GTC 23.05.01

GTC 23.05.01

Technical Updates

  • Version 2 of Pillar 2 comes with the GTC-Suite 23.05.

  • Technical ID changes, please see the new list of Datapoints in the section Important Documents

    • Update of already existing IDs: DT-2.16 and DT-2.7

    • 3 New technical IDs: IR-1, DT-2.7, DT-4.8

  • “Transfer Values” is activated with each “Import” for all Entities & Dialogs

  • “Transfer Values” is activated with each “Copy from Questionnaire”

  • Period Wizard differentiates BEPS-Period (only Pillar 2) and Tax Calculation Period (without Pillar 2). A Period for tax calculation and Pillar 2 has to be created in the Expert Mode

  • Restructuring of Dialogs as explained below

  • AMAE00 excludes companies from all calculations

  • AMAE01 leads to UPE specific lines in Entity Data Collection. Deactivation of AMAE01 leads to exclusion of UPE specific lines in Entity Data Collection.

Entity Data Collection

  • New datapoint for the Inclusion ratio in Dialogue “Top-Up Tax Allocation”

  • Choice between automatic and manual recast: The automatic recast by the tax rate can be deselected and a recast amount can be entered manually instead.

Tax Allocations

  • New dialogue - Tax Allocations: Possibility to allocate CFC-Tax Expense or Taxes on distributions from one CE to another. The effects can be seen in the CE-Calculation. So far it is not possible to import the values, in the next version it should be possible to import them (similar to the 8b dialogue) via Excel upload.

FTE / PE Allocations

  • New dialogue - FTE / PE Allocations: Possibility to allocate FANIL (INC-1) or Current Taxes (CT-1) from one CE to another. The effects can be seen in the CE-Calculation. So far it is not possible to import the values, in the next version it should be possible to import them (similar to the 8b dialogue) via Excel upload.


  • The design will undergo a general revision, including automatic fixing of headings and variable column fixing, as well as improved display performance.

Overview Results

  • New dialogue - Overview Results: Graphical representation of the results and other processing (e.g. list of countries not exempt from the safe harbour)


  • New dialogue - Allocations: Overview of all FTE/PE and Tax Allocations

C5 - Top-Up Tax Calculation

  • New dialogue - C5 - Top-up tax Allocation: Allocation of the top-up tax to the individual CEs (rule of three according to GloBE income share pursuant to GIR) and multiplication of the individual CE top-up tax with the inclusion ratio.


GTC / P2 Version


Bug fixed

GTC / P2 Version


Bug fixed

GTC 23.02

Pillar 2 2.0.5

Currency Exchange Rates for the Value “Carrying value of relevant Eligible Tangible Assets located in the jurisdiction at the beginning of the reporting year” of the Substance based Income Exclusion.

Issue is fixed with GTC 23.05


Possible Workaround:

  • Insert countries and respective ultimo currency in the default period

  • Do not select a previous period snapshot to calculate a snapshot


The Assets at the Beginning of the period are calculated with the prior Ultimo currency exchange rate. The Bug leads to the fact, that the system doesn’t find the previous period. By default, the currency exchange rate of the default period (“---”) is used to calculate the value in the respective currency. It therefore is possible, to enter the currency exchange rates in the default period to calculate the “Carrying value of relevant Eligible Tangible Assets located in the jurisdiction at the beginning of the reporting year”.


GTC 23.02

Pillar 2 2.0.5

Recast Amount is zero, if not all percentage values of DT-4.2, DT-4.4 or DT-4.5 unequal 0.

Issue is fixed with GTC 23.05


  • Insert any other value but zero in DT-4.2, DT-4.4 and DT-4.6, so the function will calculate the recast amount. If the value of the amount to be recastet (DT-4.1, DT-4.3, DT-4.5) is zero, the function is valid and the result will be zero also if DT-4.2, DT-4.4 and DT-4.6 are not zero.


At the moment the formula of the recast doesn’t work if either DT-4.2, DT-4.4 or DT-4.5 are equal to zero. If zero, the value in DT-4.1 or respectively DT-4.3, DT-4.5 are divided by zero and the whole function is not valid.


GTC 23.02

Pillar 2 2.0.5

Authorizations lead to a wrong surface in the dialogue GloBE Income. This concerns just clients, who use authorizations and role concepts for their Pillar 2 Data Collection. For superuser the dialogues work.

Issue is fixed with GTC 23.05


  • As superuser, the dialogue has the right surface.

  • With a short SQL-Statement the problem can be fixed easily. (via Script)


Technical Issue regarding authorizations.



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