Release Notes Version 23

Release Notes Version 23

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 23.05.08 (2024-07-09)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 

Update to Spring-Framework Version "5.3.37"



The automatic migration of users, roles and role assignments from Income Taxes to the portal does not work. The error message refers to an error in the target module during ID mapping.

The behaviour occurs since version 23.05.00.


The automatic migration works and supports an error-free transfer of users, roles and role assignments from Income Taxes to the portal.

 23.05.07 (2024-06-19)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 

Update to Spring-Framework Version "5.3.36"

 23.05.06 (2024-05-14)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 


If a user is restored in the portal, this event is not correctly sent to the Income Taxes module. The user is still archived and cannot log in to Income Taxes.


The user is restored in both Income Taxes and the portal. To correct the behaviour, please archive the user a second time and restore them again.



In newly installed environments, the behaviour occurs that it is not possible to switch from the Income Taxes module to the Portal module. The same behaviour occurs when a newly created user works with the system.


The connection between the Portal and Income Taxes modules works properly in both directions.

AMP-5740Master DataRoles


Role changes and assignments done in the portal might be out of sync with the data stored in the Income Taxes database (eg because of a network error). Note that the only possible error concerns deletions of roles and role assignments.


Roles and role assignments are synchronised with the portal during startup of the Income Taxes Tomcat and during user login.

 23.05.05 (2024-04-22)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 
AMP-6995Master DataRolesRole allocations weren't able to be transfered to IncomeTaxes if a role, that isn't known to IncomeTaxes, was part of the allocations to be saved. (F.e. if that role has no accessrights of IncomeTaxes)
The contexts selectboxes for IncomeTaxes in Portal - Role allocation (Companies, Reporting Dimensions and Countries) have been restored to be multiselectboxes.
 23.05.04 (2024-04-12)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 

The interfaces consumed by Tax Balance could not create an authorized response. Executing the Masterdata-Import in Tax Balance resulted in an error.

The services are able to authorize users again.

 23.05.03 (2024-03-28)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 

Excel files with a suffix in uppercase letters (eg: SAMPLE.XLS) are not correctly interpreted by the mapping engine. As a consequence their import shows several errors.

The mapping engine is case-insensitive with respect to file names.

 23.05.02 (2024-03-20)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 

Update of the Spring library to version 5.3.33

 23.05.00 (2024-03-04)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 
AMP-3743QuestionnaireQuestionnaire administration


In the situation of opening the questionnaire administration dialogue, an error was displayed when the TQ period did not have any milestones.


The questionnaire administration dialog can be opened even if the period does not contain any milestones.



Despite milestones being closed, milestone reminders were still being sent out via emails.


No more email notifications when the milestones are closed



The DB Migration Script "V20231201100000130__Update_Flags_TSYSTEM_TAUTHOBJECT_TAUTHORIZATION.sql"
failed if in the UserRole "TQCalendar" is avaible.


Add database scripts



When switching from a period with activated questionnaire to a period with deactivated questionnaire in one questionnaire dialog, the questionnaire is still displayed.


The questionnaire will no longer be displayed when switching to a period in which the questionnaire is not activated. It will be redirected to the main page with an information message.

AMP-2187Master DataPeriods


Period copies are implemented via a stored procedure in the database. For large periods (eg. 800 units, 2 million differences) and MS SQL Server the procedure was not executed in a reasonable time.


The Transact SQL script was rewritten which significantly improved performance.



Due to the fixed width of the A1 fields, reading the entered text is difficult and unreadable, especially for longer texts.


Line breaks have been inserted..

AMP-2187Master DataPeriods


Period copies are implemented via a stored procedure in the database. For large periods (eg. 800 units, 2 million differences) and MS SQL Server the procedure was not executed in a reasonable time.


The Transact SQL script was rewritten which significantly improved performance.

AMP-4275Master DataPeriods


On period creation you receive an error, if the basis period does not contain a Questionnaire.


The error has been fixed. A period can be created without a Questionnaire in the basis period.

