XBRL Processor Settings

XBRL Processor Settings

You will find the following settings under Settings → XBRL Processor Settings... in the XBRL Tagger:


Validation Settings

  • Enable UTR (unit type registry) validation: when enabled checks if all units, created in the report are real, existing units (like EUR).

  • Enable DTR (data type registry) validation: when enabled checks if all extension data types, created in the report are real, existing data types (like monetary).

XBRL File Cache Settings

  • Cache downloaded files: when selected, downloaded taxonomies will be saved locally for faster access. They are stored in a dedicated cache folder.

  • Re-Download and override cached files (not recommended): when selected, the local cached files in the cache folder will always be replaced with new ones loaded from the internet (this is not recommended).

  • Force offline cache usage: when selected, the local cache will be used where the taxonomies are located. If the taxonomies are not found, the engine will download them from the internet.

  • Disable binary cache: when selected, the fast binary cache will not be used. The binary cache stores a serialised version of the loaded taxonomy to further speed up subsequent loadings.

  • Taxonomy Package Cache Usage: select in which form the taxonomy packages will be stored.

    • None: taxonomy packages will not be cached.

    • Extracted: taxonomy packages will be stored in plain files (this is obsolete).

    • Zip: taxonomy packages will be stored as ZIP-files.

  • Cache folder: sets the local folder used for caching taxonomies.

Proxy Settings

  • Proxy Settings: settings for a proxy server to access the remote location where the taxonomy is situated can be configured here.

    • No proxy: no proxy server is used.

    • System proxy: standard proxy is used.

    • Own proxy: custom proxy is used and needs to be configured below. Enables the fields “Server address”, “Port” and “Proxy authentication”.

  • Serveraddress Port: server address and port for the proxy to be used.

  • Proxy authentication: when selected, the Tagger will try to authenticate itself against the proxy server with the information set below. Enables the fields “Domain”, “Username” and “Password”.

  • Domain: domain used for authentication against the proxy server.

  • Username: username used for authentication against the proxy server.

  • Password: password used for authentication against the proxy server.

Test Connection

  • Test URL: tests the connection to the specified URL when “Test” button is clicked and shows whether the connection was successful.


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