Release Notes 21.XX.00
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Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
118245 | Portal / GTC Suite | Others | Situation: If the portal and the GTC are installed on the same server, the server startup is prevented by the GTC. Solution: The GTC and the portal start one after the other, the GTC registers with the portal and then receives updated user data. | |
118612 | Security | Others | Situation: In the admin area it is possible (with specific permissions and access tokens) to download content from each of the underlying database tables. Seen from a security perspective this must be seen as a critical feature. The same can be said about the download of user-related database tables via Own Reports. Solution: The above mentioned functionalities of the admin have been reverted and can no longer be used. The dialogue only allows to modify flags. Own Reports cannot download the contents of database tables TUSER, TUSERACCESSRIGHT, TUSERDIALOGPRESENTATION und TUSERREPORTS. | |
121341 | Master Data | Units | Situation: There is already a comment field in the master data of the company, which is also displayed in the basic data of a company. However, there is a need for an additional comment field that is only displayed in the master data. Solution: The "Additional information" field is displayed in the master data as well as in the basic data. The new field "Comment (internal)" is displayed exclusively in the master data. |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
118525 | Portal / GTC Suite | Login | Situation: A user who wanted to assign more than GTC roles to a user in the portal could not save this operation because the GTC identified non-GTC roles as incorrect. Solution: Non-GTC roles no longer cause the save operation to be aborted. | |
119364 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: During the import process into the dialogue "Others" there is a validation for valid positions. During the validation two positions were not taken into account, so that these lines could not be imported. Solution: All positions should be taken into account during the validation and the import into all rows should be possible. | |
98331 | Interfaces | Import | The import for special investment income is now available. |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
115463 | Questionnaire | Colouring of complete table rows in questionnaire tables is now possible. |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
117710 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: The extended import no longer adds when several import positions flow into the same target position. The error occurs since version 21.15.00. Solution: The import also works with multiple mappings to one position. |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
112475 | Deferred Taxes | Report LS Pos | Situation: In one period, entries were made in the 'LCF' dialogue in the 'after BP' categories. These entries lead to deferred tax assets. The resulting deferred taxes are not shown in the 'Report DT Pos' dialogue in the line 'Losses carried forward'. Solution: The above entries lead to deferred taxes and are correctly shown in the 'Report DT Pos' dialogue. The patch must be activated to correct the disclosure. | 1301003 |
114889 | Master Data | B/S comparison | Only relevant if the Tax Audit module is activated: Situation: If the tax rate is adjusted in the associated country of a company, this is not updated in the balance sheet comparison in the "Other" tab in the tax audit columns.If, for example, the corporation tax rate is changed from 15% to 16%, 15% still remains in the above-mentioned column in the balance sheet comparison and the old value is also incorrectly calculated. As soon as the balance sheet comparison is displayed after changing tax rates in the country master data, the currently valid tax rates are loaded into all tabs. | - |
72262 | Reporting | Tax Reports | Situation: The report Tax Balance Sheet shows tax balance sheet values from the current period. Incorrectly, balance sheet items from the previous period are also displayed, even if they no longer exist in the current period. Solution: Only balance sheet items from the current period are displayed. | - |
115976 | Deferred Taxes | MVB - STB | Situation: In the MVBS dialogue, split differences cannot be saved. After a dialogue change, the values are reset. The error occurs since version 20.11.01. The differences are saved in the database. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
115212 | Interfaces | Periods | Situation: A period import with activated option "Overwrite period" does not create the standard unit. A period import with deactivated option "Overwrite period" and without update, create/restore, archive of units does not reset the milestones. Solution: A period import with activated option "Overwrite period" creates the standard unit. A period import with deactivated option "Overwrite period" and without update, create/restore, archive of units resets the milestones. | - |
