper area you can define general settings for the interface.

IDThe ID of the interface configuration.
NameThe name of the interface configuration.
Interface typeThe interface master data import is selected here.
File typeWhen importing master data, CSV must usually be selected.
Default interfaceThis setting is irrelevant for the master data import.
Skip empty rowsIf this box is checked, empty lines in the template are skipped. If the box is unchecked, these are reported as errors.
Do you want to archieve units, which are not included in the import file?If this function is activated, the existing companies are archived in the period to which the master data is transferred.
Sheet nameIf several worksheets are available, the name of the worksheet to be used can be entered here.
SeperatorThe separator separates individual entries in the CSV file. Usually this is a semicolon or a comma. 
First data rowThe first row that contains data for the import. Title rows are not data rows.

In der darauffolgenden Tabelle wird die Struktur des Templates konfiguriert. 

NameThe name of the field in the VAT@GTC.
PatternA pattern can be stored here, which every entry in this field must correspond to.
OrderThe column in which the entry is to be found in the template is determined. If an entry does not exist in the template, a 0 must be entered.
Header nameThe name of the column in the template.
Mandatory fieldThis box indicates whether this field is mandatory. If a mandatory field in the template is not completely filled, importing is not possible.
Skip row if the column is emptyThe rows in which this column is not filled in the template are not imported.

VAT-ID Import

The format of the upload file can be configured for the VAT@GTC VAT ID import. Only one configuration of the VAT ID check is possible. If no configuration is available, the import file is expected to be UTF-8 encoded by default.

IDThe ID of the interface configuration.
NameThe name of the interface configuration.
Interface typeThe VAT-ID Import interface is selected here.
File typeThe file type can be defined (CSV or text file)
EncodingThe coding can be configured here. If the encoding does not match, special characters such as umlauts are not imported correctly.
SeparatorHere you can select a separator to separate the individual entries of the CSV file.
First Data RowHere you configure in which line of the CSV file the data to be imported starts (header lines are not to be imported).

VAT Import

This interface configuration can be used to configure the import of the SAP-Reports RFUMSV00, RFUMSV10 and RFBILA00 for the VAT Return. It is possible to configure several different variants of the VAT-import. These can be assigned to the companies in [Master Data → Companies]. If no configuration is available, the import file is expected to be ANSI encoded by default.

IDThe ID of the interface configuration.
NameThe name of the interface configuration.
Interface typeThe VAT-Import interface is selected here.
EncodingThe coding can be configured here. If the encoding does not match, special characters such as umlauts are not imported correctly.
Default interfaceIf "Yes (exclusive)" is selected here, this configuration is automatically configured for all companies. Only a single VAT-import configuration can be exclusive. A configuration of the VAT-import that is defined with "No (optional)" must be assigned to the companies in the Master Data area.

ESL Import

This interface configuration can be used to configure the import of the declaration values for the ESL. It is possible to configure several different variants of the ESL import. These can be assigned to the companies in [Master Data → Companies]. If no configuration is available, the import file is expected to be a RFASLM text file encoded inANSI by default.

IDThe ID of the interface configuration.
NameThe name of the interface configuration.
Interface typeThe ESL Import interface is selected here.
File typeThe file type can be defined (CSV or text file)

This field can be filled if CSV is selected as the file type. A semicolon, a comma or a pipe can be configured as separator ( ; , | ).

Good to know

The separator separates individual pieces of information in each line of the file. The separator of a CSV file can be identified by opening the file in a plain text editor. 

EncodingThe coding can be configured here. If the encoding does not match, special characters such as umlauts are not imported correctly.
Default interfaceIf "Yes (exclusive)" is selected here, this configuration is automatically configured for all companies. Only a single ESL import configuration can be exclusive. A configuration of the ESL import that is defined with "No (optional)" must be assigned to the companies in the Master Data area.
Filename pattern

A separate file name pattern can be stored for each ZM Import configuration, which differs from the standard pattern of the network drive interface. If you create an individual file name pattern here, this file name pattern is used for this ZM import configuration instead of the file name pattern stored in the network drive import configuration.

The file pattern for the network drive import of an CSV file for the ESL is usually: ZM-<VATID>-<DATE:yyyy-MM>.<EXT>

Automatic import

If the SAP reports are to be imported automatically it must be configured in the VAT@GTC.

Network drive import

IDThe ID of the interface configuration.
NameThe name of the interface configuration.
Interface typeThe interface network drive import is selected here.
File typeThe file format of the SAP reports. These are usually text files.
Default interfaceIf the network drive is the default interface, "Yes (exclusive)" must be selected. If the web service Import is also active, it can also be configured, but as "No (optional)". In this case, the companies that import via the web service must be configured accordingly in the company master data.
Path to netdriveThe path to the folder where the SAP reports for import are stored.
Path to archive directoryThe path of the folder in which the SAP reports are archived after the import.
Filename pattern

The pattern of SAP report names.

Good to know

You can configure your own pattern in the ESL Import. If this is the case, the general pattern configured here is not used in the companies with the corresponding ESL Import configuration. 

Webservice import

IDThe ID of the interface configuration.
NameThe name of the interface configuration.
Interface typeThe interface webservice import is selected here.
Default interfaceIf the web service is the default interface, "Yes (exclusive)" must be selected. If network drive import is also active, it can also be configured, but as "No (optional)". In this case, the companies that import via the network drive must be configured accordingly in the company master data.
HTTP Basic AuthenticationThe web service can optionally be secured with HTTP Basic authentication. This is particularly interesting if the VAT@GTC cannot only be accessed from the company network. This can prevent unauthorised persons from transmitting transaction data to the VAT@GTC.
User name / PasswordSelected combination of user name and password for HTTP Basic Authentication. These must be sent in the header of the request with the movement data if authentication is activated. Requests without this information or with incorrect information are rejected.