XBRL Auditor Known Issues

XBRL Auditor Known Issues

Check for Updates

If you encounter any problems, please make sure that you are using the latest version of the program. You can update it using the "Check for Updates" function from the main menu. 
The current version is 1.2.7 from 2023-02-28.


For any issues please contact us at xbrl-support@amana.lucanet.com.

Taxonomy extension linkbase changes are not fully detected by the XBRL Instance Comparer.1.1.*MediumCompare the linkbases manually with the XBRL Report Data View or the Excel report.

Auditor settings are set to default after version update.

1.1.4LowAfter the update, please adjust the setting again according to your needs.
Naming convention warning shown in some cases even when file name is correct. (Guidance 2.6.3, ESEF Filing Rule validation 2021 only) 1.1.4MediumPlease ignore messages and check the file name manually.
Format should be: Name-Year-Month-Day-Language Code.zip
Sample: amana-2020-12-31-de.zip

The Check 16 returns warnings on tags, even if those tags are valid to be used.


Just ignore messages from check 16 and set its status to Ok, if the tagging is appropriate. Please find more information on the Effective/Expiry attributes in the XBRL taxonomy in the IFRS Preparers Guide (page 32ff):

The Check 2 returns "Failed" after the "Auto-Check" button is clicked, even if it was valid before, after loading the document. This happens only if there are XBRL Specification 2.1 errors in the document.

1.1.5MediumPlease ignore message Auto Check status for check 2 if its changing after the document has been opened. The XBRL Validation messages are correct and will correctly show Inline XBRL 1.1 errors if existing.
The Auditor may crash when searching for a technical name in the Presentation Linkbase tree while the subchecks are enabled.1.1.6MediumDisable the Subchecks in the Auditor settings. (Restart required)

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