113534 | Performance | Periods | Situation: Depending on the size of the period to be imported, the import can even take several hours. Solution: The import process has been significantly speeded up. For full imports at least by a factor of four, for configured partial imports at least by a factor of 2 to 3. | - |
115002 | --- | --- | Situation: The log4j version 2.17.1 has been published. It remedies a further security issue. Furthermore there was a problem with GTC installation in UNIX/Linux environment. Solution: GTC integrates the latest log4j version 2.17.1. The installation can also be done in UNIX/Linux environment. | - |
114639 | Master Data | E-Mail Administration | Situation: A user with the 'SysAdmin-Edit' permission cannot edit the 'Email Administration' dialogue. Solution: The 'Email Administration' dialogue is opened in the edit view for users with the 'SysAdmin-Edit' permission. | - |
110096 | Master Data | CoA Group CoA Company | Situation: The layout of OCI categories in the CoA dialogues by means of radio buttons is intransparent. Furthermore the list of OCI categories in row "income statement-related" is irritating, if the position was defined as a a temporary difference affecting equity. Solution: There is a new row "P&L relevant" with a checkbox "Temporary difference affecting equity". If the checkbox is not activated, the position is affecting P&L. If it is activated the position is a temporary difference affecting equity. Below is the row "OCI category" with a dropdown list of OCI categories maintained. Depending from the checkbox "P&L relevant" the selected category is to be understood as affecting P&L or affecting equity. The Goodwill row is only shown for v1 and v2 periods. When the "Goodwill" option was selected in a non-v1 or non-v2 period, the CoA position is changed to "Temporary difference affecting equity" with OCI category "Other". | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
102572 | Compliance | Payments | A new input field "Segment" has been added. | - |
78760 | Design / User Interface | --- | AMANA wants to standardise the design of its own software products. Therefore, the colour palette, font family, font sizes and other elements of the GTC layout have been adapted to this. Adjustments will also be made in the future. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
114270 | Reports | Tax Reports | Situation: The report "Rollforward deferred taxes" cannot be opened if the current period has no prior period or the currently relevant company (possibly also in the group structure) does not exist in the prior period. Solution: The report can also be opened if it is a new company or no prior period relationship has been maintained. | - |
113599 | --- | --- | Situation: The GTC uses the Log4j library to generate log files. Log4j version 1.x is not officially supported anymore. Security vulnerabilities have been uncovered and are no longer secured in the version. Solution: The Log4j library has been updated to the latest available version 2.16.0. Configuring log levels at runtime is no longer supported by this version. Therefore, this option is no longer available in the administration area. | - |
113542 | --- | --- | Situation: MySQL is still set as the default database in the repository.xml. However, MySQL is no longer actively supported and most GTC customers use MSSQL. Solution: MSSQL is now referenced as the default database in repository.xml. | - |
113016 | Single company | Status | Situation: If a user performs a transaction data copy without authorisation "Master Data: Countries - Read", the GTC runs into an error when saving the data. Solution: The user does not need the above right to perform a transaction data copy. | - |
111378 | Deferred Taxes | Deferred taxes summary | Situation: If flag SHOW_OCI_AT_SUMMARY is activated, entries in dialogue "Others", block "Change in consolidation (cur. year)", rows "Temporary differences" (P&L as well as OCI) are doubled in dialogue "Summary", block "Deferred taxes summary", rows "P&L Debit/(Credit)" and "OCI", column "Change". Solution: The values in column "Change" are correct. | 1131000 |
110943 | Interfaces - Mapping | Import | Situation: Feedback from our customers has indicated that the functions in the enhanced mapping could be expanded. Solution:
| - |
105890 | Interfaces - Import | Import | Situation: The enhanced bulk import of companies does not work, whenever it involves a filter with respect to materiality or reporting dimension and the subgroup company itself does not fullfil the filter condition. The enhanced bulk import of companies works with a filter for materiality or reporting dimension independent from properties of the selected subgroup company. | - |
71047 | Interfaces - Import | TRR | Situation: If the upper/lower case of the target position in the mapping does not match the GTC TRR position during a standard import (e.g.: POS04A instead of pos04a), an error message is displayed, nevertheless the value is saved. Solution: Regardless of the upper/lower case of the target position in the mapping, the value is imported and saved. Consequently, the value can also be edited in the TRR dialogue afterwards. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
