C5 - Top-Up Tax Allocation

C5 - Top-Up Tax Allocation

The Top-Up Tax Allocation shows the allocation of the Top-Up Tax Amount per Jurisdiction or Subgroup to the low-taxed CEs with a positive GloBE Income. By multiplying the allocated Top-Up Tax with the Inclusion Ratio of each CE, the Top-Up Tax Expense of the separate low-taxed CE or member of Joint Venture Group is calculated. The Information of the Inclusion Ratio is taken from the Entity Data Collection and more specific from the dialogue “Top-Up Tax Allocation”.


Low-taxed CE allocated Top-Up Tax


Low-taxed CE allocated Top-Up Tax


Jurisdiction or Subgroup
States the Jurisdiction or Subgroup of the respective CE.


Positive GloBE Income of the low-taxed CE or member of Joint Venture Group
States the GloBE Income {INC-3} of the CE-Calculation if positive, for each CE.


Total GloBE Income of the Jurisdiction or Subgroup

States the sum of positive GloBE Income {INC-3} of the whole corresponding Jurisdiction or Subgroup.


Relevant Percentage of the Net GloBE Income

States the share of the positive GloBE Income of each CE in percentage, the calculation is as follows,

{TA-2.1} / {TA-2.2} * 100


Total Top-Up Tax Amount of the Jurisdiction or Subgroup

States the total amount of Top-Up Tax of the Jurisdictional Blending {TT-3}.


Top-Up Tax Amount of the low-taxed CE or member of Joint Venture Group

States the Top-Up Tax amount allocated to the respective CE, the calculation is as follows,

{TA-2} * {TA-3.1} / 100


Income Inclusion Rule


Inclusion Ratio

States for each entity the “Total” percentage of the entity data collection in IR-1.


Top-Up Tax Expense of the low-taxed CE or member of Joint Venture Group

States for each entity the Top-Up Tax Expense in regard to the inclusion ratio, the calculation is as follows,

{TA-3} * {TA-4.1} / 100


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