AMP-1686InterfacePeriod export


At present, no questionnaire values are considered in the current period transfer.


Questionnaire structures will be considered in the transfer of master data, and questionnaire values will be considered in the transfer of movement data from now on.

AMP-2191Master DataPeriods


The period types v1 and v2 should no longer be created. This was still possible with the SHOW_OLD_PERIOD_VERSIONS flag activated which implies support and maintenance costs.


The flag is removed. Periods of types v1 and v2 can no longer be created.



There is no standard for automatically checking the availability of portal modules.


All portal modules agreed on a standard health check. IncomeTaxes supports this health check with details about the database availability and the validity of the database scheme.

Additionally REST endpoints are now based on the new libraries portalconnect-core and portalconnect-webclient.

AMP-1881(Sub-) GroupOther


Experience shows that the (sub-) group dialog "Other" is not used by users.


The (Sub-) Group dialog "Other" is removed.

 23.04.00 (2024-01-03)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 
147970(Sub-) GroupImport


If a user enters a dialogue of a group company, a corresponding warning message is shown for a concurrent user in the (sub-) group import. This indicates that concurrent activities can lead to conflicts when data is stored. However, the (sub-) group import cannot be executed at all.


With the warning regarding the concurrent activities on a subgroup company, a button "Import anyway" is displayed. This means that the (sub-) group import can still be executed.

 23.03.02 (2023-11-22)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 


The import via the extended mapping (flags: INTERFACE_CONFIG = 2, MAPPING_VERSION = 3) in dialogues of the current taxes area from VZ 2018 onward runs into a general error.


The error occurred as part of an optimization during the provision of the import for the dialogue "Anlage FE-K-Bet" and was corrected accordingly at this point.

 23.03.00 (2023-10-25)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 


The company transfers deferred taxes.

If you copy a period with transaction data but without milestones, the milestones for deferred taxes are not copied.

As a result, the milestone is only initialised with the status "not started" when the dialogue " Single company / status" is called up.

This leads to errors, especially for true-up periods, as these companies cannot be accessed in the following period.


The milestones are also copied and set directly to the status "not started".



In the interface structure for importing a csv or excel file there is a checkbox "Save Importfile as comment".

When the checkbox is activated, it is not taken into account in the dialog "(Sub-) Group / Import".

It is furthermore ignored during the enhanced import (mapping engine) in the dialog "Company / Import".


The checkbox "Save Importfile as comment" of the interface structure is taken into account in all variants when importing a csv or Excel file.

148517Interfaces(Sub) Group Import


In the dialog "(Sub) Group Import" via RFC and REST, data is first retrieved for each group company before the filter for materiality and reporting dimensions is subsequently applied. Thus, unnecessary data may be retrieved.


To improve performance, RFC and REST calls are now only made for those group companies that are not screened out by the filter on materiality and reporting dimensions.


Update of json library

 23.02.00 (2023-10-04)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 
143640UsabilityOwn Reports


In the "Data export" dialogue, exports to various destinations can be started. However, there is no automatic update of the dialog to show the current export status.


Similar to the reports dialogue, a message box at the bottom right of the screen informs about the current status of the export. Because exports (including exports from different users) are processed sequentially, this means that the user is informed about the current position in the queue. When the export is finished, the message box informs the user about the completion and destination of the export.

 23.01.03 (2023-09-15)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 
149755Master Data-


The milestones of the currently selected company are already in the status " finished " or " checked ".
Now another company is edited in the "Master data" area.

The error behavior occurs that the milestones for current and deferred taxes of the company currently selected in the background (not the one that was edited) are reset to "in progress". The TRR milestone retains its status.

The behavior has been occurring since version 22.16.03.


The report can be executed even if the company does not exist in the comparison period.



In GTC, a library is integrated for the Compliance World Map, which now has security vulnerabilities. For this reason, the world map is temporarily deactivated in order to remove the library.

Please contact our support if you are using the world map for your processes, so that we can work together to find a solution.

