After selecting the file, drop-down menus appear under "General settings" to ensure that the correct data is imported. "Worksheet" indicates the name of the sheet from the current Excel workbook. "Unique Identifier Column" specifies the Technical Reference. "Structure Number Column Dropdown" selects the Chapter column that logically structures a Disclosure Checklist. The "Reference Column" indicates the reference from the Excel sheet. The "Description Column" selects the Disclosure Column that contains the Disclosures, i.e. the descriptions of the respective Standards. "Nodes" can be selected individually. Selecting the appropriate node column creates either a flat list or a tree structure from the Disclosure Checklist. Under "Additional Settings" are the "Additional Columns". These can be individually assigned if they are required for different sets of standards. After selecting the appropriate columns, the data is imported from the Excel file into the database via "Import" and saved. Important: A disclosure checklist is only imported for the currently opened document.