109355 | Deferred Taxes | Deferred taxes summary | Situation: A company that transfers deferred taxes to its parent company in the previous period was deleted/archived in the subsequent period. The flag SHOW_OCI_AT_SUMMARY=1 is active. The result sheet cannot be opened for the parent company in the current period. A system error message is displayed. The result sheet can be opened for the parent company in the current period. | - |
90073 | Company - Current Taxes | Tax liabilities | Situation: Over the time, new columns were added to the dialog. The current arrangement of the columns now seems completely random. The user has to jump between the columns to get an overview. Solution: According to the feedback of our customers the columns were rearranged. This does not change the calculation in the dialogue. | |
113381 | Usability | Login | Situation: In case of an error during login (eg: wrong password) the login dialog is refreshed, but no corresponding message shown to the user. The user is shown the corresponding error message, when a login error occurs. |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
109682 | Interfaces - Import | Periods | There is now another control of the functionality: Further Documentation: | - |
107367 | Refactoring | Periods | Situation: The metadata for displaying the period export or import are managed in the system settings table. If the entries are too long (e.g. in the field for companies), the transfer is aborted. Solution: The information is stored in a separate table with enough space for all data. | - |
98979 | Interfaces | Data transfer | Situation: The contents of the data transfer table are not copied when copying periods with transaction data or when copying transaction data of a company. Solution: * When creating new periods with transaction data copy, the contents of the data transfer table are also copied. | - |
112183 | Interfaces - Import | Others | Situation: IFRS values were not imported when importing via RFC, Direct Import and Flexible RFC. The IFRS values should be imported and transferred correctly during an import via RFC, direct import and flexible RFC. | - |
109340 | Company - Current Taxes | Tax liabilities | Situation: Depending on the configuration of the dialogue, values are incorrectly transferred from the previous period to the opening balance of the current period. Solution: The closing stock of the previous period is correctly taken over into the current period. | 1300998 |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
110036 | Interfaces - Import | Periods | Situation: If a period import has option "Overwrite period" deactivated, but option "Import shareholding structure" activated, circular references can exist in tax payer or legal owner relations. Before the import of each shareholding value the relations are checked for circular references. Whenever they exist the relaton is ignored and a message can be found in the import protocol.. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
95588 | Company | Audit issues | Situation: In the collection dialogue of Audit issues a user must have the authorization for „Master Data: Balance Sheet Structure (Company) – Read“, when the unit is an intermediate parent or tax payer of a tax group. The audit risk authorizations are not sufficient in this case. Solution: The collection dialogue of Audit issues can be used with audit risk authorizations alone. | - |
81330 | Reporting | Tax Reports | Situation: The standard tax reports Solution: In order to make the unit tax rate accessible for Excel it is formatted as a number, which was already done for other tax rates within this report. The corresponding label gets an additional percentage symbol "(%)". | - |
105551 | Import | B/S comparison | Situation: When using an interface structure that ignores IFRS values, but imports Local GAAP and Tax balance values, different mappings for positive and negative values lead to an incorrect import. Solution: The import is adapted so that it works corrrectly for the situation described above. |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
108735 | Security | Others | Situation: For connections with MySQL databases GTC uses the MySQL JDBC driver 5.1.21. This version suffers from several security issues. Connections with MySQL databases use the latest MySQL JDBC driver 8.0.26. This driver supports MySQL versions 5.6, 5.7 and 8.0. | - |
104061 | Reporting | Tax Reports | The report Deferred taxes per position with change (data IDs) has been implemented. The report gives an overview of all changes per position per unit from the selected tax group or (sub-) group. | - |
108541 | Performance | Users | Situation: With a large number of users who have been assigned many individual permissions, the user overview opens very slowly. In addition, the table could not be exported correctly. The display is simplified by combining the four columns of the "Role-Company Assignment" into one column. This avoids the display problems and the page can be built up faster by the browser. In addition, the column for displaying the " blocked" status is removed. Instead, the selection field " Display" can be used to control which data is shown: The entries "active", "archived" and " blocked" users are available for selection. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
