CbC-R: Common Errors and Possible Solutions

CbC-R: Common Errors and Possible Solutions

String was not recognized as a valid Boolean (Error in Portal)


This means that there is a cell that should contains a valid bool value (True or False) but contains some other text.

Possible solution:

Check cell C31 0. CbC Report Masterdata Sheet.

The only valid values are TRUE or FALSE, but many people write there the German translations WAHR or FALSCH.



Error parsing Excel sheet X row Y and column Z. The requested value A was not found.

This means that there is a wrong value in cell ZY of the X Sheet. Most commonly this happens in a ComboBox of Country Codes.

The user needs to select a value from the Country Codes ComboBox, but instead of that, they write an invalid Country Code.


Possible solution:

Go to cell ZY of the X Sheet.

Most commonly this issue appears in the 1. CbC Reporting and 2. CbC Constituent Entities Sheets. But it can also happens in the 0. CbC Report Masterdata Sheet.

The value of that cell must be a valid Country Code.

Just select a value from the Country Codes ComboBox.

If the cell does not contain a ComboBox:

This happens because the user is not using the latest Excel template.

It is recommended that they download the latest Excel Template and start again.

If they already have a lot of information in the file and it is not possible to start from the beginning, just write a valid Country Code.

The List of Valid Country Codes can be found in the CbC Country Codes Sheet.

Constituent Entity X in Excel row Y has no Business Activities.

The list of Constituent Entities is in the 2. CbC Constituent Entities Sheet.


Each Constituent Entity must have at least one X in columns 501 to 513. These columns indicate the Business activities of the Constituent Entity.

Possible solution:

Write at least one X in any of those columns of the Row Y and it should work.


The element ‘ELMAHeader’ in namespace xxx has invalid child element ‘AccountID’ …

This should happen only for German reports.

Possible solution:

Check cells C40 and C41 of the 0. CbC Report Masterdata Sheet. At least one of them is empty in customer’s Excel file, but it should contains a value.


Cell C40: Must contains the BZSt-Nummer

Cell C41: Must contains the Account-ID

The user can check the comments on those cells in the Excel file template to get more information.


The element ‘CbCR_Header’ in namespace xxx has invalid child element …

This should happen only for German reports.

Possible solution:

Check cell C42 of the 0. CbC Report Masterdata Sheet. The cell should be empty in customer’s Excel file, but it should instead contains a value.


Cell C42: Must contains a valid Steuernummer.

The user can check the comments of that cell in the Excel file template to get more information.


Error reading Text : xxx from Excel Name: ‘bzst_Verarbeitungslauf’: Requested value XXX was not found.

Similar to Error 2. The user is specifying an invalid Report Type in Cell C45 of the 0. CbC Report Masterdata Sheet.


Possible solution:

A valid value should be selected from the Verarbeitungslauf ComboBox in Cell C45.

If there is no ComboBox in Cell:

This happens because the user does not has the latest version of the Excel Template.

It is recommended that they download the latest Excel Template and start again.

If they already have a lot of information in the file and it is not possible to start from the beginning, the user should write PRODUKTIONSLAUF or TESTLAUF).

But they should keep in mind to download the latest Excel template for the next submission.

Constituent Entities has no TIN (Fiscal Number or Steuernummer)

Possible solution:

CbC Constituent Entities Sheet: Leave empty Cell Dx where x is the Row of the Constituent Entity with no TIN





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