 23.01.02 (2023-09-13)

Required Transfer Client version:

Required Portal version: 23.02.01

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 


Due to an adjustment of the formula parser in the questionnaire, a critical error occurred in GTC version 23.00.02 if the questionnaire uses a rounding function.
In this case, it may have occurred that a calculated field with a rounding function was set to 0.


The error has been corrected. If the rounding function was executed incorrectly, please call up the period and the company again. The formula is executed correctly and the correct value is saved.



When running Questionnaire reports, an error in the currency conversion caused the execution of the report to be aborted.
This case occurred when a comparison period was selected in which a company of the leading period did not exist.


The report can be executed even if the company does not exist in the comparison period.

147675Company - Current TaxesCurrent Tax Charge


In the calculation of current taxes for foreign companies (toolbox), lines 19 and following cannot be hidden.


Depending on the setting in the master data of the toolbox, the lines 19 and following are displayed or hidden.

100886(Sub-) GroupImport


The milestone robotic in a (sub-) group import does not work completely, if the dialogue "Receivables / Liabilities from income taxes (Provision Analysis)" is activated with option "with milestones" in the master data of a unit: The milestone "Current tax charge" is not closed, if in the robotic of the interface structure the option "close milestones" of "Milestone workflow" is activated.


The milestone "Current tax charge" is closed in a (sub-) group import, when dialog "Receivables / Liabilities from income taxes (Provision Analysis)" is activated option "with milestones".

 23.01.00 (2023-08-14)

Required Transfer Client version: ???

Required Portal version: ???

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 
145611CompanyState Tax


The import of tax rates for the Swiss tax invoice has been adjusted.

New fields have been added and the way the import works has been revised so that the order of the columns in the import file is no longer important. The columns to be imported are identified by technical IDs in the first line of the file.

If these IDs are not fully maintained in the import file, the import cannot be performed correctly.

145522CompanyState Tax


The cantons of Basel-Land and Valais require a second tier of profit taxes, individual, municipal in the cantonal tax of the Swiss tax calculation.


This second stage has been added in Income Taxes.

To maintain the 2nd stage, the tax rate list was extended with corresponding columns and the processing of the 2nd stage was implemented in the calculation.

The form set 2022 must be activated in the period master data.



Some rest interfaces cannot be used in the new suite environment.


The endpoints for retrieving the interfaces set up and for retrieving the balance sheet item information can now be used in the suite environment.

Each REST endpoint is protected by its own permission. The user calling the endpoints must have the respective permission.
* RestExportInterfaces - Execute
* RestExportAccounts - Execute

145520CompanyState Tax


The cantons of Basel-Land and Valais have so far used the calculation of capital tax with individual tax rates for canton, municipality and church. Now the calculation of the total tax rates must be used.


As of VZ 2022, the two cantons use the calculation with total tax rates, provided that the parameters in the tax rate list are set accordingly.

The 2022 form set must be activated in the period master data.

145519CompanyState Tax


The canton of Neuchâtel needs a fourth level of profit taxes in the cantonal tax of Switzerland calculation.


This fourth stage was added in Income Taxes.

To maintain the 4th step, the tax rate list was extended with corresponding columns and the processing of the 4th step was implemented in the calculation.

The form set 2022 must be activated in the period master data.

 23.00.02 (2023-08-07)

Required Transfer Client version: ???

Required Portal version: ???

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 
145517CompanyState Tax


Only periods of the type "tax return" can be created for the form sets from 2018. Here, rounding is activated in the tax calculation for Switzerland ("23.45" => "23.00").


If a company uses the Swiss tax law, the values are also saved in the more recent assessment periods without rounding.

145014Master DataPeriods


In 2021, a new version of the period transfer was implemented that allows flexible control of the various options in the period transfer directly in the interface.

However, the older variant of the period transfer is still activated by default.


The old period transfer is now switched off and the new period import is visible (if purchased).
The new period export is always displayed.



After importing a period with activated option "Overwrite period", there are no balance sheet positions (the dialog "CoA Group" is empty), if the export had previously been performed with the option "Master data only".