101080 | Company - Current Taxes | Toolbox | In the master data of the toolbox, the positions 13.1 "Taxed at a different tax rate" and 13.2 "Of which taxed from withholding tax" are now made available. After activation, these two items are mapped below line 13 and, according to the previous calculation logic, additionally run into and reduce the calculation of line 13 "Taxable income for corporate/local tax". Line 13.1 is determined by the sum of lines 40.1.1, 40.2.1, 40.3.1 and 40.4.1. Line 13.2 is a carryover of line 41.1. This function is activated with patch 1300981. | 1300981 |
87725 | Security | Others | Situation: The JDBC driver for Oracle databases which was used up to now is no longer maintained by Oracle. Solution: An up-to-date JDBC driver for Oracle databases is used (ojdbc8.jar). It supports Oracle 12.2, 12cR2 and later database versions. | - |
105561 | Interfaces - Import | Others | Implementation of the interface type "direct import" for validation in the single company. | - |
79122 | Risk Management | TRM | Displays the Risk-ID in the read- and edit-view | - |
106474 | Risk Management | TRM | Situation: When calculating in the audit questionnaire, incorrect results are stored in the overview. Solution: The calculation in the audit questionnaire is performed separately for each version. | - |
106345 | Compliance | Compliance | Situation: Solution: | - |
107611 | Questionnaire | Questionnaire | Situation: Solution: | - |
108218 | Risk Management | TRM | Situation: Solution: | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch | |
107076 | Reporting | Report Differences | Situation: In the reports "Report Differences" and "Report Differences (without zero values)" no currency conversion could be executed. Solution: The selection in the dropdown "Currency" is now also supported for the reports "Report differences" and "Report differences (without zero values)". | - | |
98152 | Company - Deferred Taxes | Others | Situation: In case of a tax rate change between the current and the true-up period, the corresponding effect on deferred taxes is shown once in the TRR and in the Other dialogue, but with different signs. Solution: In case of a tax rate change between current and true-up period, the corresponding effect on deferred taxes is shown in the TRR and in the Other dialogue with the same sign. | 1300982 | |
106530 | Interfaces | Import | Situation: Detail information in tax forms cannot be imported. They can only be delivered by manual input. Solution: The interface direction "Import enhanced" (Mapping Engine) supports an import into detail information of tax forms | - | |
77479 | Questionnaire | Other | Replaced old editor in "Help Administration" with newer editor. | - | - |
79552 | Questionnaire | TQ | Calculations with powers are now possible. | - | - |
101800 | Compliance | Other | Situation: E-Mail Reminder does not send reminder mails for archived items Solution: E-Mail Reminder sends reminder mails for archived items | - | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
107076 | Company - Current Taxes | Toolbox | Situation: Custom rows created through the Toolbox Master Data dialog were no longer present in the totals calculation of rows 16 and 33. Solution: By a job, which is executed at the start of the server, such manual lines are calculated again in the lines 16 and 33. Please check in the autorun log if the job with ID 48 was processed correctly. | - |
93282 | Reporting | Tax Reports | Situation: The report "Rollforward DT" shows the deferred taxes of current and prior period and the detailled change between both periods. The calculation to group currency is only executed with the average exchange rate. Solution: The report is calculating with the correct exchange rate per single value now. | - |
104539 | Company | Report tax balance based profit | Situation: The dialogue "Report tax balance based profit" is currently only displayed for companies with german tax law. Solution: The dialogue "Report tax balance based profit" shows the calculation of the taxable profit/loss. This is relevant for the tax calculation regardless of Germany. Therefore, this dialogue is now displayed for all companies. | - |
107319 | Interfaces - Import | Import | Situation: Very large numbers (several billions) without decimal places cannot be imported by REST service. An error message concerning an invalid data format is shown. Very large numbers (several billions) without decimal places are correctly imported by REST services. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
105751 | Master Data | Units | Situation: Master data for units have different fields concerning fiscal years in different years. The fields visible in "Bulk edit" mode may deviate from them. The fields for fiscal years in "Bulk edit" mode are the same as those when editing a single unit. | - |
