First steps after an Update

First steps after an Update

Video: Creation of a new period


01 - Master Data - Periods.mkv
Video: Creation of a new period

Creation of a new period

After first intallation: With a first installation the Pillar 2 Module is not visible immediately. The information for the Pillar 2 Module is implemented in the Questionnaire of the Default Period “---”. To activate the BEPS Module, it is necessary to create a new period that contains this information.

After Update: The Entity Data Collection is not updated for existing periods, but the information is stored in the “---” Default Periode. To use the updated Entity Data Collection it is necessary, that you create a new period that contains this information.

Creation of a new period in the Expert mode:

  • Open the Overview Periods Dialogue in the Master Data

  • Use the button “Create (Expert)” to see the Detail view Period (see screenshot below)

  • A name and the end of period have to be specified

  • Any prior period can be used (used for information from the previous finance year)

  • Any related period can be chosen (Important for true ups)

  • Any Master data / Tax calculation period can be chosen (period of which the master data and tax calculation is taken. You can transport also the values from the tax calculation if you check the respective box and the milestone status of the income tax period with the respective box)

  • “Questionnaire Copy based on…” needs to be the default period! The information from the default period is than transferred to the new period.

    • You can check the version of existing periods in the section Questionnaire Administration. Please read the information about the Questionnaire Administration.

  • You can deactivate modules by activating the checkboxes on the right (e.g. without Country-by-Country module)

Period Creation - Expert mode



For the Pillar 2 Calculation it is mandatory, that in the country master data all countries (even if there are no entities in this country) have an ISO-Code.

Reporting Dimension Type

Reporting Dimensions play an important role for the Blending in the Pillar 2 calculation. To perform the first calculations it is necessary, to create at least one Reporting Dimension Type (e.g. “Pillar 2”) and select it in the BEPS Administration area. For more information on Reporting Dimension Types and Reporting Dimensions in general, please see the respective section in the user manual.

Authorization objects and roles

For the Pillar 2 module new authorization objects and roles were established. Once installed, the BEPS modules is visible only for users with the role “superuser”. New authorization objects and roles have to be assigned to users, to allow access to the module. For more information on Reporting Dimension Types and Reporting Dimensions in general, please see the respective section in the user manual.

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