

Create and manage users

The GTC users are managed in the Master Data dialog User. The most important attributes of a user, e.g. roles, assigned companies, and the contact data are displayed in the overview table. Any number of users can be created.
Users with a warning triangle in the overview dialogue are blocked and have no access to the GTC (e.g. wrong password):

User ID
The user ID is assigned automatically as a consecutive number by the GTC. Each ID is assigned only once to a user. Even after deleting the user, the ID is not reused.

The (GTC) Login is freely selectable and can consist of letters, numbers and special characters. A later change of login after the initial creation of the user is possible.

First name
The entry of the first name is optional.

The surname is a required field.

Description / Phone number / Email
These entries are optional. However, it is recommended to save this information for contact purposes. This is relevant, for example, for cases where users work in one company and thus access to this company is blocked for other users. In case the contact details are available, they are displayed in the corresponding message (e.g. Company is currently being edited by person John Doe).

Expiration date
A user can be created for a limited period of time. This can be relevant for external consultants who get access to the GTC for a limited period of time.

Password / Confirm password
The administrator of the GTC assigns the initial password for every user. This password must be changed by the user on the first login into the GTC. This also applies if the password is reset for an existing GTC user.

After clicking the button, the user is saved to the GTC database. It is recommended to add the Elster-Zertifikat in the My Profile dialogue. This setting applies only to users who want to send their tax declarations for German companies from the GTC (function is not included in the GTC standard).

Assignment of roles
After the new user has been created, rights and/or roles can be assigned. This allocation can be made individually for each company (e.g. local company supervisor) or affect the entire group (e.g. subgroup responsible).
In addition to the manual assignment of roles, the settings can also be made based on existing user configurations. The function copy based on is available here. The use of this copy function makes sense if several people are responsible for the same companies and have the same permissions. In this case, the detailed configuration must be made only once.

The roles are managed in the Master Data dialogue Roles{}. For example, an auditor can be assigned the corresponding role Auditor (read-only). If there are no restrictions, select (---).

Each role can be limited to one (or more) companies. For example, it can be defined that foreign auditors can only access certain companies. If there are no restrictions, select (---). Then the role is not limited to a company.

Reporting Dimension
The selected role can also be restricted to reporting dimensions that are stored in the Master Data. If there are no restrictions, select (---).

Roles can be limited to countries. If there are no restrictions, select (---).
The assignment of individual roles ensures a sophisticated rights allocation system. In this way, for example, it is possible to ensure the four-eye principle.

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