103642 | Sub-/Group | Status | The status overview in the (sub-)group area was revised. The contents of the table with the dependent milestones were updated. The columns with the persons responsible have been removed; instead, the country of the company is now also displayed. In addition, the table can be sorted and filtered. The print and export functions have also been updated. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
103535 | Interfaces - Export | Export | Situation: By means of the export of GTC IDs users can access nearly any GTC value and use them in their "Own reports". In some areas users have the need for addtitional IDs. Differences in the B/S comparison for columns with the same properties regarding P/L vs OCI and temporary vs permanent are not aggregated. Difference values in the B/S comparison for columns with the same properties regarding P/L vs OCI and temporary vs permanent are added up. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch | |
104892 | Reporting | Tax Reports | In the report Companies (REPORT_UNITS), the data "Postal code, city" is no longer taken from the Company data tab but from the Management address tab. | - | |
105716 | Risk Management | TRM | Situation: Risks created via the Questionnaire are not archived if the option "Do you confirm existence of the risk?" is answered with no. Solution: Risks that are created via the questionnaire are now archived if the option "Do you confirm existence of the risk?" is answered with no. | - | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch | |
70149 | Design / GUI | Others | Situation: When dialogues in the GTC are larger, such as in the balance sheet comparison, it is not easy for the user to keep a clear overview. Solution: The headings and line descriptions in tables can be fixed. The setting is made in the dialogue "My Profile". You will find additional information in the user guide. | - | |
103244 | Security | Others | Situation: There is a fixed list of file extensions within GTC which defines that certain file types must not be uploaded. In dialogue "Administration / System settings" the system administrator can configure which file types may and which file types must not be uploaded. For this purpose either a list of "Allowed file extensions" or a list of "Not allowed file extensions" can be defined If the list of allowed file extensions is configured, only files with a file extension included in the list may be uploaded. If the list of not allowed file extensions is configured, only files with a file extension which is not included in the list may be uploaded. It is not sensible to define both lists. In this case the list of allowed file extensions is the leading one. In each case the list is specified as a sequence of file extensions without the dot separated by a comma, semicolon or blank. Initially these settings are filled with file extensions not allowed in GTC. | - | |
103399 | Risk Management | TRM | Situation: Solution: | - | - |
103400 | Risk Management | TRM | Situation: Solution: | - | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
102281 | Security | Login | Situation: The password guidelines provided at delivery were no longer in line with current recommendations. Solution: The guidelines provided at delivery were updated. Detailed information on the configuration options can be found in the corresponding chapter. Users can still log in. As soon as a user has to assign a new password on a regular basis, the new configuration is applied. | - |
104034 | Master Data | Units | Situation: When archiving a company, an error message occurs if this company has subordinate companies. The error occurs as of version 20.16.00. Solution: Archiving of companies can be performed without error messages. | - |
Ticket | Category | Dialog | Release Information | Patch |
68698 | Master Data | Toolbox | Situation: The master data of the toolbox cannot be edited if "---" is selected as the country. Solution: The display of certain lines can be activated and deactivated in the toolbox master data. | - |
104034 | Master Data | Units | Situation: When archiving a company, an error message occurs if this company has subordinate companies. The error occurs as of version 20.16.00. Solution: Archiving of companies can be performed without error messages. | - |
102281 | Security | Login | Situation: The password guidelines provided at the time of delivery were no longer in line with current recommendations. Solution: The guidelines specified at delivery have been adapted. Detailed information about the configuration options can be found in the corresponding chapter. Users can still log in. As soon as a user has to assign a new password on a regular basis, the new configuration is applied. | - |
97547 | (Sub-)Group | Status | Situation: In the "(Sub-)Group / Status" section, the milestone "Actual taxes" is missing in the "Milestones of dependent companies / (sub-)groups" section for consolidation units. Solution: The milestone is now displayed. | - |