XBRL Processor Settings

XBRL Processor Settings

You will find the following settings under Settings → XBRL Processor Settings... in the XBRL Tagger:


Validation Settings

  • Exclusions: offers a list of entry points to exclude from calculation linkbase validation.

  • Calculation 1.1 rounding: the rounding mode used for validation with Calculation 1.1. Only enabled when “Calculation Linkbase Validation Mode” is “Enabled” or “Auto”. There are two modes to choose from: "round-to-nearest" and "truncation" mode. We recommend to use "round-to-nearest" for your reports.

    • While not yet mandatory for ESEF, the new implementation of the calculation linkbase in version 1.1 can be chosen in the Settings. 

      You can choose between "Auto", "Enabled" and "Disabled". Only "real" calculation errors are displayed, no rounding issues are displayed.

      • Auto: includes the list of exclusions (taxonomies where no calculation linkbase validation will be applied):

      • Enabled: calculation linkbase validation always enabled (regardles of selected taxonomy).

      • Disabled: calculation linkbase validation always disabled.

  • Calculation Linkbase Validation Severity Error Threshold (in percent): when selected, a percent value can be set to define a threshold up to which calculation linkbase inconsistencies are still shown as WARNING instead of ERROR. Only selectable when “Calculation Linkbase Validation Mode” is “XBRL 2.1”.

    • In order to distinguish rounding inconsistencies from real calculation issues (that usually indicate tagging issues), the AMANA XBRL Engine allows to enable a Calculation Linkbase Validation Severity Error Threshold, which must be configured in the XBRL (user based) settings. If the threshold is activated and set to e.g. 1%, it means that the all calculation inconsistencies where the delta is smaller than 1% of the rounded reported value are deemed to be WARNINGS, while all inconsistencies with differences bigger then the threshold are deemed to be ERRORS. If the threshold is not set, all calculation inconsistencies are signalled with a WARNING severity.

    • Further reading: https://www.xbrl.org/esef-errors-and-common-pitfalls-8-rounding-and-calculations/

  • Enable UTR (unit type registry) validation: when enabled checks if all units, created in the report are real, existing units (like EUR).

  • Enable DTR (data type registry) validation: when enabled checks if all extension data types, created in the report are real, existing data types (like monetary).

XBRL File Cache Settings

  • Cache downloaded files: when selected, downloaded taxonomies will be saved locally for faster access. They are stored in a dedicated cache folder.

  • Re-Download and override cached files (not recommended): when selected, the local cached files in the cache folder will always be replaced with new ones loaded from the internet (this is not recommended).

  • Force offline cache usage: when selected, the local cache will be used where the taxonomies are located. If the taxonomies are not found, the engine will download them from the internet.

  • Disable binary cache: when selected, the fast binary cache will not be used. The binary cache stores a serialised version of the loaded taxonomy to further speed up subsequent loadings.

  • Taxonomy Package Cache Usage: select in which form the taxonomy packages will be stored.

    • None: taxonomy packages will not be cached.

    • Extracted: taxonomy packages will be stored in plain files (this is obsolete).

    • Zip: taxonomy packages will be stored as ZIP-files.

  • Cache folder: sets the local folder used for caching taxonomies.

Proxy Settings

  • Proxy Settings: settings for a proxy server to access the remote location where the taxonomy is situated can be configured here.

    • No proxy: no proxy server is used.

    • System proxy: standard proxy is used.

    • Own proxy: custom proxy is used and needs to be configured below. Enables the fields “Server address”, “Port” and “Proxy authentication”.

  • Serveraddress Port: server address and port for the proxy to be used.

  • Proxy authentication: when selected, the Tagger will try to authenticate itself against the proxy server with the information set below. Enables the fields “Domain”, “Username” and “Password”.

  • Domain: domain used for authentication against the proxy server.

  • Username: username used for authentication against the proxy server.

  • Password: password used for authentication against the proxy server.

Test Connection

  • Test URL: tests the connection to the specified URL when “Test” button is clicked and shows whether the connection was successful.


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