Balance sheets are considered as master data. In the current case, the balance sheet positions of the exported period are imported into the target period. However, all balance sheet values are set to zero.



For the implementation that can be used to jump from the Income Taxes product directly into the VAT product, a password has been defined within the source code. This posed a potential security risk.


The password can now be entered via the Tomcat start parameter "-Dgtc.runtime.privatekey.pw=". The password must be specified for this implementation to work.

121545Company - Current TaxesParticipation Deduction


In the dialog Participation Deduction, loans to affiliated companies are now to be taken into account. This applies to all cantons that know a participation deduction / capital reduction, except for the cantons BS and FR.


For this purpose, new lines have been added to the Participation Deduction dialog, which are automatically used in the corresponding cantons.

Portal / GTC Suite


If roles were assigned to users with contexts (companies, reporting dimensions or countries) from the Income Taxes module via the portal, only the first of these contexts was displayed. Alternatively, it was also possible to display all contexts as single items.


The contexts are now delivered to the portal aggregated so that the display shows them together.

At least Portal version 23.02.01 is required.



When importing from SmartTaxBalance, mapping to target positions is aborted if one of the target positions does not exist (e.g. if the form is not visible). As a result, subsequent valid target positions are ignored and the import is incomplete.


The mapping is completely executed even if one of the target positions does not exist.



It is not possible to import in the single company area via a created REST interface in the "Validation" dialogue.


It should be possible to import into the "Validation" dialogue via a REST interface with the corresponding mapping in the single company area. In the mapping, TVALIDATION must be specified as the target in the column "Dialogue (target)".



If the checkbox "Save Importfile as comment" is activated in an interface structure for file import ("Standard (csv, txt, xls, xlsx)"), only "small" files (under 2 MB) are stored together with a comment. Larger files are not stored: Accessing the file via the comment returns an error message.


Larger files are also stored together with a comment.

145014Master DataPeriods


In 2021, a new version of the period transfer was implemented that allows flexible control of the various options in the period transfer directly in the interface.

However, the older variant of the period transfer is still activated by default.


The old period transfer is now switched off and the new period import is visible (if purchased).
The new period export is always displayed.

144661ReportingTax Reports


In the report REPORT_EXPORT_ALL_GTC_IDS, the values for the keys LCF_LocalTax and LCF_TaxCredits are incorrect.

Here the value from the keys LCF_for.tax.2nd (local tax+ capital losses) or LCF_tax.credit (tax credits and other tax advantages abroad) is found again.


The values only contain the local tax and the tax credits and are not supplemented by the capital losses or other tax benefits.

147417Master DataUsers


If several user accounts are created in the portal by means of an import file, not all user accounts are transferred to IncomeTaxes.


Also when user accounts are created via an import file, a complete transfer into IncomeTaxes is done.



For the implementation that can be used to jump from the Income Taxes product directly into the VAT product, a password has been defined within the source code. This posed a potential security risk.


The password can now be entered via the Tomcat start parameter "-Dgtc.runtime.privatekey.pw=". The password must be specified for this implementation to work.

 23.00.01 (2023-06-27)

Required Transfer Client version: ???

Required Portal version: ???

TicketCategoryDialogRelease InformationPatch 


When exporting data via data export, the results are kept in the cache for a longer time. This slows down exports over time.


The cache is cleared as soon as the export has been carried out.

143040Deferred TaxesStatus


The milestone "Other" was not hidden for consolidation units in the single company, although the corresponding flag was imported.


The milestone "Other" is now hidden if the corresponding flag is set.



If the Tomcat was stored on a different medium than the Windows installation or its path was changed, then no serial number could be displayed during activation and thus no activation key could be generated.


If the path to the Windows folder "System32" is not correct by default and thus no serial number is displayed, the path can be specified with the Tomcat start parameter -Dgtc.runtime.system32="...". This is always favored over the default path.

144597Design AndereThe product "GlobalTaxCenter" now is called "GlobalTaxCenter Income Taxes".-

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